William Godwin's Diary

Dyson, George

Hover over a bar to see number of appearances/year.
Click on a bar to jump to that year.

This person is mentioned in the diary a total of 439 times, but was not at home (N) 5 times, and was a venue (V) 19 times.

You may also examine their meals and meetings in more detail.


13  July  1788


29  November  1789


5  September  1791 9  September  1791 15  September  1791 25  September  1791 27  September  1791 5  October  1791 9  October  1791 12  October  1791 13  October  1791 14  October  1791 16  October  1791 23  October  1791 27  October  1791 30  October  1791 6  November  1791 12  November  1791 13  November  1791 17  November  1791 20  November  1791 1  December  1791 12  December  1791 12  December  1791 18  December  1791 19  December  1791 22  December  1791


7  January  1792 12  January  1792 20  January  1792 29  January  1792 5  February  1792 11  February  1792 16  February  1792 16  February  1792 19  February  1792 3  March  1792 15  March  1792 18  March  1792 20  March  1792 21  March  1792 24  March  1792 30  March  1792 1  April  1792 6  April  1792 7  April  1792 7  April  1792 14  April  1792 24  April  1792 29  April  1792 5  May  1792 6  May  1792 (V) 13  May  1792 23  May  1792 27  May  1792 5  June  1792 10  June  1792 21  June  1792 26  June  1792 23  July  1792 27  July  1792 12  August  1792 2  September  1792 16  September  1792 30  September  1792 3  October  1792 16  October  1792 23  October  1792 4  November  1792 18  November  1792 20  November  1792 29  November  1792 15  December  1792 16  December  1792


3  January  1793 6  January  1793 11  January  1793 1  February  1793 (V) 14  February  1793 (N) 17  February  1793 18  February  1793 3  March  1793 10  March  1793 19  March  1793 24  March  1793 28  March  1793 31  March  1793 16  April  1793 20  April  1793 23  April  1793 27  April  1793 4  May  1793 19  May  1793 9  June  1793 12  June  1793 18  June  1793 24  June  1793 25  June  1793 30  June  1793 14  July  1793 25  July  1793 3  August  1793 4  August  1793 11  August  1793 18  August  1793 18  August  1793 19  August  1793 11  September  1793 14  September  1793 18  September  1793 19  September  1793 (NV) 2  October  1793 6  October  1793 13  October  1793 14  October  1793 24  October  1793 3  November  1793 9  November  1793 10  November  1793 13  November  1793 15  November  1793 17  November  1793 22  November  1793 4  December  1793 5  December  1793 8  December  1793 8  December  1793 10  December  1793 18  December  1793 19  December  1793 22  December  1793 28  December  1793 29  December  1793


9  January  1794 24  January  1794 30  January  1794 9  February  1794 16  February  1794 22  February  1794 4  March  1794 (V) 8  March  1794 (V) 12  March  1794 (V) 17  March  1794 (V) 17  March  1794 21  March  1794 (V) 25  March  1794 26  March  1794 (V) 30  March  1794 (V) 30  March  1794 1  April  1794 4  April  1794 12  April  1794 17  April  1794 18  April  1794 20  April  1794 23  April  1794 4  May  1794 10  May  1794 11  May  1794 13  May  1794 16  May  1794 23  May  1794 25  May  1794 (V) 28  May  1794 31  May  1794 31  May  1794 31  May  1794 1  June  1794 10  July  1794 13  July  1794 14  July  1794 21  July  1794 2  August  1794 6  August  1794 11  August  1794 11  August  1794 19  August  1794 31  August  1794 4  September  1794 13  September  1794 18  September  1794 26  September  1794 28  September  1794 1  October  1794 18  October  1794 19  October  1794 24  October  1794 (V) 7  November  1794 (V) 10  November  1794 6  December  1794 7  December  1794 13  December  1794


3  January  1795 4  January  1795 11  January  1795 13  January  1795 16  January  1795 25  January  1795 7  February  1795 7  February  1795 12  February  1795 18  February  1795 22  February  1795 23  February  1795 25  February  1795 6  March  1795 14  March  1795 18  March  1795 30  March  1795 3  April  1795 11  April  1795 15  April  1795 18  April  1795 29  April  1795 30  April  1795 3  May  1795 8  May  1795 12  May  1795 13  May  1795 22  May  1795 29  May  1795 16  June  1795 19  June  1795 21  June  1795 15  July  1795 20  July  1795 23  July  1795 25  July  1795 26  July  1795 28  July  1795 4  August  1795 11  August  1795 13  August  1795 19  August  1795 25  August  1795 1  September  1795 5  September  1795 12  September  1795 23  September  1795 (N) 30  September  1795 (V) 1  October  1795 17  October  1795 22  October  1795 25  October  1795 26  October  1795 31  October  1795 1  November  1795 8  November  1795 9  November  1795 12  November  1795 15  November  1795 19  November  1795 29  November  1795 3  December  1795 5  December  1795 9  December  1795 10  December  1795 15  December  1795 16  December  1795 22  December  1795 25  December  1795


