Texts Godwin Read
Three Embassies, p. 106 (7 September 1817) Miège, GuyA relation of three embassies from His Sacred Majestie
Charles II to the great Duke of Muscovie, the King of Sweden, and
the King of Denmark. Performed by the Right Honourable the Earle
of Carlisle in the years 1663 & 1664. Written by an attendant on the
embassies, and publ. with His Lordships approbation. 1669In French:
Miège, GuyLa relation de trois ambassades de Monseigneur le Comte de
Carlisle de la parte du … Prince Charles II. Roy de la Grande
Bretagne, vers leurs … Majestés Alexey Michailovitz Czar &
Grand Duc de Moscovie, Charles Roy de Suede, & Frederic III.
Roy de Dannemarc & de Norvege, commencées en l'an 1663 & finies sur la fin de l'an 1664.
1669Mentions in the Diary