William Godwin's Diary

Burdett, Sir Francis (fifth baronet)

Hover over a bar to see number of appearances/year.
Click on a bar to jump to that year.

This person is mentioned in the diary a total of 74 times, but was not at home (N) 3 times, and was a venue (V) 11 times.

You may also examine their meals and meetings in more detail.


6  March  1796 (V) 2  April  1796 (NV) 5  April  1796 6  April  1796 9  April  1796 16  April  1796 4  May  1796 23  May  1796


18  February  1797 21  March  1797 (V) 29  March  1797 8  May  1797 21  May  1797 2  June  1797


28  January  1798 9  February  1798 10  February  1798 8  April  1798 26  May  1798 (V) 27  May  1798 22  June  1798


14  April  1799 16  June  1799 30  November  1799 30  November  1799 (V) 1  December  1799 1  December  1799 1  December  1799 2  December  1799 2  December  1799 29  December  1799 (V) 29  December  1799


16  February  1800 18  May  1800 4  June  1800 6  June  1800


25  October  1801 29  November  1801


31  March  1802 11  April  1802 (NV) 26  June  1802 22  August  1802 18  September  1802 26  October  1802 (V) 26  October  1802


2  March  1803 4  December  1803


15  April  1804 26  August  1804 16  October  1804


5  March  1805


19  April  1806 21  April  1806 2  May  1806 (NV) 3  May  1806 (V) 18  May  1806 14  June  1806 9  October  1806 14  October  1806 18  October  1806 20  October  1806 23  October  1806 24  October  1806 25  October  1806


3  January  1807 25  January  1807 29  June  1807 30  December  1807


3  January  1808 20  January  1808


5  April  1810 7  April  1810 (V) 9  April  1810


30  July  1833

  • Name: Burdett, Sir Francis (fifth baronet)
  • Gender: Male
  • Birth Date: 25  January  1770
  • Death Date: 23  January  1844
  • Occupation: politician

Burdett was a reforming politician associated for some years with John Horne Tooke. A leading figure of reform, he was a persistent critic of authority and was imprisoned in the Tower of London for three months for his savage criticism of the fiasco of the Walcheren Expedition in 1810, and jailed for three meonths in the Marshalsea for seditious libel in 1820 as a result of comments made regarding the Peterloo massacre, referring to 'those bloody Neroes'. He later became involved in the movement for Catholic Emancipation.

Burdett appears under 1796 in the 1796 lists, the year of his first appearance in the diary.

  • MS. Abinger c. 6, fol. 4: 4 June 1800
  • MS. Abinger c. 8, fols. 87-8: 8 November 1804
  • MS. Abinger c. 9, fols. 97r & 98v: 21 April 1806
  • MS. Abinger c. 9, fols. 102-3: 2 May 1806
  • MS. Abinger c. 18, fol. 73: 18 October 1806
  • MS. Abinger c. 10, fols. 7-8: 24 October 1806
  • MS. Abinger c. 18, fol. 74r: 25 October 1806
  • MS. Abinger c. 20, fols. 79-80: not dated
  • MS. Abinger c. 9, fol. 97: not dated
  • DNB

This table lists the people this person is most frequently noted with in the diary.