7  January  1796 9  January  1796 14  January  1796 15  January  1796 26  January  1796 29  January  1796 7  February  1796 20  February  1796 25  February  1796 6  March  1796 20  March  1796 25  March  1796 31  March  1796 4  April  1796 23  April  1796 23  April  1796 25  April  1796 25  April  1796 30  April  1796 3  May  1796 9  May  1796 18  May  1796 18  May  1796 (V) 15  September  1796 2  October  1796 20  October  1796 6  November  1796 26  November  1796 6  December  1796 21  December  1796 23  December  1796 25  December  1796 29  December  1796


3  January  1797 7  January  1797 17  January  1797 25  January  1797 5  February  1797 9  February  1797 12  February  1797 14  February  1797 24  February  1797 2  March  1797 5  March  1797 11  March  1797 20  March  1797 29  March  1797 2  April  1797 4  April  1797 5  April  1797 9  April  1797 10  April  1797 16  April  1797 17  April  1797 20  April  1797 (V) 27  April  1797 1  May  1797 (V) 3  May  1797 9  May  1797 15  May  1797 24  May  1797 21  June  1797 26  June  1797 4  July  1797 11  July  1797 14  July  1797 23  July  1797 28  July  1797 8  August  1797 19  August  1797 30  August  1797 2  September  1797 13  September  1797 (N) 20  September  1797 24  September  1797 28  September  1797 8  October  1797 12  October  1797 15  October  1797 29  October  1797 9  November  1797 12  November  1797 19  November  1797 30  November  1797 24  December  1797 24  December  1797 29  December  1797 31  December  1797


8  January  1798 9  January  1798 14  January  1798 17  January  1798 23  January  1798 25  January  1798 28  January  1798 31  January  1798 7  February  1798 20  February  1798 17  March  1798 23  March  1798 30  March  1798 6  April  1798 8  April  1798 22  April  1798 29  April  1798 4  May  1798 4  May  1798 19  May  1798 20  May  1798 31  May  1798 (V) 1  June  1798 4  June  1798 10  June  1798 12  June  1798 13  June  1798 21  June  1798 21  June  1798 23  June  1798 19  September  1798 27  September  1798 29  September  1798 7  October  1798 12  October  1798 20  October  1798 21  October  1798 24  October  1798 28  October  1798 29  October  1798 30  October  1798 10  November  1798 12  November  1798 15  November  1798 18  November  1798 18  November  1798 25  November  1798 30  November  1798 3  December  1798 4  December  1798 10  December  1798 11  December  1798 17  December  1798 28  December  1798


3  January  1799 5  January  1799 13  January  1799 13  January  1799 17  January  1799 10  February  1799 13  February  1799 3  March  1799 4  March  1799 20  March  1799 24  March  1799 1  April  1799 5  April  1799 20  April  1799 21  April  1799 16  May  1799 22  May  1799 26  May  1799 (N) 2  June  1799 7  July  1799 7  July  1799 14  July  1799 4  August  1799 5  August  1799 8  September  1799 27  October  1799 28  December  1799


5  March  1800 29  June  1800 3  July  1800 29  October  1800


25  August  1802


29  July  1804 25  August  1804 (V)


16  May  1805 6  June  1805

  • Name: Dyson, George
  • Gender: Male
  • Birth Date: 24  March  1773
  • Death Date: 17  May  1822
  • Occupation: merchant

George Dyson was a merchant about whom little has been known. He has tended to be described as an artist because of the entries in Godwin's diary to 'Sit to Dyson', and it is probable that he had some artistic skill. Other than that, biographers have had little to go on, save for references to him in Godwin's letters, a great deal of which is very confusing. Clearly, the two men had an intense but often troubled relationship. However, there is a cache of papers relating to the Dyson family in the National Archive. They concern George and his brother Abraham, his mother and father, and his uncle Thomas, plus sundry relatives. Many of the papers relate to George Dyson's extended journey to Argentina and more widely in South America 1806-8, and then again until the early 1820s. He remains there until after the deaths of both his parents, which grieved him considerably. His correspondence is filled with filial duty and concern for his family, especially his brother Abraham who leads a largely dissolute life.

