William Godwin's Diary

Fell, Ralph

Hover over a bar to see number of appearances/year.
Click on a bar to jump to that year.

This person is mentioned in the diary a total of 395 times, but was not at home (N) 22 times, and was a venue (V) 134 times.

You may also examine their meals and meetings in more detail.


9  April  1797 14  April  1797 15  May  1797 25  May  1797 4  July  1797 11  July  1797 14  July  1797 21  August  1797 30  August  1797 3  December  1797


8  January  1798 23  January  1798 30  January  1798 22  February  1798 26  March  1798 1  April  1798 (N) 3  April  1798 28  April  1798 30  April  1798 2  May  1798 3  May  1798 8  May  1798 9  May  1798 (V) 16  May  1798 17  May  1798 23  May  1798 (V) 1  June  1798 2  June  1798 4  June  1798 (V) 18  June  1798 26  June  1798 (V) 28  June  1798 (N) 29  June  1798 2  July  1798 3  July  1798 (V) 6  July  1798 13  July  1798 16  July  1798 23  July  1798 13  August  1798 30  August  1798 (V) 31  August  1798 6  September  1798 8  September  1798 10  September  1798 17  September  1798 (V) 19  September  1798 29  September  1798 3  October  1798 10  October  1798 (V) 10  October  1798 23  October  1798 8  November  1798 16  November  1798 23  November  1798 26  November  1798 2  December  1798 3  December  1798 (V) 6  December  1798 (V) 7  December  1798 (V) 24  December  1798 28  December  1798 29  December  1798


2  January  1799 (V) 6  January  1799 7  January  1799 12  January  1799 22  January  1799 (V) 25  January  1799 26  January  1799 (V) 30  January  1799 (V) 7  February  1799 (V) 12  February  1799 17  February  1799 (V) 20  February  1799 20  February  1799 (V) 23  February  1799 27  February  1799 28  February  1799 (V) 2  March  1799 4  March  1799 8  March  1799 28  March  1799 (V) 2  April  1799 5  April  1799 8  April  1799 8  April  1799 12  April  1799 (V) 12  April  1799 13  April  1799 17  April  1799 (V) 18  April  1799 19  April  1799 20  April  1799 (V) 24  April  1799 (V) 26  April  1799 27  April  1799 2  May  1799 (V) 4  May  1799 4  May  1799 6  May  1799 6  May  1799 9  May  1799 (V) 9  May  1799 13  May  1799 (V) 16  May  1799 18  May  1799 22  May  1799 (V) 24  May  1799 (NV) 26  May  1799 (V) 27  May  1799 29  May  1799 29  May  1799 (V) 31  May  1799 (V) 4  June  1799 4  June  1799 7  June  1799 10  June  1799 (V) 14  June  1799 23  June  1799 26  June  1799 1  July  1799 (N) 2  July  1799 (V) 4  July  1799 4  July  1799 (V) 9  July  1799 (N) 12  July  1799 12  July  1799 (V) 14  July  1799 16  July  1799 (V) 19  July  1799 (V) 29  August  1799 (N) 29  August  1799 (V) 30  August  1799 4  September  1799 7  September  1799 (V) 10  September  1799 (N) 11  September  1799 13  September  1799 (V) 17  September  1799 20  September  1799 22  September  1799 (V) 25  September  1799 25  September  1799 30  September  1799 (V) 3  October  1799 4  October  1799 4  October  1799 5  October  1799 9  October  1799 (V) 14  October  1799 (NV) 18  October  1799 (V) 20  October  1799 (V) 23  October  1799 24  October  1799 (V) 29  October  1799 31  October  1799 31  October  1799 3  November  1799 9  November  1799 (V) 10  November  1799 (V) 11  November  1799 (V) 13  November  1799 15  November  1799 18  November  1799 (V) 20  November  1799 22  November  1799 24  November  1799 (V) 25  November  1799 2  December  1799 (V) 3  December  1799 (V) 4  December  1799 (V) 6  December  1799 (V) 8  December  1799 (V) 13  December  1799 23  December  1799 (V) 23  December  1799 25  December  1799 30  December  1799 (NV)


