Webster, &c. (9 July 1827) Probably
one or more of the following:
Crosby, ThomasThe history of the English Baptists from the Reformation to
the beginning of the reign of King George I … By Tho.
Crosby. 1738-40OR
Webster, JohnThe saints guide; or, Christ the rule, and ruler of saints.
Manifested by way of positions, consectaries, and queries. Wherein
is contained the efficacy of acquired knowledge. The rule of
Christians. The mission and maintenance of ministers. And the
power of magistrates in spiritual things. By Iohn Webster, late
chaplain in the Army. 1653OR
Webster, JohnAcademiarum examen; or, The examination of academies. Wherein
is discussed and examined the matter, method, and customes of
academick and scholastick learning, and the insufficiency thereof
discovered and laid open; as also some expedients proposed for the
reforming of schools and the perfecting and promoting of all kind
of science. Offered to the judgements of all those that love the
proficience of arts and sciences, and the advancement of
learning. 1654OR
Ward, SethWilkins, JohnVindiciae academiarum. Containing some brief animadversions
upon Mr Websters book stiled, The examination of academies.
Together with an appendix concerning what Mr. Hobbs and Mr. Dell
have published on this argument. 1654WG's History of the Commonwealth (7:95-7) discusses conspiracy
against the universities, especially concerning William Dell,
William Erbery, and John Webster. WG cites the
Crosby, History of Baptists, Vol. I (7:96)
Athenae Oxoniensis, Vol. II (7:96)
[Webster] Saints Guide
[Dell] Trial of Spirits (7:97) (see annotation of WG's
diary for
Academiarum Examen,
1753 (7:99)
Wilkins, Vindiciae Academiarum (Ath. Ox.) (7:99)
WG reads in the
British Museum on this date. Editions of all of the cited materials
are currently held by the British Library.
Mentions in the Diary