William Godwin's Diary

Diary entry for January 1792



Dep. e.199, fol.  9v
[fol. 9v]

Jan. 1. Su.Write 12 lines. Dine at Holcroft's with Fenwick, talk of government, the law, &c .

2. M.Notes on Part III. Call on Barry, talk of counter revolution. Mrs Cooper dines. Sup at Fenwick's with Holcroft, talk of the law & intellectual improvement.

3. Tu. Talk with Marshal on sullenness: with J C on honesty & talents. Read Rights of Man 18, & Burke's Reflections, Costive 28 pages. Costivee

4. W.Read Anna, Vol. 6. Costivee.

5. Th.Call on Webb, nah. Seek col. Barry & Canning. Read Burke, 28. Sup with miss Godwin, talk of religion.

6. F.B. Hollis calls. Read the Widow: Holcroft sups.

7. Sa.Dyson calls. Notes. Read Anacharsis, 53 pages.

Dep. e.199, fol.  10r
[fol. 10r]

Jan. 8. Su.Write 2 1/2 pages. Dine at Holcroft's. sup with him at Fenwick's, talk of irresolution.

9. M.Write 3 pages. Dine at B. Hollis's, with Disney, Jennings & Serbonnier, talk of honesty. Anacharsis, 13 pages. Webb calls, talk cursorily of constitutions.

10. Tu.Transcribe 4 pages with corrections. Mrs & miss Cooper dine, talk of religion.

11. W.Transcribe 2 1/2 pages with corrections. Read Burke, 100 pages: Parr's Dedication to Hurd. Frost begins, 4 days.

12. Th.Write 1 page. Dyson dines, talk of extirpating the passions, of Homer & of abstract & practical virtue. Holcroft at tea. Meet Jacob. Read Burke, 50 pages: Epistle to Hogarth

13. F.Transcribe 2 pages. Read Burke, 72 pages: Churchil; Night, Conferences, Farewel.

14. Sa.Write 2 pages. Dine at Marshal's, with Mrs & miss Cooper, talk of religion à l'une, of education à l'autre.

Dep. e.199, fol.  10v
[fol. 10v]

Jan. 15. Su.Write 4 pages. Miss Godwin dines; John at supper. Read Burke, 30 pages.

16. M.Read Anna, Vol. 7/2: Burke 16 pages. Holcroft at tea. Read Protesilas en Télémaq[ ] Rum fevere.

17. Tu.Write 4 pages. Holcroft at tea, sup with him at miss Godwin's.

18. W.Call on Webb. nah. Dine at Holcroft's. Huniades{.} Read the Rosciad.

19. Th.Fevere. Read Anacharsis, 70 pages: the Candidate.

20. F.Dyson calls. Anacharsis, 16 pages. Nat at tea. Read the conclusion of Anna.

21. Sa.Anna. Dine at Holcroft's. Isabella. Anacharsis, 12 pages.

Dep. e.199, fol.  11r
[fol. 11r]

Jan. 22. Su.Anacharsis, 16 pages. Peroration of Anna. Three brothers dine; talk of hereditary nobility, property & French revolution.

23. M.Conclude Burke, 40 pages. Holcroft at tea. Sup at miss Godwin's, with Mrs Cooper.

24. Tu.Write 1 page. Giddinesse. Read the Biter

25. W.Dine at Mr Henley's, near the Angel, Edmonton.

26. Th.Peroration of Anna. Last classical lesson of T. C.eRead // the Author, Independence, Apology & Jane Shore. Begin Oedipus Tyrannus.

27. F.Peroration of Anna. Read Gotham, B. I. Begin Tasso, Canto 6.

28. Sa.Webb calls, talk of immortality. See Venice Preservede.

Dep. e.199, fol.  11v
[fol. 11v]

Jan. 29. //Su.Call on dr Lister & B. Hollis, n. a. h.; on Jacob, fr. Dine at Holcroft's, adv. Dyson.

30. M.Call on dr Lister; on Canning, nah. on Jacob, do. Read Gotham, B. II.

31. Tu.Write 2 1/2 pages. See the Fair Penitente. New under waistcoat. Parliament meetse