William Godwin's Diary

Texts Godwin Read


& Seneca, çala (2  February  1809) Possibly the following read on 1807-09-04:
Seneca, Lucius Annaeus [Moral Essays] c. 41-59 A.D.
the following read on 1807-09-07:
Seneca, Lucius AnnaeusL. Annaei Senecae Dialogorum, Liber I: Ad Lucilium, Qvare aliqva incommoda bonis viris accidant, cvm providentia sit (De Providentia) [The Dialogues, Book I: To Lucilius, Why, though there is a Providence, some Misfortunes befall Good Men] c. 41-42 A.D.

Mentions in the Diary