Ireland (17 December 1827) Curry, JohnAn historical and critical review of the civil wars in
Ireland, from the reign of Queen Elizabeth, to the settlement
under King William. Extracted from Parliamentary records, state
acts, and other authentic materials. 1775AND
Fitzgibbon, John, first Earl of ClareThe speech of the Right Honourable John, Earl of Clare, Lord
High Chancellor of Ireland, in the House of Lords of Ireland, on a
motion made by him, on Monday, February 10, 1800, ‘That in order to promote and secure the essential
interests of Great Britain and Ireland, and to consolidate the
strength, power, and resources of the British empire, it will be
advisable to concur in such measures as may best tend to unite the
two kingdoms, in such manner, and on such terms and conditions, as
may be established by acts of the respective parliaments of Great
Britain and Ireland.' 1800OR
O'Conor, MatthewThe history of the Irish Catholics from the settlement in
1691, with a view of the state of
Ireland from the invasion by Henry II. to the revolution. 1813Burke, ThomasHibernia dominicana. Sive historia provinciae hiberniae
ordinis praedicatorum; ex antiquis manuscriptis probatus
auctoribus, literis originalibus nunquam antehac impressis,
intrumentis authenticis, & archivis… 1762OR
Author unknownThe names of the members of parliament called to take upon
them the trust of the government of this common-wealth, which
began on Munday the fourth of June 1653,
the day appointed by the letters of summons from His Excellency
the Lord General Cromwell, for the meeting of these gentlemen.
With the severall transactions since that time. 1654WG's History of the Commonwealth (8:427-46) discusses proposals
regarding Ireland and specifically the Act of Settlement
1652. In addition to the works above, WG cites
the following materials:
1653 (See annotation of WG's diary
Journals [of the House
of Commons] (
Cox, History
of Ireland, Charles II (
Ludlow [Memoirs] (
Clarendon, Irish rebellion (
Clarendon, History of the
Rebellion, Vol. III … (
Hume, History of England (
Leland, History of Ireland (
Bates [aka Bate], Part II (
Clarendon, Life (
Thurloe [Collection of State
Papers] (
WG reads in the
British Museum on this date. The British Library currently holds all
the cited items.
Mentions in the Diary