Hover over a bar to see number of appearances/year.
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This person is mentioned in the diary a total of 19 times, but was not at home (N) 1 time, and was a venue (V) 6 times.
You may also examine their meals and meetings in more detail.
6 May 1830 (V) 4 June 1830 (V) 23 August 1830 (V) 27 August 1830 (N) 27 August 1830 30 August 1830 (V) 13 September 1830 (V)
10 September 1833 23 September 1833 6 November 1833 11 November 1833 14 November 1833 2 December 1833
See DNB.
26 August 1830 - a note to Godwin apologising for not having called owing to pressure of business and saying that he hoped
to be able to call in a day or so.
28 August 1830 – Dr Dionysius Lardner turning down Godwin’s Essays for Cabinet Cyclopedia
31 August 1830 – Dionysius Lardner to W G Proposing a work to Longman (for Godwin?)
15 September 1830 Dr Lardner – has consulted with the Directors of the Cyclopedia and they are not willing to go ahead with further publication at this point
This table lists the people this person is most frequently noted with in the diary.
Name | Number of Meetings |
Stepney, Lady Catherine (née Pollok) (Manners) | 5 |
Bury, Lady Charlotte Susan Maria (née Campbell) | 4 |
Stanhope, Leicester Fitzgerald Charles (fifth earl of Harrington) | 3 |
Murray, John Samuel | 3 |
Shepherd, Lady Mary (née Primrose) | 3 |
Wood, Mrs Somerville | 2 |
Campbell, Thomas | 2 |
Joseph, Samuel | 2 |
Uwins, Thomas | 2 |
Lockhart, John Gibson | 2 |
Sheridan, Charles | 2 |
Jerdan, William | 1 |
Wallace, | 1 |
Babbage, Charles | 1 |
Pickersgill, Henry William | 1 |
1 | |
Picken, Andrew | 1 |
Poole, John | 1 |
Martin, John | 1 |
Ayrton, William | 1 |
Mill, John Stuart | 1 |