William Godwin's Diary

Texts Godwin Read


Fletcher of Salton, p. 108 (7  July  1801) Several possibilities:
Fletcher, Andrew, of Saltoun(published anonymously)Two discourses concerning the affairs of Scotland. Written in the year 1698. By Andrew Fletcher of Saltoun. 1698
(50 pages and 54 pages)
Fletcher, Andrew, of Saltoun(published anonymously)A discourse concerning militia's [sic] and standing armies. With relation to the past and present governments of Europe and of England in particular …. 1697
Republished in 1698 as A discourse of government with relation to militia's [sic]. Although this work is too short (66 pages) to match WG's reading, he may have read the item in a collection of Fletcher's Tracts ( 1698-1704). WG's sale catalog lists:
Fletcher's (Andr. of Saltoun) Discourse of Government Edinb. 1698 (item 224).

Mentions in the Diary