William Godwin's Diary

Texts Godwin Read


Henderson (19  January  1826) Charles, King of Great Britain and IrelandHenderson, AlexanderThe papers which passed at New-castle betwixt His sacred Majestie and Mr. Al: Henderson concerning the change of church-government. Anno Dom. 1646. 1649
Perinchief, RichardThe life and death of King Charles the First, representing His sacred Majesty in his solitudes and sufferings. And a vindication of the same King Charles the martyr, proving him to be the author of the said Eikon basilike against a memorandum of the late Earl of Anglesey, and against the groundless exceptions of Dr. Walker and others. Written by Dr. R. Perinchief. 1693
(The Vindication is by Thomas Wagstaffe.) WG's History of the Commonwealth discusses Alexander Henderson's dispute with King Charles I regarding episcopacy. WG cites the pieces annotated above (3:178).
WG reads in the British Museum 1826-01-19.

Mentions in the Diary