William Godwin's Diary

Foggo, James/George

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This person is mentioned in the diary a total of 10 times, and was a venue (V) 0 times.

You may also examine their meals and meetings in more detail.


14  March  1831 4  July  1831 19  September  1831 10  October  1831


30  January  1832 26  March  1832 3  November  1832 19  November  1832


22  May  1833


24  March  1834

  • Name: Foggo, James/George
  • Gender: Male
  • Birth Date:
  • Death Date:
  • Occupation: painter

James and George Foggo were brothers who lived and worked together. Godwin noted the name 'Fogg' from 1831 in a variety of contexts relating to the arts, but there is no way of discriminating which of the two brothers he is referring to. One entry is to 'Foggo twitch' - which refers to one of the brothers, as recorded in William J Linton's Memories: 'One of the brothers, I forget which, had a habit of twitching or wriggling his nose, a habit also noticeable in another gaunt Scotchman, Lord Brougham. It was said that this Foggo and his lordship were once opponent speakers at a public meeting, and the noses of the two men, alike in general personal appearance, wagged against each other, to the great amusement of the beholders. I only knew the Foggos, worthy men, I believe, if not successful painters, as rather captious members of the Institute of Fine Arts, at which we were often in collision.'

We have followed Linton in not ascribing the twitch to a particular Foggo.

  • DNB
  • William James Linton, Memories (London, 1895)

This table lists the people this person is most frequently noted with in the diary.

Name Number of Meetings
Caunter, Reverend John Hobart 7
Martin, John 6
Heaphy, Thomas 3
Alcock, Thomas 3
Landseer, Charles 2
Picken, Andrew 2
Brockedon, William 2
Landseer, 2
Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry 2
Sass, John Henry 1
Robinson, Henry Crabb 1
Morton, Thomas 1
Cruikshank, George 1
Uwins, Thomas 1
Uwins, David 1
Hill, (Thomas) 1
Joseph, Samuel 1
Poole, John 1
Stewart, John (Walking Stewart) 1
Pickersgill, Henry William 1
Taylor, John 1
Ayrton, William 1
Knowles, John 1
Cunningham, Allan (Hidallan) 1
Arnot, John 1
Thornton, General William 1