William Godwin's Diary

Taylor, John

Hover over a bar to see number of appearances/year.
Click on a bar to jump to that year.

This person is mentioned in the diary a total of 301 times, but was not at home (N) 4 times, and was a venue (V) 84 times.

You may also examine their meals and meetings in more detail.


21  March  1792 8  November  1792


14  August  1793 14  December  1793


8  August  1794 16  August  1794 (V) 24  September  1794 15  November  1794 15  December  1794 (V)


5  February  1795 7  February  1795 11  February  1795 (V) 21  February  1795 10  April  1795 1  May  1795 13  June  1795 (V) 17  October  1795 (V) 20  October  1795 23  October  1795 (V)


4  January  1796 26  March  1796 28  April  1796 13  May  1796 6  June  1796 6  November  1796 29  November  1796


20  January  1797 22  January  1797 4  March  1797 7  March  1797 27  March  1797 2  April  1797 25  April  1797 5  May  1797 18  August  1797 17  October  1797 29  November  1797


27  March  1798 23  April  1798 18  October  1798 23  November  1798 5  December  1798 11  December  1798


30  January  1799 29  April  1799 20  May  1799 11  June  1799 25  September  1799 6  November  1799


22  January  1800 28  April  1800 26  December  1800 (V)


31  January  1801 24  February  1801 5  April  1801 27  April  1801 29  July  1801


7  January  1802 27  January  1802 5  February  1802 9  February  1802 22  February  1802 26  February  1802 27  February  1802 8  March  1802 3  May  1802 20  September  1802 29  October  1802


21  March  1803 2  May  1803 16  May  1803 14  August  1803 21  August  1803 19  September  1803 (V) 24  October  1803 (V) 28  October  1803 (V) 15  December  1803 26  December  1803


16  March  1804 18  April  1804 4  December  1804 (V)


24  January  1805 (V) 13  May  1805 13  May  1805 21  June  1805 22  June  1805 28  June  1805


2  January  1806 28  January  1806 19  April  1806 5  May  1806 3  November  1806


17  January  1807 (V) 12  June  1807 18  June  1807 18  June  1807 27  June  1807 24  August  1807 11  December  1807 (V)


1  January  1808 (V) 6  January  1808 25  February  1808 17  March  1808 25  April  1808 (V) 26  April  1808 25  July  1808 13  August  1808 5  October  1808


11  January  1809 (V) 13  February  1809 1  May  1809 1  August  1809 2  August  1809 (N) 23  September  1809 (V) 28  October  1809


17  January  1810 1  December  1810 5  December  1810 6  December  1810 28  December  1810 (V)


4  January  1811 (V) 15  January  1811 (V) 26  January  1811 5  February  1811 (V) 11  February  1811 2  March  1811 14  March  1811 (V) 15  March  1811 29  April  1811 3  June  1811 3  June  1811 23  July  1811 27  July  1811 28  August  1811 (V) 4  October  1811 31  October  1811 (V) 16  November  1811 26  November  1811 (V) 30  November  1811 (V)


30  January  1812 (V) 4  May  1812 12  May  1812 29  June  1812 12  July  1812 29  September  1812 (V) 24  October  1812 25  October  1812 10  November  1812 13  November  1812 30  November  1812 1  December  1812 22  December  1812 (V)


3  January  1813 10  January  1813 11  May  1813 (V) 5  October  1813 21  October  1813 3  December  1813 (V)


2  February  1814 20  August  1814 21  August  1814


13  June  1815 13  June  1815 21  June  1815 24  June  1815 27  June  1815 2  November  1815


9  January  1816 (V) 11  January  1816 24  May  1816 29  August  1816 (V) 1  September  1816 6  September  1816 (V) 20  September  1816 (V) 26  September  1816 (V) 4  November  1816 (V) 7  November  1816 20  November  1816 (V) 16  December  1816 (V)


5  January  1817 13  February  1817 15  February  1817 19  April  1817 26  April  1817 6  May  1817 (NV) 13  May  1817 (V) 19  May  1817 20  May  1817 1  June  1817 16  June  1817 28  June  1817 11  September  1817 (V) 20  September  1817 10  October  1817 14  October  1817 15  October  1817 15  November  1817