2  January  1800 (V) 7  January  1800 9  January  1800 12  January  1800 15  January  1800 16  January  1800 19  January  1800 23  January  1800 24  January  1800 (V) 25  January  1800 3  February  1800 (N) 6  February  1800 (V) 9  February  1800 14  February  1800 (NV) 15  February  1800 15  February  1800 17  February  1800 18  February  1800 19  February  1800 14  March  1800 (V) 15  March  1800 (V) 19  March  1800 (V) 25  March  1800 (V) 26  March  1800 (NV) 3  April  1800 5  April  1800 (V) 9  April  1800 (V) 18  April  1800 18  April  1800 21  April  1800 22  April  1800 (NV) 23  April  1800 28  April  1800 28  April  1800 (V) 3  May  1800 (V) 13  May  1800 15  May  1800 19  May  1800 28  May  1800 30  May  1800 (V) 11  June  1800 15  June  1800 (V) 15  June  1800 16  June  1800 18  June  1800 (V) 22  June  1800 23  June  1800 (V) 25  June  1800 27  June  1800 28  June  1800 5  July  1800 10  December  1800 11  December  1800 14  December  1800 (V) 19  December  1800 (V) 20  December  1800 21  December  1800 23  December  1800 (V) 24  December  1800 (V) 28  December  1800 31  December  1800 (N)


1  January  1801 (NV) 5  January  1801 (V) 6  January  1801 14  January  1801 14  January  1801 (V) 18  January  1801 19  January  1801 22  January  1801 26  January  1801 3  February  1801 (V) 4  February  1801 (V) 12  February  1801 13  February  1801 (V) 24  February  1801 5  March  1801 (N) 7  March  1801 (V) 11  March  1801 (V) 29  March  1801 (V) 1  April  1801 (V) 2  April  1801 14  April  1801 (NV) 16  April  1801 16  April  1801 21  April  1801 26  April  1801 (V) 29  April  1801 29  April  1801 1  May  1801 5  May  1801 (V) 8  May  1801 9  May  1801 (V) 10  May  1801 (V) 14  May  1801 22  May  1801 (V) 24  May  1801 (V) 24  May  1801 30  May  1801 (V) 31  May  1801 4  June  1801 (V) 5  June  1801 (V) 7  June  1801 10  June  1806 12  June  1801 12  June  1801 (V) 6  November  1801 7  November  1801 7  November  1801 11  November  1801 (V) 15  November  1801 (V) 26  November  1801 28  November  1801 7  December  1801 (V) 19  December  1801 30  December  1801


3  January  1802 (N) 8  January  1802 10  January  1802 (V) 14  January  1802 17  January  1802 23  January  1802 25  January  1802 (V) 30  January  1802 1  February  1802 (V) 3  February  1802 7  February  1802 21  February  1802 7  March  1802 14  March  1802 9  April  1802 (NV) 11  April  1802 (N) 16  April  1802 (V) 28  April  1802 3  May  1802 7  May  1802 8  May  1802 (V) 8  May  1802 13  May  1802 18  May  1802 (NV) 27  May  1802 13  June  1802 (NV) 17  June  1802 (V) 25  June  1802 8  July  1802 14  July  1802 (V) 27  July  1802 28  July  1802 (V) 11  August  1802 (V) 18  August  1802 (V) 21  August  1802 31  August  1802 1  September  1802 2  September  1802 (V) 10  September  1802 (V) 3  October  1802 28  October  1802 4  November  1802 8  November  1802 (V) 13  November  1802 25  November  1802 30  November  1802 (V) 24  December  1802


6  January  1803 16  January  1803 (V) 12  March  1803 30  March  1803 31  March  1803 31  March  1803 (V) 8  April  1803 26  April  1803 28  April  1803 (V) 6  May  1803 (V) 25  May  1803 10  June  1803 13  June  1803 (V) 23  June  1803 (V) 2  July  1803 5  August  1803 (V) 7  August  1803 27  August  1803 13  September  1803 (V) 3  December  1803 25  December  1803


7  January  1804 13  January  1804 13  January  1804 (V) 17  January  1804 19  January  1804 27  January  1804 28  January  1804 1  February  1804 8  February  1804 9  February  1804 10  February  1804 13  February  1804 9  March  1804 17  March  1804 22  March  1804 24  March  1804 6  April  1804 6  April  1804 13  April  1804 14  April  1804 (V) 16  April  1804 18  April  1804 19  April  1804 19  April  1804 26  April  1804 1  June  1804 (V) 4  June  1804 19  July  1804 24  July  1804 2  August  1804 17  August  1804


