North, çala (10 June 1810)
North, Roger
The life of the Right
Honourable Francis North, Baron of Guilford, Lord Keeper of the
Great Seal, under King charles II. and King James II. Wherein are
inserted the characters of Sir matthew Hale, Sir George Jeffries,
Sir Leoline Jenkins, Sidney Godolphin, and others the most eminent
lawyers and statesmen of that time. By the honourable Roger North, Esq.
1742WG's History of the Commonwealth cites:
North's Life of
Lord Keeper North, Vol. I (7:29).
North, Sir
Thomas (translator)
Lives of the noble Grecians and Romanes,
compared together by that graue learned philosopher and
historiographer, Plutarke of Chaeronea. Translated out of Greeke
into French by Iames Amyot, Abbot of Bellozare, Bishop of Auxerre,
one of the Kings priuy counsel, and great Amner of Fraunce, and out
of French into Englishe, by Thomas North.
1599A translation of Vitae parallelae. The lives of Hannibal and
Scipio Africanus are attributed to Donato Acciaiuoli.
WG's sale
catalog lists:
Plutarch's Lives of Noble Grecians and Romanes,
transl. by Sir Thomas North, knt.
Guevara, Antonio de, bishop
North, Sir
Thomas (translator)
The diall of princes. Compiled by the
reuerende father in God, Don anthony of Guevara, Bysshop of Guadix.
Preacher and cronicler to Charles the fyft Emperour of Rome.
Englysshed out of the Frenche, by Thomas North, seconde sonne of the
Lorde North. Ryght necessary and pleasaunt, to all gentylmen and
others whiche are louers of vertue.
1557Mentions in the Diary