William Godwin's Diary

Morgan, George Cadogan

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This person is mentioned in the diary a total of 6 times, and was a venue (V) 2 times.

You may also examine their meals and meetings in more detail.


30  May  1789 4  November  1789


4  November  1791


16  September  1794 (V) 10  December  1794


16  October  1797 (V)

  • Name: Morgan, George Cadogan
  • Gender: Male
  • Birth Date: 1754
  • Death Date: 17  November  1798
  • Occupation: dissenting minister
  • Occupation: scientist

See DNB.

George Cadogan Morgan was a nephew of Richard Price and a dissenting minister who taught Godwin at Hoxton. His brother, William, also appears in the diary.

G. Morgan appears in 1789. Godwin's 1796 Diary records meeting Morgan with Kippis, Rees and others in 1773 - when he enters the Hoxton Academy where George Cadogan Morgan was teaching. This 1789 reference is in association with Price and the Revolutionists and is probably George Cadogan Morgan (see DNB - he was a nephew of Richard Price). The same pattern is there in 1791. It is possible that Godwin reads Morgan's pamphlet An address to the Jacobine and other patriotic societies: urging the establishment of a republican form of government in February 1796, since he cites 45 pages, and does not return to the text - and that was approximately the length of Morgan's pamphlet. G C Morgan dies in November 1798 but there is no mention of his death in the Diary, and no change in the pattern of recording Morgans.

William Morgan was a nephew of Richard Price and was a renowned host of radical figures. His brother, George Cadogan Morgan, also appears in the diary. The first W Morgan appears in 1793 - this might be G C Morgan's brother, also radically inclined, and an actuary who worked with (his uncle) Richard Price - see DNB. It seems probable that Godwin knew them both - but it is unclear what proportion of 'Morgan' entries the brothers account for. W Morgan's eldest son, also William, was also an actuary , working from at least 1817, although he died aged 28 in 1819. He was succeeded by his youngest brother Arthur. Morgan actuary has been coded as W Morgan; as have entries for W Morgan. In addition, there are a close set of entries in 1818 that begin with W Morgan and continue as Morgan, which occur while Godwin is writing Of Population where it seems likely that Godwin is consulting him on the statistics. All instances of G Morgan have been identified as George Cadogan Morgan as well as one instance of Morgan. All instances of 'Morgans' in the 1790s have been identified as either William and George Cadogan.

George Cadogan Morgan went on a tour in France in 1789 with Edward Rigby, Olyet Woodhouse and Samuel Boddington

  • DNB

This table lists the people this person is most frequently noted with in the diary.

Name Number of Meetings
Morgan, William 3
Hollis, Thomas Brand 2
Rees, Abraham 2
Disney, John 2
Lister, Dr William 2
Kippis, Andrew 2
Rogers, Samuel 1
Paine, Thomas 1
Belsham, Thomas 1
Petion, Jerome 1
Lindsey, Theophilus 1
Towers, Joseph 1
Horne Tooke, John 1
Boddington, John 1
Price, Richard 1
Romilly, Sir Samuel 1
Geddes, Dr Alexander 1
Taylor, Thomas 1
Lee, Richard ('Citizen') 1
Marsh, Charles 1
Lewis, 1
Joyce, Jeremiah 1
Priestley, Joseph 1

Morgan, William

Hover over a bar to see number of appearances/year.
Click on a bar to jump to that year.

This person is mentioned in the diary a total of 19 times, but was not at home (N) 1 time, and was a venue (V) 10 times.

You may also examine their meals and meetings in more detail.


4  November  1789


4  November  1791


19  January  1793 (V)


10  December  1794


16  February  1800


15  October  1808 (V) 18  October  1808 (V)


30  August  1813 21  October  1813 (V)


14  November  1818 (V) 24  November  1818 (V) 30  November  1818 (V)


20  July  1819


7  October  1820 (NV) 13  October  1820 (V) 27  October  1820 6  November  1820


30  May  1821 (V) 8  June  1821

  • Name: Morgan, William
  • Gender: Male
  • Birth Date: 26  May  1750
  • Death Date: 4  May  1833
  • Occupation: actuary
  • Occupation: writer

See DNB.

William Morgan was a nephew of Richard Price and was a renowned host of radical figures. His brother, George Cadogan Morgan, also appears in the diary. The first W Morgan appears in 1793 - this might be G C Morgan's brother, also radically inclined, and an actuary who worked with (his uncle) Richard Price - see DNB. It seems probable that Godwin knew them both - but it is unclear what proportion of 'Morgan' entries the brothers account for. W Morgan's eldest son, also William, was also an actuary , working from at least 1817, although he died aged 28 in 1819. He was succeeded by his youngest brother Arthur. Morgan actuary has been coded as W Morgan; as have entries for W Morgan. In addition, there are a close set of entries in 1818 that begin with W Morgan and continue as Morgan, which occur while Godwin is writing Of Population where it seems likely that Godwin is consulting him on the statistics. All instances of G Morgan have been identified as George Cadogan Morgan as well as one instance of Morgan. All instances of 'Morgans' in the 1790s have been identified as either William and George Cadogan.

It is possible that other occurrences of Morgan in the diary correspond to William.

  • DNB

This table lists the people this person is most frequently noted with in the diary.

Name Number of Meetings
Morgan, George Cadogan 3
Rees, Abraham 2
Lister, Dr William 2
Horne Tooke, John 2
Kippis, Andrew 2
Rogers, Samuel 1
Paine, Thomas 1
Petion, Jerome 1
Belsham, Thomas 1
Disney, John 1
Lindsey, Theophilus 1
Towers, Joseph 1
Priestley, Joseph 1
Price, Richard 1
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 1
Joyce, Jeremiah 1
Lewis, 1
Marsh, Charles 1
Lee, Richard ('Citizen') 1
Burdett, Sir Francis (fifth baronet) 1
Gawler, Captain John Bellenden (Ker) 1
Gawler, Henry 1
Sharp, 1
Malkin, Benjamin Heath 1
Boddington, Samuel 1
Hollis, Thomas Brand 1