27  May  1805


26  February  1814

  • Name: Fell, Ralph
  • Gender: Male
  • Occupation: writer

Ralph Fell was a writer who published the Memoirs of the Public Life of the Late Right Honourable Charles James Fox (1808). He also wrote A Tour Through the Batavian Republic during the latter part of the year 1800: containing an account of the revolution and recent events in that country (printed for R. Phillips, 1801) which consisted of a series of letters and opened with the story of Fell's capture by a French privateer on the coast of Yorkshire. The letters are dated from October to December 1800 which fits the evidence of the diary, where Fell is absent from the end of June to the beginning of December 1800.

There is a series of letters in the Abinger Collection which throw some light on Fell's relationship with Godwin (1799-1805). One of the letters (21 December 1805) indicates that he lived on Winchester Street, Pentonville. It appears that Fell asked Godwin for literary advice inquiring as to whether he should write a history of 18th century Europe; if Godwin were to say no, he would write a novel instead (5 April 1799). In November 1799 Fell wrote to Godwin referring to his getting married which Godwin appeared to have opposed, but the diary indicates that Godwin's reservations were ignored and Fell married Sarah Carey/Karre on 5 July 1800. They married at St Dionis Backchurch with James Marshall and Hannah Godwin as witnesses. Fell appears to have angered Godwin with some slight to Coleridge in January 1800. Fell was friendly with Godwin's sister, Hannah, and Louisa Jones. It seems that Hannah employed Miss Sarah Carey/Karre as an apprentice in her business and Fell met her through that connection. Godwin's letter to Hannah, criticising her conduct in relation to the affair, describes Fell as a young man of superlative talents, throwing himself away 'on a creature comparatively worthy only of a dunghill'! MS. Abinger c. 17, fol. 91v. Fell's marriage to Carey, followed by Dibbin's marriage to Louisa Jones led to a cooling in Godwin's relationship with his sister. In a letter in 1801 Fell referred to a manuscript which had been declined by George Robinson, probably an account of the French Revolution as he also denied, in the same letter, Godwin's charge of political apostacy. In 1805, after a period which they seem to have fallen out, Fell wrote to Godwin asking him for £30 as his play had failed to be performed at Drury Lane - this helps cast light on a diary entry for 27 May 1799 where Godwin wrote to Richard B. Sheridan and George Robinson 'pro Fell'.

The Life of Charles Lamb tells us that Godwin introduced Fell to Lamb and they became drinking companions. Lamb also refers to Fell becoming editor of a Naval Chronicle and Fell's debt problems in 1806.

The fact that the 'R Fells' start appearing in 1797 signals that Godwin was distinguishing him from John Fell. This also explains why he is recorded as being a contact first in 1797. John Fell died in 1797 and the absence of noting the death is explained by the date - 7 Sep. This was the period when Wollstonecraft was dying so it is understandable that Godwin failed to note his death. Admittedly, 1798 sees instances of both 'Fell' and 'R Fell' but we suggest that this is simply Godwin adjusting to his new circle of just one Fell. In 1795 and 1796 many of the meetings are linked to Smith who may have been at Hoxton with Godwin. It is much more likely that Smith would have known John, rather than Ralph.

Therefore, all 'Fell's' prior to 1798 have been coded as John Fell (but the two instances of 'Fells' in 1797 will be coded as Ralph - neither man being married and there being evidence in the letters that Godwin knew Ralph's brother, Joseph), and all those after will also be Ralph Fell. After Fell's marriage all meals at Fell's and all Fells have been coded as Ralph and Sarah - however, the possibility that the entries refer that to 'Fells' may be Ralph and Joseph (who has been left uncoded).

There are independent and joint entries to S Fell, Ralph's wife, including in 1815. There are also an S Fell junr entry at the end of that year and another at the beginning of 1816. There are also references in 1801 to J and Jo Fell in 1801 (3) and 1806 (1). There is then a Joseph Fell junr entry in 1822. J Fell entries in the 1800s and after remain uncoded.. It is possible that S Fell junr is a child of Sarah and Ralph Fell.

