Davies, çala (26 July 1816) Possibly
one of the following:
Davies, ThomasSome account of the life and writings of Philip
Davies, Sir JohnChalmers, GeorgeHistorical tracts by Sir John Davies … Consisting of 1. A
discovery of the true cause why Ireland was never brought under
obedience of the crown of England. 2. A letter to the Earl of
Salisbury on the state of Ireland, in 1607 [ 1606]. 3. A letter to
the Earl of Salisbury, in 1610; giving an
account of the plantation in Ulster. 4. A speech to the
Lord-Deputy in 1613, tracing the ancient
constitution of Ireland. To which is prefixed a new life of the
author, etc. 1786Conjectures based on WG's current reading.
Mentions in the Diary