Guevara, çala (8 May 1810) Unable
to identify specific work. WG possibly reads a work by:
Antonio de, bishop
For example:
Epistolas familiares,
translated as The familiar epistles of Sir antony of Gueuara,
preacher, chronicler, and councellour, to the Emperour charles the
fifth. Translated out of the Spanish toung, by Edward Hellows,
Groome of the Leash. …
1574OR another example:
Guevara, Antonio de, bishop
diall of princes. Compiled by the reuerende father in God, Don
anthony of Guevara, Bysshop of Guadix. Preacher and cronicler to
Charles the fyft Emperour of Rome. Englysshed out of the Frenche, by
Thomas North, seconde sonne of the Lorde North. Ryght necessary and
pleasaunt, to all gentylmen and others whiche are louers of vertue.
1557Mentions in the Diary