William Godwin's Diary


The Trial by Impeachment of Henry (Dundas) Viscount Melville upon charges of High Crimes and Misdemeanours was held in the House of Lords from 29 April 1806, following accusations of financial mismanagement and corruption during his period as Treasurer to the Navy. He was acquitted on 17 May 1806, but the proceedings were not to be published 'until the Peers shall have given their decision', which The Times expected they would do on ‘Wednesday se’nnight’(week). On 28 May 1806 the Lords held a closed session and adjourned until the Friday. They held a further session and adjourned until Monday 2 June, followed by further sessions. The outcome of the hearings was published in The Times on 13 June 1806.

See The Times, 19 May and 13 June 1806 and The Trial by Impeachment of Henry Lord Viscount Melville for High Crimes … (London, 1806).