Lilburne (18 July 1823) Lilburne, John Unable to identify specific title
read on this date.
WG reads Lilburne in the British
WG's History of the Commonwealth cites:
Funerall, an Epistle, by Lilburne (1:32).
Lilburne, Innocency
and Truth Justified, p. 7 (3:2).
Lilburne, Peoples Prerogative,
p. 63 (3:4).
Lilburne, Resolved Mans Resolution, p. 32
? Just Mans Justification, p. 5 (3:5).
? Just Mans
Justification, 2
nd edition,
1647, p. 20 (3:9).
Lilburne, Letter to a
Friend, p. 13 (3:16).
Lilburne, Additional Plea to Maynard, p.
23 (4:392).
[Lilburne] Anatomy of Lords Tyranny, being a Speech
Delivered to a Committee of the
Commons, Nov. 6, p. 14, 15
[Lilburne] Two letters to Marten, p. 7
[Lilburne] Jugglers Discovered, p. 5
Lilburne, Picture of Council of State
Lilburne Revived, Letter 2, p. 2 (5:81).
Tried and Cast, p. 4, et seqq. (6:334).
Lilburne, Apologetical
Narration, p. 48 (6:336).
Defensive Declaration of Lilburne,
p.16 (6:551).
[Lilburne] The Prisoner's Most Mournful Cry
Mentions in the Diary