Godwin was very close to him in the 1790s and referred to him as one of his four principal oral instructors. The frequency of contact declines after 1800 possibly after a disagreement relating to Godwin's housekeeper Louisa Jones. Although biographers have claimed that Jones runs off with Dyson, it seems more probable that she married Henry Dibbin, an associate of (posibly a former schoolfriend) of Dyson, instead. Dyson's appearances in the diary do not cease overnight: contact with him declines towards the end of 1799 but there are occasional appearances until 1805. On the other hand, in October and November 1800 John Arnot writes to Godwin saying that 'I am sorry for what you tell me of Dyson and Louisa Jones. Can you give me their address?' MS. Abinger c.6, fol. 52r (and repeated almost verbatim in MS. Abinger c. 6, fols 82-3. It is possible that the relationship with Dibbin is subsequent to one with Dyson - but it seems much more likely that Godwin was misinformed or misled. Godwin evidently responded to Arnot that 'Louisa is some sort of bird of passage' according to a slightly later letter from Arnot. MS. Abinger, c. 6, fol 121r: 4 Jan. 1801.

The Abinger letters show that in the mid-1790s Dyson's address was Ironmonger's Hall, Fenchurch Street. The letters tell us little more about Dyson other than he had a tempestuous and passionate character that was, on the evidence of the diary, often in conflict with Godwin over a number of issues. They also reveal that he was a member of the Philomaths.

The National Archive cache suggests that Dyson's father Abraham became beadle of Ironmongers' Hall and that Dyson lived with his parents while an acquaintance with Godwin. According to letters in the National Archive, Dyson sailed for South America in 1806, returning in 1808, and then returning to Buenos Aires again in October 1808 He did not return from this trip until about 1821. The letters mention Hannah Godwin and commissions millinery from her. In 1812, he writes: 'Pray remember me to all these friends and particularly Miss Godwin . I have receiv'd several letters from her during my absence and learnt more from her respecting you than from yourselves...She is a good creature and has not been a favorite of fortune.' The letters also mention Dibbin from an early stage, as a close associate, possibly a schoolfriend from his days in Marlborough. Similarly, Tobin is mentioned a good deal, although it is unclear to which Tobin Dyson is referring.

If the identification of Dyson is correct, then Godwin first met him when he (Dyson) was fifteen, and his brother Abraham only 13. Moreover, it is possible that they were introduced to Godwin with a view to receiving instruction of some form. The suggestion is that George was apprenticed to Thomas Raikes (a merchant), who introduced him to Godwin. Godwin dines with Robinson and Raikes two weeks before his first meeting with Dyson. The two names appear adjacent to each other in one version of the 1796 list. In one of his letters from the 1810s Dyson refers to the death of Mrs Raikes and the undoubted impact this would have had on a man whom he holds in considerable respect.

While the filial character of Dyson's letters suggest that this cannot be quite the same person whom Godwin knows, there is no doubt as to the connection. Dyson is himself candid about his own mispent youth (in Godwin's company). In a letter to his brother in July 1811, George Dyson writes: 'I earnestly long for the arrival of the time when with the blessing of heaven I may be able at their sides (his parents) to watch over the debilitation of their declining, as they have done over the weakness and helplessness of my rising years; the necessities of which were prolonged in so unusual a degree by causes in which my own folly, pride and wilfulness were too much concerned.'

One especially entertaining letter from Dyson in July 1798 talks of his journey from London into west Wales. He is absent from Godwin's diary from 23 June to 19 September 1798.

  • MS. Abinger c. 1, fols. 123-24: 1792-1797
  • MS. Abinger b. 1, fol.10: 21 March 1792
  • MS. Abinger c. 2, fols. 132-3: 30 November 1795
  • MS. Abinger c. 2, fols. 112-13: 26 September 1795
  • MS. Abinger c. 2, fols. 116-17: 28 September1795
  • MS. Abinger c. 54, fols. 55-7: 16 February 1799
  • MS. Abinger c. 22, fols. 101-3: 16 February 1799
  • MS. Abinger c. 4, fols. 86-7: 18 February 1799
  • MS. Abinger c. 22, fols. 104-5: 19 February 1799
  • MS. Abinger c. 22, fol. 106: 19 February 1799
  • MS. Abinger c. 5, fols. 54-5: December 1799
  • MS. Abinger c. 31, fol. 20-33: 1798-1800
  • MS. Abinger c. 6, fol. 52r: 10 Oct. 1800
  • MS. Abinger c. 6, fols. 82-3: 26 Nov. 1800
  • MS. Abinger, c. 6, fol. 121r: 4 Jan. 1801
  • MS. Abinger c. 14, fols. 87-8: not dated
  • MS. Abinger c. 14, fols. 89-90: not dated
  • MS. Abinger c. 14, fols. 91-2: 2 September
  • MS. Abinger c. 14, fols. 93-4: not dated
  • MS. Abinger c. 14, fol. 95: not dated
  • MS. Abinger c. 32, fol. 34.
  • National Archive TS11/463
  • St Clair
  • Locke