23  January  1818 (V) 10  April  1818 14  April  1818 (V) 14  May  1818 (V) 18  May  1818 (V) 30  May  1818 (V) 17  June  1818 (V) 11  July  1818 (V) 10  August  1818 (V) 12  August  1818 (V) 15  August  1818 16  September  1818 (V) 16  October  1818 (V) 20  October  1818 16  December  1818 (V) 29  December  1818


13  January  1819 20  January  1819 (V) 4  February  1819 (V) 16  June  1819 (V) 22  August  1819 (N) 1  October  1819


15  March  1820 (V) 15  April  1820 (V) 17  June  1820 23  September  1820 (V) 30  October  1820 (V) 30  October  1820 15  November  1820 (V) 1  December  1820 (V) 9  December  1820 15  December  1820 (V)


12  March  1821 19  March  1821 24  April  1821 19  June  1821 (V) 6  July  1821 4  August  1821 10  October  1821 (V)


6  February  1822 (V) 27  February  1822 2  March  1822 (V) 22  August  1822 (V) 20  September  1822 (V) 9  October  1822 (N) 26  October  1822 6  November  1822 8  November  1822 27  November  1822 (V) 19  December  1822


11  January  1823 (V) 18  March  1823 (V) 27  August  1823 3  October  1823 15  December  1823 27  December  1823 (V)


13  January  1824 12  March  1824 24  March  1824 31  March  1824 (V) 17  June  1824 22  July  1824 19  October  1824 (V) 29  October  1824 3  December  1824 20  December  1824


9  February  1825 (V) 25  April  1825 (V) 3  May  1825 11  May  1825 16  May  1825 4  July  1825 29  July  1825 8  August  1825 15  August  1825 24  August  1825 7  September  1825 7  October  1825 28  November  1825


2  February  1826 13  May  1826 15  July  1826 17  July  1826 2  August  1826 7  August  1826 10  August  1826 29  September  1826 5  October  1826 18  October  1826 21  October  1826 31  October  1826


2  January  1827 9  March  1827 13  March  1827 12  November  1827 (V)


21  February  1828 28  February  1828 27  May  1828 28  May  1828 (V) 31  July  1828 (V)


14  March  1831


24  March  1832 (V) 25  April  1832 (V) 4  May  1832

  • Name: Taylor, John
  • Gender: Male
  • Birth Date: 9  August  1757
  • Death Date: 4  May  1832
  • Occupation: writer
  • Occupation: journal editor

There are a number of Taylors in the diary. There is significant difficulty in distinguishing between them particularly due to Godwin's inconsistent use of an initial. A brief discusion of the prominent Taylors follows.

John Taylor was a drama critic who had a lifelong passion for the theatre and who went on to own Tory newspaper The Sun. In his memoirs, Taylor refers to 'my old friend Godwin' (p. 444) and also refers in passing to him on a number of other occasions. In addition, Taylor also seems to have been a close associate of John King's, along with Godwin and Holcroft, and it should be noted that a number of the 'Taylor' entries, without an initial in 1795, are associated with King. Moreover, Godwin records in his 1796 lists that he meets J Taylor in 1792, and it seems likely that the meeting on 21 March 1792, at Holcroft's with John Wolcot, Taylor and William Shield, might be the occasion of their meeting, since Taylor was close to both Wolcot and Shield. Thus, subsequent 'Taylor' entries (and John Taylor, J Taylor, or JT) have been coded as John Taylor, in so far as they correspond to his known circle of acquaintance. However, some of the 'J Taylor's' have been coded as John Taylor of Norwich, where the meetings (as in 1794), take place in Norwich. It appears to have taken a while for Godwin to settle down to a consistent method of referring to the various Taylors.

Marshall identifies the early meetings with 'Taylor', usually at Thomas Brand Hollis's as meetings with Thomas Taylor (1758–1835), the philosopher and translator. Godwin also enters in his notes in the 1796 lists that he meets T Taylor in 1789, and J Taylor in 1792. Marshall also states that Godwin's meetings with W. Taylor in Norwich refer to William Taylor (1765–1836), reviewer and translator. St Clair, in addition, notes a Richard Taylor, Godwin's printer around 1820. Richard Taylor (1781–1858), was a printer and naturalist (DNB) whose printing firm operated in London from 1803. He was also the second son of John Taylor of Norwich. From 1814-1823 his younger brother Arthur was also a partner in the firm. 'R Taylor' first appears in the diary in 1800, but he would by then have been only 19 years old and was an apprentice, which makes it unlikely - but not impossible - that Godwin would have seen him regularly. Richard also had two other brothers, John (1779–1863) and Edward (1784–1863).

