William Godwin's Diary

Imlay, Fanny (Godwin)

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This person is mentioned in the diary a total of 185 times, and was a venue (V) 0 times.

You may also examine their meals and meetings in more detail.


9  September  1797 10  September  1797 16  September  1797 23  September  1797


2  September  1798 1  November  1798


10  May  1799 1  July  1799 5  July  1799 28  July  1799 4  October  1799 11  November  1799 15  November  1799 5  December  1799


7  January  1800 25  March  1800 8  April  1800 27  April  1800 28  April  1800 3  May  1800 10  June  1800 18  June  1800 19  September  1800 14  October  1800


2  January  1801 6  January  1801 14  January  1801 11  March  1801 14  March  1801 23  March  1801 27  April  1801 10  May  1801 24  May  1801 27  May  1801 28  May  1801 5  June  1801 30  June  1801 6  July  1801 5  August  1801 29  August  1801 2  September  1801


12  January  1802 15  January  1802 3  February  1802 28  August  1802 9  September  1802 6  October  1802 18  October  1802


2  January  1803 6  January  1803 9  January  1803 17  February  1803 27  April  1803 14  May  1803 23  June  1803 6  July  1803 7  July  1803 14  July  1803 8  August  1803 8  August  1803 8  August  1803


23  January  1804 17  February  1804 15  March  1804 28  July  1804 1  September  1804 2  December  1804


12  February  1805 22  August  1805


29  March  1806 9  May  1806 31  May  1806 13  September  1806 10  December  1806


28  January  1807 23  May  1807 15  June  1807 29  June  1807 8  August  1807 3  September  1807 17  December  1807


7  January  1808 24  February  1808 23  July  1808 30  August  1808 13  September  1808


6  February  1809 5  May  1809 9  August  1809 22  August  1809 20  November  1809


1  January  1810 28  January  1810 20  February  1810 21  June  1810 2  August  1810 6  August  1810 30  August  1810 27  October  1810 14  November  1810


23  February  1811 23  June  1811 9  July  1811 10  October  1811 25  October  1811 3  November  1811 18  November  1811 21  November  1811 25  November  1811 28  November  1811 2  December  1811 5  December  1811 9  December  1811 12  December  1811 16  December  1811 20  December  1811 30  December  1811


2  January  1812 9  January  1812 13  January  1812 16  January  1812 20  January  1812 27  January  1812 26  March  1812 3  May  1812 12  May  1812 7  June  1812 14  June  1812 29  July  1812 7  August  1812 8  August  1812 5  October  1812 12  October  1812 7  November  1812 8  December  1812 18  December  1812


23  January  1813 24  February  1813 5  March  1813 21  March  1813 2  May  1813 17  May  1813 29  May  1813 30  May  1813 31  May  1813 24  June  1813 1  August  1813 24  August  1813 2  September  1813 12  September  1813 22  September  1813 28  September  1813 10  December  1813


3  February  1814 16  February  1814 27  February  1814 3  April  1814 5  May  1814 23  May  1814 28  June  1814 29  July  1814 16  August  1814 2  October  1814 25  October  1814 10  November  1814 17  November  1814 2  December  1814 28  December  1814


23  February  1815 15  March  1815 21  April  1815 10  May  1815 17  May  1815 6  June  1815 8  July  1815 7  August  1815 15  September  1815 15  October  1815


9  April  1816 13  May  1816 14  May  1816 30  May  1816 5  June  1816 19  August  1816 9  October  1816

  • Name: Imlay, Fanny (Godwin)
  • Gender: Female
  • Birth Date: 14  May  1794
  • Death Date: 9  October  1816

Fanny Imlay was born in May 1794 , the daughter of the unmarried Mary Wollstonecraft and Gilbert Imlay (DNB). After his relationship with Wollstonecraft developed, Godwin assumed a fatherly role, and Fanny bececame attached to Godwin early on (see Janet Todd, Mary Wollstonecraft, A Revolutionary Life). She often accompanied Godwin to lectures and the theatre, and was generally known as ‘Fanny Godwin’ (Locke, p. 217). As an adult, Fanny was prone to depression, ‘and the disastrous circumstances of the Skinner Street household deeply affected her’ – particularly ‘the gloomy house after the elopement of her sisters’ (Marshall, p. 322). Whether because she professed her unrequited love to Percy Shelley, the lover and husband of her half-sister Mary (as has been speculated), or as a result of her recurrent depression, Fanny committed suicide by taking an overdose of laudanum after leaving home of the 7th October 1816. Her letter to Godwin from Bristol stated, ‘I depart immediately to the spot from which I hope never to remove’, and Godwin set out to find her right away, but his search was unsuccessful.