This table lists the people this person is most frequently noted with in the diary.

Name Number of Meetings
Dibbin, Henry 28
Holcroft, Thomas 19
Marshall, James 18
Godwin, Hannah 17
Horne Tooke, John 15
Fenwick, John 9
Thelwall, John 7
Ritson, Joseph 6
Jones, Margaret 6
Fenwick, Elizabeth (Eliza) (née Jaco, pseudonym Reverend David Blair) 6
Reveley, Maria (Gisborne) (née James) 5
White, 5
Cooper, Thomas (Abthorpe) 5
Jones, Louisa 5
Reveley, Willey 5
Stewart, John (Walking Stewart) 4
Sharp, William 4
Fell, Ralph 4
Godwin, John 3
Kearsley, Thomas 3
Bonney, John Augustus 3
Warner, John 3
Nicholson, William 3
Joyce, Jeremiah 3
Tooke, William 3
Wollstonecraft, Mary (Godwin) 2
Merry, Robert 2
Wollstonecraft, James 2
Barry, James 2
Lee, Richard ('Citizen') 2
Banks, Thomas 2
Clementi, Muzio 2
Harwood, Colonel William 2
Gawler, Captain John Bellenden (Ker) 2
Knight, Robert 2
Smirke, 2
Vaughan, 2
Jardine, Major Alexander 2
Smith, Charlotte (née Turner) 2
Northcote, James 2
Johnson, Joseph 2
Underwood, Thomas Richard 2
Richter, Henry James 2
Richter, John 2
Jennings, Mrs (Jennyns) 2
Wildman, John 2
Smith, George 2
Arnot, John 2
Fawcett, Joseph 2
Lawrence, Sir Thomas 1
Hazlitt, John 1
Hollis, Thomas Brand 1
Powell, James 1
Disney, John 1
Williams, Edward (Iolo Morganwg) 1
Cline, Henry 1
Frost, John 1
Miller, 1
Barlow, Joel 1
Dyson, Abraham 1
Bonnycastle, John 1
Fuseli, Henry (Johann Heinrich Füssli) 1
Tobin, James Webbe 1
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 1
Hazlitt, William 1
Batty, Robert 1
Este, Reverend Charles 1
Malkin, Benjamin Heath 1
Frend, William 1
Davis, 1
Sharp, Richard (Conversation Sharp) 1
Lea, Francis/Thomas 1
Raikes, Thomas 1
d'Ohsson, Chevalier Ignatius (Mouradgea) 1
Fell, John 1
Robinson, George 1
Christie, Thomas 1
Allen, Robert 1
Stoddart, John 1
Wakefield, Gilbert 1
Walker, Thomas 1
Fordyce, Dr George 1
Montagu, Basil 1
Hunter, Rowland 1
Chandler, John Westbrooke 1
Scott, Thomas Hobbes 1
Blake, Arthur 1
Kyd, Stewart 1
Fergusson, Robert Cutlar 1
Burdett, Sir Francis (fifth baronet) 1
Bosville, William 1
Cooper, Elizabeth Priscilla 1
Carlisle, Sir Anthony 1
Webb, 1
Parry, Charles Henry 1
Parry, Dr Caleb Hillier 1
Parry, 1
Opie, John 1
Zenobio, Count Alvise 1
Sempill, Lord Hugh 1
Rowan, Archibald Hamilton 1
Northmore, Thomas 1
Calonne, Vicomte Charles Alexander 1
Stock, John Edmunds 1
Scott, Alexander 1
Perry, James (Pirie) 1
Symonds, Henry Delahoy 1
Wharton, John 1
Goring, Charles 1
Parr, Samuel 1
Porson, Richard 1
Gerrald, Joseph 1
Mackintosh, Sir James (of Kyllachy) 1
Paine, Thomas 1
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley 1
Priestley, Joseph 1
Fordyce, James 1
Mercier, Charles André 1