We have coded the Taylors as follows:


As per Marshall, it appears that the early Taylors in this period refer to Thomas Taylor, philosopher. There is, however, no evidence to support this other than the fact that Godwin notes meeting a T Taylor in 1789 in his 1796 lists. This meeting occurs via Brand Hollis and two subsequent Taylors who also appear with Hollis are also coded as Thomas Taylor. Godwin meets John Taylor the critic in 1792, as discussed above. The picture in 1793 is more complicated: the Reveleys host a dinner on on 14 December 1793 and the guests included Tresham, Woodford, Taylor, and Underwood. Tresham, Woodford, and Underwood appear to be all Royal Academy painters which suggests that Taylor here may be John Taylor (1739–1838), a portrait painter who also exhibited at the Royal Academy at this time as the other painters listed. However, Godwin noted meeting 'Taylor, Soc. of Artists' in 1804 in his 1796 lists so this instance has been left as John Taylor the critic. SImilarly, the Taylor mentioned on 14 August 1793 has been identified as John Taylor the critic but this is uncertain.


All Taylors encountered in Norwich are coded as John Taylor of Norwich. All instances of J Taylor in London have been coded as John the critic as have instances of Taylor which are commensurate with his known circle. There are two instances of Taylor (8 July and 16 August 1794) which have also been coded as John the critic but there is insufficient context to be certain. In November 1794 Godwin meets 'Taylor Lanc' at Newgate when visiting Joseph Gerrald. From contextual information it is reasonably certain that the remaining Taylors in this year refer to this new and still unidentified Taylor.


From this point on, the Taylors, J Taylors, and other initialled Taylors appear to be a little easier to distinguish and have been coded according to contextual information. Post-1800, there is a high degree of probablility that 'Taylor' is generally used to refer to Richard Taylor, printer as one entry refers to 'Taylor (150 copies)'. In addition, this Taylor only appears as a 'Call on' indicating perhaps that the relationship is commercial rather than social (ie they almost never meet at theatre or at meals). Godwin also seems to call on this Taylor after or before calling on publishers George Robinson or Richard Philips, again indicating a commercial relationship. This analysis is further supported by an 1804 entry 'Call on Taylor (adv J Taylor and Susan). This is taken to refer to Richard Taylor and his Norwich parents, John and Susan. Note also the rapidly declining use of Taylor once R Taylor starts to appear with greater frequency from 1805 or so. There is one entry 15 November 1815 where Taylor is coded as John Taylor as the contact is at Wolcot's.

'Mrs Taylor' has been coded as Susannah Taylor of Norwich (Godwin refers to her as Susan) as 1) she appears with her children on occasion and 2) when she appears she tends to appear 2-3 times in quick succession suggesting brief visits to London to see her children. Although it is possible that 'Mrs Taylor' refers in places to Richard Taylor's wife whose name is unknown.

In instances such as Taylors, 2 Taylors, 3 Taylors etc, they have been associated with either John Taylor the critic, John Taylor of Norwich, or Richard Taylor according to context.

There are a number of Taylors who have not been coded.

  • MS. Abinger c. 2, fol. 83: 13 January 1795.
  • MS. Abinger c. 3, fol. 48: 22 February? 1796.
  • MS. Abinger c. 43, fol. 16-17: 15 January 1823.
  • David Chandler, Norwich Literature, 1788-97: A Critical Survey (unpub. Oxford D.Phil. thesis, 1997).
  • DNB
  • Marshall.
  • St Clair.
  • John Taylor, Records of my Life, 2 vols (London, 1832).

This table lists the people this person is most frequently noted with in the diary.

