Oct. 1. W. Breakfast at Wolcot’s, w. mrs Knight & M J: call on Jo G.
2. Th.Tea Tcrotter’s, w. M J (coffin of Fox)e: S Fell calls: sup at Nicholson’s, w. M J.
3. F.Browne’s Pastorals, p. 22. Call on Johnson (adv. Bonnycastle) & Lamb. Write to Philips. Horsley dies.
4. Sa.Impressions, p. 20/2. Call on R Taylor: Curran dines: theatre, 2/5 Jealous Wifee: meet Jo G.
Oct. 5. Su. Call on Curran (adv. Bosville); &, w. Curran, on Trotter; adv. Rollason.
6. M. Impressions, p. 22. Call on Curran; adv. Egan, Jennings, Paul & Bosville: mes Topping & Smith at tea.
7. Tu.Macmillan calls: T T sups. Diarrhæae. Appointed to dine w. Curran.
8. W. Call on Curran (talk of H S), &, w. him, on Pauln: meet, w. him, O’Hara & mrs Cooke: Mulready sups; adv. T T; invité Dawe. Call on Dawe.
9. Th. Letter to Burdet. Call on Lamb, &, w. M J, on Margt Jones.
10. F.Fox’s Funeral e, w. Lofft, Rogers, W Spences, sir J Throckmorton, sir W Middleton, Perry, Dealtry, Plowden, capt. Burney, Richards, J Gregory, Boddington, Wilbraham, Hardy, Thelwal, Miller, Philips, Mawman, R Taylor, H Scott{.}Wilkie & Mulready sup.
11. Sa. Call on Curran n: meet Paul: Lofft dines. call on Mulready.
Oct. 12. Su.Dine at H Tooke’s, w. Curran, Paul, Sempil, Bosville, major James, Squi[re?], Baxter & Bray: sup at Egan’s, w. Curran.
13. M. Vicar of Wakefield, p. 223, fin. T T at tea. Appointed to call on Curran. Diarrhæae{.} M J calls on Jo G.
14. Tu.Write to Burdet. T T sups. Battle of Jena, or Averstadte.
15. W.Hazlit calls: tea Topping’s, w. miss Fearon, M J & children.
16. Th. Curran, Wolcot, Perry & Paul dine; adv. T T; invité Raine.
17. F. Write to Keir, Johnson & Davison by T T. Dine at Paul’s, w. Curran & Egan.
18. Sa. Write to Burdet. Call on Curran & mrs Mulready: Dawes & T T sup. S Fell calls na.
Oct. 19. Su. Call on Wroughton: C C de furto, & mendacio.
20. M. Call on Curran (adv. Warings); seek, w. him, Burdet. Write to Wroughton.
21. Tu.Character of Fox, 6 pp. Dawe calls na: T T sups.
22. W.Dine at Perry’s, Merton, w. Hornihold & Frend.
23. Th. Call on Currann & Johnson: seek Burdet & Davison, w. T T: T T dines: mrs Topping at tea.
24. F.Write to Burdet, by T T. Dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli & Bonnycastle. Mes Beresford & Snow call n: Toppings at tea: T T sups. meet Perry. Dissolution
25. Sa.Write to Burdet, by T T. Call on Davison, Johnson & M Lamb: Mulready calls: T T dines (Bt, acts 1 & 2).
Oct. 26. Su.Call on Currann & Jacob: dine at Johnson’s, P C, w. Fuselis T T sups.
27. M. Write to Wedgwood. T T at tea (Bt, fin).
28. Tu. Write to Rowan. Call on Carlisle; adv. mrs Wilson. Mrs C Smith dies.
29. W. Circular Letter. Dutens, Vol. I.
30. Th.Dutens, Vol. II. Dawe calls twice.
31. F.Letters from Wedgwood & Johnson. T T tea & supper. Letter from W J Burdet.
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