Texts Godwin Read
Burke, Pt. V, pp. 32 (8 July 1795) Burke, EdmundA Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the
Sublime and Beautiful. 1757OR
Burke, EdmundAn account of the European settlements in America. In six
parts. I. A short history of the discovery of that part of the
world. II. The manners and customs of the original inhabitants.
III. Of the Spanish settlements. IV. Of the Portuguese. V. Of the
French, Dutch, and Danish. VI. Of the English. 1757589. Condorcet, p. 15
Condorcet, Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat, marquis
deEsquisse d'un tableau des progres de l'esprit humain: ouvrage
posthume. 1795Translated as:
Condorcet, Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat, marquis
deOutlines of an historical view of the progress of the human
mind, being a posthumous work of the late M. de Condorcet.
Translated from the French. 1795OR
Condorcet, Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat, marquis
deVie de Voltaire, par M. le marquis de Condorcet, suivie des
mémoires de Voltaire. 1785?
Translated as:
Condorcet, Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat, marquis
deThe Life of Voltaire, by the Marquis de Condorcet. To which
are added memoirs of Voltaire, written by himself. Translated from
the French. 1790Mentions in the Diary