Name Number of Meetings
Wolcot, Dr John (pseudonym Peter Pindar) 11
Opie, John 9
Holcroft, Thomas 8
Este, Reverend Charles 8
Lawrence, Sir Thomas 7
Hill, (Thomas) 7
Perry, James (Pirie) 6
Barham, Richard Harris 6
Boaden, James 5
Morton, Thomas 5
Stewart, John (Walking Stewart) 5
King, John (Jacob Rey) 5
Batty, Robert 4
Alderson, Amelia (Opie) 4
Goldsmith, Lewis 4
Knowles, John 4
Fell, Ralph 4
Gent, Thomas 4
Wollstonecraft, Mary (Godwin) 4
Robinson, Mary (née Darby, Perdita, Polly Derby) 3
Tarleton, Sir Banastre (baronet) 3
Shee, Sir Martin Archer 3
Lamb, Charles 3
Northcote, James 3
Marshall, James 3
Dawe, George 3
Chalmers, Alexander 3
O'Bryen, Dennis (O'Brien) 3
Godwin, William 3
Turner, Thomas 3
Phillips, Charles 2
Wallace, 2
Curran, William Henry 2
Talfourd, Sir Thomas Noon (Talford) 2
Banks, Thomas 2
Lamb, Mary Anne 2
Skeffington, Sir Lumley St George 2
Poole, John 2
Hume, Joseph 2
Bosville, William 2
Thelwall, John 2
Taylor, William 2
Hazlitt, William 2
Broughton, James 2
Hayward, Richard 2
Sharp, 2
Wilkie, Sir David 2
Webb, 2
Hoare, Prince 2
Chandler, John Westbrooke 2
Banks, John Cleaver 2
Grattan, Hon Mrs 2
Blake, Arthur 2
Bannister, John 2
Hays, Mary 2
Robinson, George 2
Montagu, Basil 1
Scott, Thomas Hobbes 1
Dealtry, Peregrine (Perry) 1
Barbauld, Rochemont 1
Robinson, 1
Ogilvie, James (Ogilvy) 1
Owen, Robert 1
Hone, William 1
Botwright, 1
Collier, John Payne 1
Place, Francis 1
Marsh, Charles 1
Jones, Louisa 1
Godwin, Hannah 1
Hume, Alexia 1
Fuseli, Henry (Johann Heinrich Füssli) 1
Dibbin, Henry 1
Hammond, Elton (Hamond) 1
Burney, Martin Charles 1
Payne, John Howard 1
Combe, William (Combes) 1
Carlisle, Sir Anthony 1
Shield, William 1
Meyler, Anthony 1
Rogers, Samuel 1
Heywood, Samuel 1
Hamilton, 1
Picken, Andrew 1
Foggo, James/George 1
Caunter, Reverend John Hobart 1
Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry 1
Cunningham, Allan (Hidallan) 1
Alcock, Thomas 1
Arnot, John 1
Ayrton, William 1
Pickersgill, Henry William 1
Martin, John 1
Curran, John Philpot 1
Hopwood, 1
Holcroft, Thomas 1
Kenney, James 1
Colburn, Henry 1
Boinville, Alfred 1
Collier, Jane (Payne) 1
Jardine, Major Alexander 1
Mackintosh, Sir James (of Kyllachy) 1
Cartwright, John 1
Hollis, Thomas Brand 1
Barry, James 1
Barlow, Joel 1
Yaniewicz, Felix (Feliks Janiewicz) 1
Noel, Francois Joseph Michel 1
Frost, John 1
Mergez, Georges Nicholas 1
Williams, David 1
Dignum, Charles 1
Knight, Thomas 1
Inchbald, Elizabeth 1
Sharp, William 1
Davis, 1
Barbauld, Anna Letitia (née Aikin) 1
Pratt, Samuel Jackson (pseudonym Courtney Melmoth) 1
Bourgeois, Peter Francis 1
Jerningham, 1
Francis, Sir Philip 1
Stoddart, John 1
Fell, Sarah 1
Collier, John Dyer 1
Reveley, Maria (Gisborne) (née James) 1
Reveley, Willey 1
Cooper, Thomas (Abthorpe) 1
Mulready, William 1
Tresham, Henry 1
Reynolds, Frederick 1
Rowan, Sarah Jane (née Dawson) 1
Rowan, Archibald Hamilton 1
Woodforde, Samuel 1
Billington, Elizabeth (née Weichsel) 1
Godwin, Mary Jane (Clairmont) (née de Vial) 1
Quin, Edward Turnly 1
Underwood, Thomas Richard 1
Pye, Henry James 1
Northmore, Thomas 1
Carey, Henry Thomas (eighth Viscount Falkland) 1
Moore, John 1
Carey, Captain Charles John (Cary) (ninth Viscount Falkland) 1
Edgeworth, Maria 1
Dyer, George 1
Moore, C[harles]? 1