William Godwin's Diary

Hammond, Elton (Hamond)

Hover over a bar to see number of appearances/year.
Click on a bar to jump to that year.

This person is mentioned in the diary a total of 136 times, but was not at home (N) 8 times, and was a venue (V) 13 times.

You may also examine their meals and meetings in more detail.


26  January  1812 27  January  1812 29  January  1812 8  February  1812 (V) 19  February  1812 28  February  1812 (V) 28  February  1812 10  March  1812 12  March  1812 (V) 13  March  1812 14  March  1812 17  March  1812 20  March  1812 3  April  1812 (V) 7  April  1812 23  April  1812 (V) 25  April  1812 28  April  1812 1  May  1812 5  May  1812 6  May  1812 18  May  1812 27  May  1812 29  May  1812 12  June  1812 13  June  1812 (N) 24  June  1812 (NV) 25  June  1812 1  July  1812 13  July  1812 13  July  1812 14  July  1812 (V) 20  July  1812 21  July  1812 21  July  1812 26  July  1812 28  July  1812 29  July  1812 (V) 4  August  1812 6  August  1812 12  August  1812 13  August  1812 16  August  1812 17  August  1812 18  August  1812 19  August  1812 20  August  1812 23  August  1812 30  August  1812 1  September  1812 7  September  1812 3  October  1812 (V) 4  October  1812 17  November  1812 24  November  1812 25  November  1812 (V) 29  November  1812 1  December  1812 28  December  1812 30  December  1812


10  January  1813 23  January  1813 3  February  1813 (N) 9  February  1813 15  February  1813 17  March  1813 18  April  1813 1  May  1813 6  May  1813 12  June  1813 16  June  1813 17  June  1813 17  July  1813 (N) 24  July  1813 25  July  1813 2  August  1813 9  August  1813 17  August  1813 30  August  1813 30  August  1813 (N) 31  August  1813 3  September  1813 7  September  1813 (V) 8  September  1813 9  September  1813 11  September  1813 15  September  1813 22  September  1813 23  September  1813 24  September  1813 28  September  1813 5  October  1813 8  October  1813 13  October  1813 15  October  1813 20  October  1813 26  October  1813 30  October  1813 (N) 4  November  1813 (N) 5  November  1813 6  November  1813 (V) 6  November  1813 13  November  1813 16  November  1813 18  November  1813 20  November  1813 22  November  1813 5  December  1813 8  December  1813 (N) 24  December  1813 28  December  1813 30  December  1813


1  January  1814 (V) 1  January  1814 7  January  1814 9  January  1814 10  January  1814 12  January  1814 13  January  1814 19  January  1814 21  January  1814 27  January  1814 30  January  1814 4  February  1814 6  February  1814 7  February  1814 10  February  1814 17  February  1814 26  February  1814 3  March  1814 10  March  1814 11  March  1814 17  May  1814


10  March  1817


7  March  1818


31  December  1819

  • Name: Hammond, Elton (Hamond)
  • Gender: Male
  • Birth Date: 1786
  • Death Date: 31  December  1819

Hammond was a wealthy supporter of Godwin's who assisted in the refinancing of the bookshop between 1811 and 1812, see St Clair. Mary Shelley's Journal p. 41, n. 3 describes Godwin's financial crisis and the arrangements made with Place and with the assistance of Elton Hamond and John Lambert.

Hamond was the eldest of two sons of a tea-dealer. His father died in 1807 leaving him sole executor. Henry Crabb Robinson came to know him through the Aikins. Hamond's elder sister lived for many years with Mrs Barbauld. Elton Hammond sought the acquaintance of eminent men such as Jeremy Bentham, SIr Stamford Raffles, Dugald Stewart, Frederick Pollock (later Lord Chief Baron). He became reclusive, a compulsive journalist of his thoughts, dreams, and days, and kept the company of small children. He took his own life and the inquest found him to be insane. There is a substantial note on Elton Hamond in Henry Crabb Robinson , ed Sadler, vol. 2, p 141-7.

There is also an H Hamond who appears twice in 1814 but who is uncoded.

Godwin records his death.

(See the Abinger letter of 13 July 1812(identified as to Hamond from G's Diary) in which Godwin embraces his offer to help in his affairs and notes that Mr Place has declined to provide further assistance. Also a further letter of 20 July 1812 in which Godwin says he has had to take matters further to protect his family. There is also a copy of a letter dated 12 Mar. 1812 from Hamond to Archibald Constable in Edinburgh sounding out Constable on the prospects of Charles Clairmont returning to london in the next two years to manage the bookshop.)

Abinger Papers, Dep. b. 227.3a-39 and Dep. b. 227.31-40.

  • MS. Abinger c. 11, fol. 92: 13 July 1812
  • MS. Abinger c. 11, fol. 93: 20 July 1812
  • MS. Abinger c. 39, fol. 18: 12 Mar. 1812
  • St Clair
  • The journals of Mary Shelley, 1814–1844, ed. by Paula R. Feldman and Diana Scott-Kilvert, 2 vols (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press; Clarendon Press, 1987)
  • Diary, Reminiscences and Correspondence of Henry Crabb Robinson, ed. by Thomas Sadler (London: Macmillan, 1869)

This table lists the people this person is most frequently noted with in the diary.

Name Number of Meetings
Place, Francis 6
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 3
Robinson, Henry Crabb 3
Hogan, 2
Lamb, Charles 2
Burney, Martin Charles 2
Collier, John Dyer 1
Taylor, John 1
Wolcot, Dr John (pseudonym Peter Pindar) 1
Northcote, James 1
Fuseli, Henry (Johann Heinrich Füssli) 1
Hitchener, Elizabeth 1
Knowles, John 1
Lamb, Mary Anne 1
Dawe, George 1
Holcroft, Louisa (née Mercier) 1
Kenney, James 1
Curran, John Philpot 1
Longman, Thomas Norton 1
Shelley, Harriet (née Westbrook) 1
Shelley, Percy Bysshe 1
Collier, Jane (Payne) 1
Buchan, Dr Alexander Peter 1
O'Bryen, Dennis (O'Brien) 1
D'Israeli, Isaac 1
Fenwick, Elizabeth (Eliza) (née Jaco, pseudonym Reverend David Blair) 1
Hume, Joseph 1
Constable, Archibald 1
Godwin, Mary Jane (Clairmont) (née de Vial) 1
Imlay, Fanny (Godwin) 1
Clairmont, Clara Mary Jane (Claire) 1
Godwin, William 1
Pollock, Sir Frederick (Jonathan, first baronet) 1
Smith, Horatio (Horace) 1