William Godwin's Diary

Hardy, Thomas

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This person is mentioned in the diary a total of 27 times, but was not at home (N) 1 time, and was a venue (V) 6 times.

You may also examine their meals and meetings in more detail.


1  November  1794 5  November  1794 5  December  1794


18  September  1796


27  June  1797


16  June  1799 18  October  1799 (V) 31  October  1799 (NV)


8  March  1802


27  March  1806 5  April  1806 4  July  1806 31  August  1806 10  October  1806


15  June  1807 (V)


2  April  1809 (V) 5  April  1809 6  April  1809


11  November  1810


26  February  1811 (V)


25  April  1815 (V) 16  October  1815


24  December  1816


16  June  1817 24  July  1817


24  August  1818


1  February  1827

  • Name: Hardy, Thomas
  • Gender: Male
  • Birth Date: 3  March  1752
  • Death Date: 11  October  1832
  • Occupation: reformer
  • Occupation: founder of the London Corresponding Society

The first reference is to Hardy's trial 1.11.1794, but Hardy then appears at Horne Tooke's through the 1790s. There is an entry for 3 February 1835, three years after Hardy's death, and this might cast doubt on the preceding entry, which is 1 February1827: 'Write to Hardy'. This letter is not extant. .

Godwin reads Hardy's Memoirs in 1832

  • DNB

This table lists the people this person is most frequently noted with in the diary.

Name Number of Meetings
Scott, Thomas Hobbes 3
Miller, 2
Phillips, Sir Richard (Philip Richards) 2
Collier, John Dyer 2
Lemaitre, Paul Thomas (Le Maitre) 2
Thelwall, John 2
Scott, William 2
Bosville, William 2
Horne Tooke, John 2
Burney, Captain James 1
Plowden, Francis Peter 1
Boddington, Samuel 1
Dealtry, Peregrine (Perry) 1
Hazlitt, William 1
Taylor, Richard 1
Collier, Jane (Payne) 1
Robinson, Henry Crabb 1
Lamb, Charles 1
Stoddart, John 1
Perry, James (Pirie) 1
Rogers, Samuel 1
Lofft, Capel 1
Hazlitt, John 1
Vaughan, 1
Burdett, Sir Francis (fifth baronet) 1
Tooke, William 1
Frend, William 1
Warner, John 1
Joyce, Jeremiah 1
Wildman, John 1
Moore, Thomas 1
Wolcot, Dr John (pseudonym Peter Pindar) 1
Busby, Thomas 1
Surr, Thomas Skinner 1
Dawe, George 1