Spain, çala (19 October 1810) Unable
to identify.
1843. Burton, p. 16
Possibly this previously
annotated entry of
Burton, JohnA genuine and true journal of the most miraculous escape of
the young Chevalier, from the battle of Culloden to his landing in
France; taken from the mouths and journals of the very persons,
who assisted him therein, partly wrote in London, and partly in
Scotland: To which is added, a short account of what befell the
Pr. in France, and the manner of taking him prisoner …: together
with a brief relation of what became of those who composed his
army … By an Englishman. 1749 OR (based on a reference to Burton in John Throsby's
The supplementary volume to the Leicestershire
views 1790, read by WG
1803-07-08): Burton, William
The description of
Leicester Shire: containing matters of antiquity & historye,
armorye, and genealogy.
Burton, Robert
The anatomy of melancholy. What it
is. With all the kinds, causes, symptoms, prognotickes, and severall
cures of it. In three maine partitions with their seuerall sections,
members, and subsections. Philosophically, medicinally,
historically, opened and cut up. By Democritus Iunior [pseud.] with
a Satyricall preface, conducing to the following Discourse. Macrob.
omne meum, Nihil meum.
1621 (first edition)
WG's sale catalog
Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy, First Edition Oxf.
1621 (item 351).
Mentions in the Diary