William Godwin's Diary

Fillingham, William

  • Name: Fillingham, William
  • Gender: Male
  • Birth Date:
  • Death Date:
  • Occupation: book collector

Fillingham moved in literary circles and was well known as an amiable book collector. In 1805 he sold his library and moved to India where he died. A partial catalogue of his library was published to promote its sale: A catalogue of a portion of the library of William Fillingham (London: Sotheby, 1805). He appears frequently in the diary with Thomas Hill, another well known literary man. He disappears from the diary in early 1806 which seems to confirm the identification.

  • Egerton Brydges, Restituta: or, Titles, extracts, and characters of old books in English literature, 4 vols (London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Browne, 1816), IV, p. 91.

This table lists the people this person is most frequently noted with in the diary.

Name Number of Meetings
Hill, (Thomas) 7
Dubois, Edward 3
Moore, C[harles]? 2
Fenwick, John 2
Dawe, George 1
Shee, Sir Martin Archer 1
Boaden, James 1
Opie, John 1
Fenwick, Eliza Anne 1
Fenwick, Elizabeth (Eliza) (née Jaco, pseudonym Reverend David Blair) 1
Alderson, Amelia (Opie) 1
Wilson, 1
Batty, Robert 1
Este, Reverend Charles 1
Bourgeois, Peter Francis 1
Stewart, Robert (Viscount Castlereagh) (second marquess of Londonderry) 1
Northcote, James 1
Lawrence, Sir Thomas 1
Kemble, Charles 1
Inchbald, Elizabeth 1
Reynolds, Frederick 1
Reynolds, Elizabeth (née Mansel) 1
Perry, James (Pirie) 1
O'Bryen, Dennis (O'Brien) 1
Rees, Abraham 1