William Godwin's Diary

Hunt, Leigh James Henry

  • Name: Hunt, Leigh James Henry
  • Gender: Male
  • Birth Date: 19  October  1784
  • Death Date: 28  August  1859
  • Occupation: journalist
  • Occupation: literary critic

This identification seems fairly straightforward - G usually specifies L or J Hunt, and for the 2-3 times he fails to do so it seems reasonable to assume that it's Leigh Hunt as Leigh appears far more in the diary than John. Godwin also has two entries to Henry 'Orator' Hunt (1773-1835), the radical politician who appears as 'H Hunt'. Although he only appears twice he is a significant enough figure to merit a code.

  • DNB

This table lists the people this person is most frequently noted with in the diary.

Name Number of Meetings
Shelley, Percy Bysshe 6
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft (née Godwin) 5
Hunt, John 4
Hazlitt, William 2
Pilcher, 2
Clairmont, Charles 1
Sass, John Henry 1
Martin, John 1
Rothwell, Richard (Ireland) 1
Pickersgill, Henry William 1
Hopwood, 1
Johnson, Joseph 1
Uwins, David 1
Turner, Thomas 1
Godwin, William 1
Booth, David 1
White, 1
Keats, John 1
Bonnycastle, John 1
Lamb, Charles 1
Lamb, Mary Anne 1
Aldis, Charles 1
Coulson, Walter 1
Hogg, Thomas Jefferson 1
Hazlitt, Sarah (née Stoddart) 1
Montagu, Basil 1
Northcote, James 1
Ogilvie, James (Ogilvy) 1
Booth, Isabel (née Baxter) 1