William Godwin's Diary

Texts Godwin Read


Donne, çala (12  July  1810) WG has previous read the following items by Donne:
On 1800-10-03, 1804-11-19, and 1804-11-21:
Donne, JohnPoems, with elegies on the author's death. 1633
On 1804-11-20:
Donne, JohnThe first anniversarie:An anatomy of the world. 1611
The second anniversarie: Of the progess of the soule. 1612
On 1808-05-19:
Donne, JohnLetters to severall persons of honour. 1651
On 1808-06-01:
Donne, JohnDeuotions vpon emergent occasions: and seuerall steps in my sicknes: digested into 1. Meditations vpon our humane conditions. 2. Expostulations, and debatements with God. 3. Prayers, vpon the seuerall occasions, to him. 1624
WG's sale catalog lists:
Donne's (J.) Poems, with Elegies on the Author's Death, portrait 1635 (item 194).
Donne's (J.) Poems, with Elegies on the Author's Death, see note 1650 (item 195).
Donne's (J.) Poems, with elegies on the Author's Death 1669 (item 196).
Donne (Jo.) Five Satyres: the Litany, the Storme and Calme, and other Poems, by Dr. Jo.
Donne and Bp. Corbett, collected by John Nedham, of Lincoln Coll. 1625,
manuscript (item (378).
Donne (Jo.) Poems: with elegies on the author's death, edited by Isaac Walton, portraits
by Lombart and Marshall, with the Life, and manuscript additions 1633 (item
Donne (Jo.) Letters to several Persons of Honour 1651 (item 381)
Another edition, portrait 1654 (item 382)
Several works have been previously annotated.

Mentions in the Diary