Satiromastix (25 February 1816) Dekker, ThomasSatiromastix; or, The untrussing of the humorous
poet. 1602WG may have read this item in the following collection (which
contains many other items read by WG around this time):
Hawkins, ThomasThe origin of English drama, illustrated in its various
species, viz. mystery, morality, tragedy, and comedy, by specimens
from our earliest writers. With explanatory notes by Thomas
Hawkins… (3 volumes)
1773Table of contents:
v. 1. Preface. Candlemas-day. Every-man.
Hycke-scorner. Lusty Juventus [by Richard Wever] Gammer Gurton's
needle. A lamentable tragedy … conteying the life of Cambises king
of Percia, by Thomas Preston. -- v. 2. The Spanish tragedy [by
thomas Kyd] The love of King David and fair Bethsabe [by George
Peele] Soliman and Perseda. The tragedy of Ferrex and Porrex [by
Thomas Norton[ -- v. 3. Supposes: a comedy written in the Italian
tongue by Ariosto. Englished by George Gascoigne. Satiro-mastix, or,
The untrussing of the humorous poet, by Thomas Dekker. The return
from Parnassus. Wily beguiled.
Mentions in the Diary