Name Number of Meetings
Horne Tooke, John 19
Fergusson, Robert Cutlar 8
Scott, Thomas Hobbes 8
Bosville, William 7
Barry, Major Henry 6
Scott, William 6
Parry, 6
Perry, James (Pirie) 5
Maxwell, William 5
Tooke, William 5
Gawler, Henry 5
O'Connor, Arthur (Conner) (Condorcet-O'Connor) 5
Warner, John 5
Bonney, John Augustus 4
Debrett, John 4
Frend, William 4
Turner, Thomas 4
Wildman, John 3
Gawler, Captain John Bellenden (Ker) 3
Harley, Jane Elizabeth (Lady Oxford, née Scott) 3
Godwin, Mary Jane (Clairmont) (née de Vial) 2
Gawler, Charles Henry Bellenden (Ker) 2
Holcroft, Thomas 2
Banks, Thomas 2
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 2
Kyd, Stewart 2
Burdett, William Jones 2
Weld, 2
Adair, Robert 2
Joyce, Jeremiah 2
Richter, John 2
Boddington, Samuel 1
Malkin, Benjamin Heath 1
Morgan, William 1
Hardy, Thomas 1
Sharp, 1
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft (née Godwin) 1
Clairmont, Clara Mary Jane (Claire) 1
Perry, Anne (née Hull) 1
Paull, James 1
Harvey, Thomas 1
Dyer, George 1
Jones, Margaret 1
Davison, Thomas 1
Curran, John Philpot 1
Clairmont, Charles 1
Courtenay, John (Courtney) 1
Godwin, William 1
Imlay, Fanny (Godwin) 1
Galloway, Alexander 1
Baxter Family, 1
Eardley, Lord 1
Valentia, Lady Ann (nee Courtenay) 1
Despard, Colonel Edward Marcus 1
Lemaitre, Paul Thomas (Le Maitre) 1
Knight, Robert 1
Smith, George 1
Stanley, Earl of Derby Edward 1
Hanger, George (Baron Coleraine) 1
Maitland, James (eighth earl of Lauderdale) 1
Marsh, Charles 1
Mackintosh, Sir James (of Kyllachy) 1
O'Bryen, Dennis (O'Brien) 1
Grey, Charles 1
Parry, Charles Henry 1
Parry, Dr Caleb Hillier 1
Harwood, Colonel William 1
Rogers, Samuel 1
Vaughan, 1
Dyson, George 1
Blake, Arthur 1
Cline, Henry 1
Miller, 1
Northcote, James 1
Moore, Matthew (Mathew) 1
Tufton, Ninth earl of Thanet Sackville 1
Maurice, Thomas 1
Kemble, John Philip 1
Reynolds, Frederick 1
Smith, William 1
Fitzpatrick, Richard 1
Tierney, George 1
Adam, William 1
Francis, Sir Philip 1
Fox, Charles James 1
Tarleton, Sir Banastre (baronet) 1
Robinson, Mary (née Darby, Perdita, Polly Derby) 1
Twiss, Richard 1
Davis, 1

Burdett, William Jones

Hover over a bar to see number of appearances/year.
Click on a bar to jump to that year.

This person is mentioned in the diary a total of 4 times, and was a venue (V) 0 times.

You may also examine their meals and meetings in more detail.


18  May  1800


20  September  1801 25  October  1801


31  October  1806

  • Name: Burdett, William Jones
  • Gender: Male
  • Death Date: 2  October  1840

William Jones Burdett was the brother of Sir Francis Burdett and was also involved in reform politics. Three of the four contacts are at Horne Tooke's, and refer to either '2 Burdett's' or Burdett junr. The fourth contact is a letter in 1806 from W J Burdett. This letter and related correspondence refers to Godwin's letter to Francis Burdett two weeks prior to express his concern that he will not be in a position to meet the two notes of £100 that were due on the first of November 1806. In a further letter to W J Burdett on the 31 October Godwin expresses pain at the tone of Burdett's note and confesses he is unable to meet them.

  • MS. Abinger c. 18, fol. 73:18 Oct. 1806
  • MS. Abinger c. 18, fol. 78: 31 Oct. [1806]
  • MS. Abinger c. 10, fols. 11-12: 31 Oct. 1806
  • J. Ann Hone, For the Cause of Truth: Radicalism in London, 1796-1821 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1982).

This table lists the people this person is most frequently noted with in the diary.

Name Number of Meetings
Horne Tooke, John 3
Scott, Thomas Hobbes 3
Scott, William 3
Bosville, William 3
Burdett, Sir Francis (fifth baronet) 2
Bonney, John Augustus 1
Despard, Colonel Edward Marcus 1
Jennings, Joseph Clayton (Jennyns) 1
Banks, Thomas 1
Perry, James (Pirie) 1
Dyer, George 1
Tooke, William 1
Harvey, Thomas 1
Harley, Jane Elizabeth (Lady Oxford, née Scott) 1
Richter, John 1