Godwin recorded his death.

  • MS. Abinger c. 4, fols. 94-5: 5 April 1799
  • MS. Abinger c. 17, fol. 91r: 11, 13 November 1799
  • MS. Abinger c. 5, fols. 9-10: 14 November 1799
  • MS. Abinger c. 5, fol. 22: 25 November 1799
  • MS. Abinger c. 5, fol. 23: 25 November 1799
  • MS. Abinger c. 31, fol. 34: November – December 1799
  • MS. Abinger c. 5, fols. 31-2: 6 December 1799
  • MS. Abinger c. 5, fols. 61-2: 9 January 1800
  • MS. Abinger c. 6, fol. 111: 14 January 1800
  • MS. Abinger c. 6, fol. 112: 15 January 1800
  • MS. Abinger c. 6, fols. 114-5: 10 December 1800
  • MS. Abinger c. 6, fols.129-30: 17 January 1801
  • MS. Abinger c. 7, fols. 47-8: 8 July 1801
  • MS. Abinger c. 9, fols. 29r & 30v: 24 August 1805
  • MS. Abinger c. 9, fols. 29v-30r: 25 August 1805
  • MS. Abinger c. 9, fol. 61: 31 December 1805
  • Ralph Fell, A Tour Through the Batavian Republic During the Latter Part of the Year 1800 (London: R. Phillips, 1801)

This table lists the people this person is most frequently noted with in the diary.

Name Number of Meetings
Fell, Sarah 69
Marshall, James 61
Lamb, Charles 36
Lamb, Mary Anne 33
Godwin, Mary Jane (Clairmont) (née de Vial) 27
Imlay, Fanny (Godwin) 16
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft (née Godwin) 16
Fenwick, John 15
Fenwick, Elizabeth (Eliza) (née Jaco, pseudonym Reverend David Blair) 12
Godwin, Hannah 8
Dignum, Charles 5
Wollstonecraft, James 4
Dyson, George 4
Stoddart, John 4
Carlisle, Sir Anthony 4
White, 4
Jones, Louisa 4
Taylor, John 4
Este, Reverend Charles 4
Phillips, Sir Richard (Philip Richards) 3
Boaden, James 3
Perry, James (Pirie) 3
Inchbald, Elizabeth 3
Lawrence, Sir Thomas 3
Clairmont, Charles 2
Wolcot, Dr John (pseudonym Peter Pindar) 2
Northcote, James 2
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 2
Opie, John 2
Allen, Lancelot Baugh 2
Cuxson, S 2
Cooper, Thomas (Abthorpe) 2
Knapp, Leonora 2
Batty, Robert 2
Smith, 2
Holcroft, Thomas 2
Clairmont, Clara Mary Jane (Claire) 2
Mackintosh, Sir James (of Kyllachy) 2
Elwes, Sarah 1
Moore, Thomas 1
Fuseli, Henry (Johann Heinrich Füssli) 1
Curran, John Philpot 1
Plumptre, Anne 1
Plumptre, Annabella (Bell) 1
Arnot, John 1
Nicholson, William 1
Reid, William Hamilton 1
LeClercq, Théodore 1
Fiévée, Joseph 1
Shee, Sir Martin Archer 1
Webb, 1
Underwood, Thomas Richard 1
Sharp, 1
Smith, Charlotte (née Turner) 1
Davy, Sir Humphry 1
Poole, Thomas 1
Rickman, John 1
Walker, Alexander 1
Hill, 1
Dibbin, Henry 1
Holcroft, Louisa (née Mercier) 1
King, John (Jacob Rey) 1
Kemble, Charles 1
Siddons, Sarah (née Kemble) 1
Marsh, Charles 1
Wedgwood, Josiah (jr.) 1
Lee, Harriet 1
Montagu, Basil 1
Potts, Ann M 1
Kemble, John Philip 1
Parry, 1
Malthus, Rev Thomas Robert 1
Wedgwood, Thomas 1
Gutch, John Matthew 1
Taylor, William 1
Morton, Thomas 1
Reynolds, Frederick 1
Hoare, Prince 1
Pratt, Samuel Jackson (pseudonym Courtney Melmoth) 1
Axtell, Elizabeth Amy 1
Porson, Richard 1
Burnett, George 1