Jan. 1. Su.Write 12 lines. Dine at Holcroft's with Fenwick, talk of government, the law, &c .
2. M.Notes on Part III. Call on Barry, talk of counter revolution. Mrs Cooper dines. Sup at Fenwick's with Holcroft, talk of the law & intellectual improvement.
3. Tu. Talk with Marshal on sullenness: with J C on honesty & talents. Read Rights of Man 18, & Burke's Reflections, Costive 28 pages. Costivee
4. W.Read Anna, Vol. 6. Costivee.
5. Th.Call on Webb, nah. Seek col. Barry & Canning. Read Burke, 28. Sup with miss Godwin, talk of religion.
6. F.B. Hollis calls. Read the Widow: Holcroft sups.
7. Sa.Dyson calls. Notes. Read Anacharsis, 53 pages.
Jan. 8. Su.Write 2 1/2 pages. Dine at Holcroft's. sup with him at Fenwick's, talk of irresolution.
9. M.Write 3 pages. Dine at B. Hollis's, with Disney, Jennings & Serbonnier, talk of honesty. Anacharsis, 13 pages. Webb calls, talk cursorily of constitutions.
10. Tu.Transcribe 4 pages with corrections. Mrs & miss Cooper dine, talk of religion.
11. W.Transcribe 2 1/2 pages with corrections. Read Burke, 100 pages: Parr's Dedication to Hurd. Frost begins, 4 days.
12. Th.Write 1 page. Dyson dines, talk of extirpating the passions, of Homer & of abstract & practical virtue. Holcroft at tea. Meet Jacob. Read Burke, 50 pages: Epistle to Hogarth
13. F.Transcribe 2 pages. Read Burke, 72 pages: Churchil; Night, Conferences, Farewel.
14. Sa.Write 2 pages. Dine at Marshal's, with Mrs & miss Cooper, talk of religion à l'une, of education à l'autre.
Jan. 15. Su.Write 4 pages. Miss Godwin dines; John at supper. Read Burke, 30 pages.
16. M.Read Anna, Vol. 7/2: Burke 16 pages. Holcroft at tea. Read Protesilas en Télémaq[ ] Rum fevere.
17. Tu.Write 4 pages. Holcroft at tea, sup with him at miss Godwin's.
18. W.Call on Webb. nah. Dine at Holcroft's. Huniades{.} Read the Rosciad.
19. Th.Fevere. Read Anacharsis, 70 pages: the Candidate.
20. F.Dyson calls. Anacharsis, 16 pages. Nat at tea. Read the conclusion of Anna.
21. Sa.Anna. Dine at Holcroft's. Isabella. Anacharsis, 12 pages.
Jan. 22. Su.Anacharsis, 16 pages. Peroration of Anna. Three brothers dine; talk of hereditary nobility, property & French revolution.
23. M.Conclude Burke, 40 pages. Holcroft at tea. Sup at miss Godwin's, with Mrs Cooper.
24. Tu.Write 1 page. Giddinesse. Read the Biter
25. W.Dine at Mr Henley's, near the Angel, Edmonton.
26. Th.Peroration of Anna. Last classical lesson of T. C.eRead // the Author, Independence, Apology & Jane Shore. Begin Oedipus Tyrannus.
27. F.Peroration of Anna. Read Gotham, B. I. Begin Tasso, Canto 6.
28. Sa.Webb calls, talk of immortality. See Venice Preservede.
Jan. 29. //Su.Call on dr Lister & B. Hollis, n. a. h.; on Jacob, fr. Dine at Holcroft's, adv. Dyson.
30. M.Call on dr Lister; on Canning, nah. on Jacob, do. Read Gotham, B. II.
31. Tu.Write 2 1/2 pages. See the Fair Penitente. New under waistcoat. Parliament meetse
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