William Godwin's Diary

Diary entry for September 1826



Sep. 1. F. Commonwealth, çala. British Gallery, w. We. Last day of summer.

2. Sa. Commonwealth, p. 110/2. Todd, Milton, 1826, çala.

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Sep. 3. Su.Commonwealth, p. 111. M W S & W dine.

4. M. Commonwealth, p. 113, & 1 page. Museum; Cooke. M W S & W dine.

5. Tu.Commonwealth, p. 115, & 1 page. Museum; Cooke. M sups.

6. W. Commonwealth, p. 117/2. Museum; Cookee. Sup at Kenney’s, w. R Rees, Powel &T Ht.

7. Th.Commonwealth, p. 121/2.Museum; Newspaperse. Suetonius, §. 48. Call on Britton, for col. Drummond.

8. F. Commonwealth, p. 122/2. Museum; Scotlande.Hudson dines; adv. M W S, W & Uwins.

9. Sa.Commonwealth, p. 122. Suetonius, §. 54. Call on Britton; adv. Brayley.

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Sep. 10. Su. Commonwealth, p. 124/2. Suetonius, §. 56. Call on Booth. Arrière summer, 10 days.

11. M. Commonwealth, p. 125. Call on M W S (no): sup at Reynolds’s.

12. Tu. Commonwealth, p. 126/2. Suetonius, §. 68. Museume: call on Brayley: L K sups; adv. Kenney & T Ht.

13. W. Commonwealth, p. 128. Suetonius, §. 78. Call on M W S: theatre, Married & Single, & Pong Wong; adv. (Nash) & Talfourde.

14. Th. Commonwealth, p. 129. Suetonius, §. 82. Call on Humen & Knowlesn:M W S & W dine.

15. F. Commonwealth, çala. Suetonius, §. 89. Museum; Newspaperse. Sup atKenney’s, w. M J, T Ht & Cha Merc.

16. Sa. Commonwealth, çala. Write to Sheil. Meet Anderson, & White, E I H.

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Sep. 17. Su.Commonwealth, p. 132/2. Suetonius, Aug. §. 9. Dine at M W S’s, w. M J; adv.mrs Williams: Hodgets calls n.

18. M. Commonwealth, p. 133/2. Museum; Cox & Lelande. Suetonius, §. 14. Call on Kenney;adv. T Ht & Cha M.

19. Tu. Commonwealth, p. 135/2. Museum; Lilburnee.M sups. Northcote calls n.

20. W. Commonwealth, p. 137/2. Suetonius, §. 21.

21. Th.Commonwealth, p. 139. Museum; Spotswoode. M W S & W dine. Suetonius, §. 25.

22. F. Commonwealth, p. 141.Museum;Wendy Oxforde. Call on mrs Hodgets, oe.Charles Shelley is dead, Letter, 14 Sep .

23. Sa. Commonwealth, çala. Write to Sheil.Dr Grayson calls. Amboyna. Drury Lane Theatre, fre.

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Sep. 24. Su. Commonwealth, çala. Call on M W S: sup at Reynolds’s, w. Kenney, Beasley, & C, S & Humphr. Boaden.

25. M.Commonwealth, p. 144: Write to Dunn, D L T.Museum; Nedhame. Third summer, 7 days.

26. Tu. Commonwealth, p. 146/2. Museum; Declaration v. Dutche. Theatre, 1/2 Rivals, & Peter Sminke. H Boinville calls. Letter to Colburn.

27. W.Constipe. Write to Colburn. Suetonius, §. 27: Paradise Regained, B. I. Call on Olliern: Uwins calls.Robbed of sealse.

28. Th. Commonwealth, p. 146.Write to Knowles. Paradise Regained, B. II. Call on Northcote & Ollier: M W S & W dine.

29. F.Indisposede. Commonwealth, 9 lines. Northcote calls: theatre, 1/2 Venice Preserved; adv. J Taylore.

30. Sa.Commonwealth, çala.Paradise Regained, B. III. Theatre, Wondere. Thermometer, 70.

Dep. e.222, fol.  8r
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