William Godwin's Diary


Hover over a bar to see number of appearances/year.
Click on a bar to jump to that year.

This person is mentioned in the diary a total of 78 times, but was not at home (N) 3 times, and was a venue (V) 63 times.

You may also examine their meals and meetings in more detail.


23  December  1816 (V)


1  January  1818


7  October  1819 29  November  1819


2  May  1820 9  May  1820 16  May  1820 8  June  1820 4  July  1820 (V) 9  August  1820 (V) 10  October  1820


12  January  1821 (V) 12  February  1821 30  April  1821 1  May  1821 (V) 10  May  1821 (V) 17  September  1821 (V)


13  February  1822 (V) 26  June  1822 27  June  1822 (V) 17  July  1822 3  September  1822 (V) 27  November  1822 (V) 28  November  1822 (V)


20  February  1823 (V) 27  February  1823 (V) 4  March  1823 (V) 12  March  1823 (V) 26  April  1823 (V) 7  May  1823 (V) 3  June  1823 (V) 19  June  1823 7  August  1823 (V) 14  August  1823 (V) 3  September  1823 (V) 2  October  1823 (V) 14  November  1823 (V) 15  November  1823 (V) 2  December  1823 (V) 11  December  1823 (V) 15  December  1823 (V) 16  December  1823 (V) 19  December  1823 (V)


9  January  1824 (V) 22  January  1824 (NV) 23  January  1824 (NV) 11  February  1824 (V) 19  February  1824 (V) 26  February  1824 27  February  1824 (V) 3  March  1824 (V) 6  May  1824 (V) 14  May  1824 (V) 20  May  1824 (V) 29  May  1824 (V) 3  June  1824 (V) 4  June  1824 (V) 10  June  1824 (V) 11  June  1824 (V) 16  June  1824 (V) 26  June  1824 (V) 30  June  1824 (V) 6  August  1824 (V) 30  October  1824 (V) 1  November  1824 (V) 3  November  1824 (V) 13  November  1824 (V) 21  December  1824 (V)


27  January  1825 (V) 5  February  1825 (V) 9  February  1825 (V) 14  February  1825 (V) 17  February  1825 (V) 26  February  1825 (V) 28  February  1825 (V) 30  April  1825 18  May  1825 (NV) 19  May  1825 (V)

  • Name: Pouncy,
  • Gender: Male
  • Birth Date:

The Pouncys in the diary (initialled G and H) appear 76 times between 1816 and 1825. Therefore neither can be Benjamin Thomas Pouncy, draughtsman and engraver, who died in 1799. Nor can we assume any connection to Benjamin Thomas as his DNB entry makes no reference to mariage or children.

Although Godwin writes letters to Pouncy, nothing appears in the collected letter files.

In an article from the Examiner, 16 September 1821, an artist Pouncy is mentioned along with Landseer, but works by artists living and deceased were exhibited, so this could well be a reference to Benjamin Thomas Pouncy. Nothing is listed in the National Portrait Gallery.

The diary suggests that Pouncys might be associated with the Political Economy Club:
1821, April 30 'M. Marino, C. IX, st. 91. Seek H Pouncy . Political Economy Club instituted. '
The following day's entry reads:
'Marino, st. 108. Call on G Pouncy '
In fact, the Club records make no mention of Pouncy or Godwin, suggesting that there is no connection and that Godwin's mentioning of the club might be retrospective - or amatter for some feeling, given that a founder member was Malthus

The British Book Trades Index does list a Henry Pouncy, apprenticed in 1799 who died in 1857; and there are various newspaper advertisements, for example, what seems to be a stationers Pouncy and Son, at 65 Longacre, London, is listed in The Times.

  • DNB
  • The Times Tuesday, Sep 01, 1829
  • Examiner , 16 September 1821
  • Political Economy Club, Centenary VolumeLonon, MacMillan and Co. Ltd., 1921

This table lists the people this person is most frequently noted with in the diary.

Name Number of Meetings