William Godwin's Diary

Texts Godwin Read


Milton, El. 1, 2, 3 (12  May  1804) Milton, John ‘Elegia prima ad Carolum Diodatum' (To Charles Diodati)
‘Elegia secunda, Anno aetatis 17: In obitum Praeconis Academici Cantabrigiensis' (On the Death of the Beadle of Cambridge University)
‘Elegia tertia Anno aetatis 17. In obitum Praesulis Eliensis' (On the Death of the Bishop of Ely)
all composed 1626
WG may have read these in one of the editions annotated at 1804-05-07.
WG's sale catalog lists:
Milton's Poems, English and Latin, first edition, by Marshall 1645 (item 537).
Milton's Poems, &c. upon several occasions, port. 1673 (item 545).
Milton's Poems, upon several occasions, with notes by T. Warton 1791 (item 547).

Mentions in the Diary