William Godwin's Diary

Richter, John

  • Name: Richter, John
  • Gender: Male
  • Birth Date: 22  July  1769
  • Death Date: 1830
  • Occupation: reformer
  • Occupation: businessman

John Richter, member of the radical London Corresponding Society, was arrested in May 1794 and detained initially in the Tower but later transfered to Newgate, allowing Godwin to visit him. There are also entries for a G and E Richter. A letter in the National Archives from John to the Privy Council (Oct 1794) asks permission for his brother George to visit him thus G Richter has been tentatively identified as George Richter. However, the DNB suggests only that there is a brother Henry James Richter , another brother Thomas and another also called John, although this latter suggestion is odd.

Note that A Goodwin, Friends of Liberty, describes him as a manservant.

Plural Richters in the earlier years at least are taken as indicating both John and Henry James Richter, save during Richter's time in the Tower. On these occasions they are assumed to include H Richter and some other members of the family (uncoded).

  • National Archives PC 1/22/37.
  • DNB.
  • Nancy E. Johnson, 'Fashioning the Legal Subject: Narratives from the London Treason Trials of 1794' in Eighteenth Century Fiction 21.3 (Spring 2009) 413-443.
  • Albert Goodwin, The friends of liberty: the English democratic movement in the age of the French Revolution (London: Hutchinson, 1979).

This table lists the people this person is most frequently noted with in the diary.

Name Number of Meetings
Richter, Henry James 7
Horne Tooke, John 5
Thelwall, John 4
Holcroft, Thomas 4
Tipper, Samuel 2
Bosville, William 2
Dyson, George 2
Joyce, Jeremiah 2
Bonney, John Augustus 2
Tooke, William 2
Scott, Thomas Hobbes 2
Scott, William 2
Banks, Thomas 2
Burdett, Sir Francis (fifth baronet) 2
Burdett, William Jones 1
Vaughan, Felix 1
White, 1
Blake, Arthur 1
Barry, Major Henry 1
Smith, George 1
Fell, John 1
Robinson, George 1
Despard, Colonel Edward Marcus 1
Rogers, Samuel 1
Hone, William 1
Daniel, George (P P) 1
Curtis, 1
Morgan, John Minter 1
Quin, Edward Turnly 1
Robinson, Henry Crabb 1
Davis, 1
Cumberland, Richard 1
Harley, Jane Elizabeth (Lady Oxford, née Scott) 1
Alderson, Amelia (Opie) 1
Cooper, Thomas (Abthorpe) 1
Harwood, Colonel William 1
Warner, John 1
Parry, 1
Parry, Dr Caleb Hillier 1
Parry, Charles Henry 1
Frend, William 1
Vaughan, 1
Jennings, Joseph Clayton (Jennyns) 1
Jennings, Mrs (Jennyns) 1
Sharp, William 1
Fergusson, Robert Cutlar 1
Scott, Alexander 1
Stock, John Edmunds 1
Maxwell, William 1
Kyd, Stewart 1
Frost, John 1
Baxter Family, 1
Ritson, Joseph 1
Manning, 1
Montagu, Basil 1

Richter, Henry James

  • Name: Richter, Henry James
  • Gender: Male
  • Birth Date: 8  March  1772
  • Death Date: 8  April  1857
  • Occupation: artist
  • Occupation: philosopher

Henry Richter, an intimate of William Blake, exhibited for many years at the Royal Academy. He worked largely as an illustrator during the 1790s but his most notable work was focused on historical subjects in watercolour. He had a keen interest in metaphysics, and in 1817 he published Daylight: a recent discovery in the art of painting, with hints on the philosophy of the fine arts, and on that of the human mind, as first dissected by Emmanuel Kant.

Henry Richter was the brother of John Richter and probably also of George Richter , although there is some conflicting imnformation on George's relationship.

  • DNB.

This table lists the people this person is most frequently noted with in the diary.

Name Number of Meetings
Ritson, Joseph 10
Richter, John 7
Holcroft, Thomas 6
Alderson, Amelia (Opie) 3
Thelwall, John 3
Dyson, George 2
Perry, James (Pirie) 2
Nicholson, William 2
Cooper, Thomas (Abthorpe) 2
Sharp, William 2
Iliff, Edward Henry 1
Hazlitt, William 1
Gurney, Bartlett 1
Enfield, Dr William 1
Dormer, Charles 1
Cuxson, S 1
Bosville, William 1
Perry, Anne (née Hull) 1
Horne Tooke, John 1
Boaden, James 1
Dawe, George 1
Dawe, Mary Margaret (Wright) 1
Flather, John 1
Turner, Thomas 1
Este, Reverend Charles 1
Hill, (Thomas) 1
Hayward, Richard 1
Boddington, John 1
Radcliffe, William 1
Northmore, Thomas 1
Wakefield, Gilbert 1
Tooke, William 1
Banks, Thomas 1
Scott, Alexander 1
Stock, John Edmunds 1
Joyce, Jeremiah 1
Dyer, George 1
Manning, 1
Porson, Richard 1
Richter, George 1
Robinson, George 1
Fell, John 1
Smith, George 1
Stoddart, John 1
Opie, John 1
Courtenay, John (Courtney) 1
Parr, Samuel 1
Losh, James 1
Tweddell, John 1
Miller, 1