William Godwin's Diary

Texts Godwin Read


Cath. Hayes, &c., 60 pp. (11  October  1793) Unable to identify separate work.
Possibly WG continues reading one of the following works from 1793-10-09:
AnonymousSelect trials for murders, robberies, rapes, sodomy, coining, frauds, And other Offences: at the Sessions-House in the Old-Bailey. To which are added, genuine accounts of the lives, behaviour, confessions and dying-speeches of the most eminent convicts. Vol. I. From the Year 1720, to 1724, inclusive. Vol. II. From the Year 1724 to 1732, inclusive. 1734-5
A subsequent edition uses the same title but a later end date: … in 4 volumes, from the year 1720 to this time … , 1742. And the following: Select trials for murder, robbery, burglary, rapes, sodomy[,] coining, forgery, piracy, and other offences and misdemeanors, at the Sessions-House in the Old-Bailey, to which are added genuine accounts of the lives, exploits, behaviour, confessions, and dying-speeches, of the most notorious convicts, from the year 1741 to the present year 1764, inclusive; which completes the trials from the years 1720. 1764. OR
AnonymousA select and impartial account of the lives, behaviour, and dying words of the most remarkable convicts, from the year 1700, down to the present time. 1745
Villette, JohnThe annals of Newgate; or, Malefactors register. Containing a particular and circumstantial account of the lives, transactions, and trials of the most notorious malefactors, who have suffered an ignominious death for their offences… 1776

Mentions in the Diary