William Godwin's Diary

Texts Godwin Read


& Herbert, çala (25  December  1800) Unable to identify with any certainty.
WG's sale catalog lists:
Herbert's (Geo.) Temple, Sacred Poems, 8th edition—Synagogue, or Shadow of the Temple, 4th edition 1660-61 (item 287).
Herbert's Temple, Sacred Poems, with Life, port. 1679 (item 288).
Herbert's (Edw. Lord) Dialogue between a Tutor and his Pupil 1768 (item 770).
Herbert's Life, written by himself 1770 (item 771).
Herbert's (T.) Some Yeares' Travaill in Afrique and Asia 1634 (item 839).
Herbert's (Edw. Lord) Life and Reign of King Henry VIII 1672 (item 840).

Mentions in the Diary