Notes for C Burnet, çala. – IGNORE – LEAVE AS
DWROTE (14 November 1803)
Unable to identify.
^ 975. Burnet, çala
Possibly C. Burnet, the same
Unable to identify.
Burnet, GilbertBurnet, Sir Thomas (editor)Bishop Burnet's history of his own time. v. 1 From the
restoration of King Charles II, to the settlement of King William
and Mary at the revolution. To which is prefix'd A summary
recapitulation of affairs in church and state from King James I to
the restoration in the year 1660.—v. 2
From the revolution to the conclusion of the treaty of peace at
Utrecht, in the reign of Queen Anne. To which is added, the
author's life by the editor. (2 volumes)
1724-1734Read on
Mentions in the Diary