Godwin records Fanny's death as 'Swansea' on the 9th October, 1816. Godwin in his grief wrote a letter of deep regret to Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, expressing his wish to keep the event secret in order to ‘disturb not the silent dead’ (Locke, p. 273).

According to his usual conventions, Fanny is referred to mainly as ‘F’, interspersed with a few somewhat random examples of her name spelled out. She has not been included in Godwin’s mentions of ‘children’, such as ‘5 Children’ in 1807, but perhaps she was too old at that point to be grouped as a child? On her death, the 9th October 1816 he marks, simply, ‘Swansea’ where the body was found – probably written in after the fact. On the 11th October he records the letters to Mary Jane , Percy Shelley and Jane. The entries to 'F G’ in 1799 and 1800 don’t seem to be Fanny, although the miss Marner (w. F G) at tea in 1806 could be. Confusingly, there’s also a ‘sup at F’s’ in 1795 and another in 1800, which means that some of the earlier F’s that have been coded as Fanny could be someone else – possibly Fell?

  • DNB
  • Locke
  • Marshall
  • Janet Todd, Mary Wollstonecraft: A Revolutionary Life (2000, paperback edn. London: Phoenix Press, 2001).
  • Janet Todd, Death and the Maidens: Fanny Wollstonecraft and the Shelley Circle (London: Profile Books; New York: Basic Books, 2007)

This table lists the people this person is most frequently noted with in the diary.

Name Number of Meetings
Godwin, Mary Jane (Clairmont) (née de Vial) 97
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft (née Godwin) 79
Clairmont, Clara Mary Jane (Claire) 64
Clairmont, Charles 38
Marshall, James 26
Godwin, William 25
Fell, Ralph 16
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 16
Lamb, Mary Anne 15
Lamb, Charles 14
Turner, Thomas 10
Elwes, Sarah 9
Holcroft, Louisa (née Mercier) 9
Kenney, James 7
Fell, Sarah 7
Baxter Family, 7
Godwin, Hannah 5
Jones, Louisa 5
Fenwick, Elizabeth (Eliza) (née Jaco, pseudonym Reverend David Blair) 4
Boinville, Harriet 4
Hazlitt, William 4
Smith, 3
Newton, John Frank 3
Wollstonecraft, James 3
Collier, John Dyer 3
Burney, Martin Charles 3
Holcroft, Thomas 3
Jones, Margaret 2
Hume, Alexia 2
Hume, Joseph 2
Curran, Amelia 2
Shelley, Harriet (née Westbrook) 2
Shelley, Percy Bysshe 2
Knapp, Leonora 2
Robinson, Anthony 2
Collier, Jane (Payne) 2
Mulready, William 2
Horne Tooke, John 2
Northcote, James 2
Warner, John 2
Robinson, Henry Crabb 2
Montagu, Basil 2
Fenwick, John 2
Curran, John Philpot 1
V, P 1
Johnson, Joseph 1
Dibbin, Henry 1
Adams, Dr Joseph 1
Rutt, John Towill 1
Hays, Mary 1
Cristall, Joshua 1
Hogan, 1
Owen, Robert 1
Lawrence, Sir William (baronet) 1
Collier, John Payne 1
Holcroft, Fanny Margaretta 1
Constable, Archibald 1
Reynolds, Elizabeth (née Mansel) 1
Burney, Captain James 1
Walker, Thomas 1
Manning, James 1
Aldis, Lady Mary Frances (née Berridge) 1
Aldis, Charles 1
Reynolds, Sir Joshua 1
Curran, William Henry 1
Fergusson, Robert Cutlar 1
Hammond, Elton (Hamond) 1
Cartwright, Major John 1
Brown, William Cullen 1
Flaxman, John 1
Barbauld, Rochemont 1
Rowan, Sarah Jane (née Dawson) 1
Rowan, Archibald Hamilton 1
Mercier, Charles André 1
Cooper, Grace Mary Rae 1
Hill, 1
Nicholson, William 1
Joyce, Jeremiah 1
Cooper, Thomas (Abthorpe) 1
Bannister, John 1
Fenwick, Eliza Anne 1
Surr, Thomas Skinner 1
Barbauld, Anna Letitia (née Aikin) 1
Miller, 1
Webb, 1
Poole, John 1
Banks, Thomas 1
Newton, Cornelia (née Boinville) 1
Skeys, Hugh 1
De Boinville, Chastel 1
Axtell, Elizabeth Amy 1
Hopwood, 1
Wollstonecraft, Everina 1
Burdett, Sir Francis (fifth baronet) 1
Robinson, Mary (née Darby, Perdita, Polly Derby) 1
Burr, Aaron (junior) 1