Caxton, &c (26 January 1803) Chaucer, GeoffreyCanterbury tales. first printed by Caxton
1477-8and in an improved second edition by Caxton in
Chaucer, GeoffreyTroilus and Criseyde. composed c.
1380-2, first printed by Caxton
Ames, JosephTypographical antiquities, being an historical account of
printing in England: with some memoirs of our ancient printers,
and a register of the books printed by them, from the year 1471 to the year 1600. With an appendix concerning printing in Scotland
and Ireland to the same time. 1749WG's biography of Chaucer cites:
Caxton, Edition of
Chaucer, apud Ames's Typographical Antiquities (1:1).
WG's sale
catalog lists:
Ames's Typographical Antiquities, augmented by
Herbert, plates, 3 vol.
1785-90 (item
Mentions in the Diary