Hall's Chronicle, p. 12 (5 March 1815) Possibly
the following, previously annotated for
1803-09-01 with a group of Hall's works:
Hall, EdwardGrafton, RichardThe union of the two noble and illustre families of Lancastre
and Yorke, beyng long in continuall discension for the croune of
this noble realme, with al the actes done in both the tymes of the
princes, both of the one linage and of the other, beginnyng at the
tyme of king Henry the fowerth, the first aucthor of this
deuision, and so succssiuely proceading to the reigne of the high
and prudent prince king Henry the eyght, the indubitate flower and
very heire of both the saied linages. Whereunto is added to euery
kyng a seuerall table. 1548Uniform title: Hall's chronicle.
Hall carried his work up
1532; Richard Grafton continued the work
up to the death of Henry VIII from Hall's notes.
WG's sale
catalog lists:
Hall's Chronicle, black letter, imperfect, no
date (item 835).
Mentions in the Diary