1806. Jan. 1. W.Martial, Ep. 12. Mulready calls. Write to Chas Wt.
2. Th. Martial, Ep. 24. Langslow & W Stewart call: call on Lamb (adv. miss Stodart) & Hoare: meet J Taylor & Boswel: theatre, w. M J from Nicholson’s, Macbethe.
3. F. Martial, Ep. 37: Arcadia, p. 271. Call on Wilks & R Taylor.
4. Sa. Martial, Ep. 50. Theatre, Mysterious Husbande, & Macbeth, act 5e.
Jan. 5. Su.Martial, Ep. 55. Wroughton & miss C Smith call: call on Langslow: N G at tea.
6. M. Letter to Wroughton. Hooley calls. Cherche mon Peree.
7. Tu.Letter to Wedgwood. Call on Wilks & Jo G; adv. N G: sup at Rowan’s, w. M J.
8. W. Wedgwood, p. 10, 11. Martial, Ep. 60. Dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli, Bonnycastle, Mullet, 2 Bichenos & Evans. N G calls n, ppc.
9. Th.St Paul’s, Nelson’s funerale, w. H Rowan; adv. Dawe (Boddington & Gurney).
10. F.Write to Wedgwood. Miss C Smith dines. Cumberland, p. 115. meet Morton.
11. Sa.Write to Wroughton. Cumberland, p. 276. Theatre, w. M J, Romantic Lover (adv. Defrezes) & Mortone.
Jan. 12. Su.Cumberland, p. 532, fin. Flathers call.
13. M. Fathers, p. 2. Letter from Wedgwood. S Fell calls.
14. Tu.Write to Wedgwood. Stephenson, Beresford & 2 Rowans dine; adv. Boaden, Hunter, 4 Nicholsons & 4 Lauries; après 5 sen. Nicholsons: theatres, 1/5 Romeoe.
15. W.Nelson, E M n & N Gn call: call on Wordsworth (w. M J), Rouse, Jo Gn & Johnson: dine at Fuseli’s, w. Johnson, Bonnycastle & Houghton: sup at Lamb’s, w. M J & miss Stodart; adv. E Fk.
16. Th.Write to P H G & mrs Fell. Call on R Taylor: Wt junr & Lamb call: tea Joyce’s, w. Evanss{,} Raynal & Rowes: Mulready sups.
17. F.Letter from Wedgwood: answer. Martial, Ep. 72. Tea Rowan's, w. Brackenburys, Petries, Snows, Beresfords & Fagan.
18. Sa.Engd Parvo, p. 7. S Fell calls (£1): call on Jo G; adv. N G: theatre, 4/5 Distressed Mothere.
Jan. 19. Su.Engd Parvo, p. 4/2. Call on Wroughton, proxy.
20. M.Engd Parvo, p. 5, & one page. Martial, Ep. 72. 85. Dine at Rowan’s, w. sir James Le Bath, 3 Plunkets, 4 Bells, Montagu{,} miss Collins{,} & S Beresford; adv. capt. Mills & Truman.
21. Tu. Martial, Ep. 90. Call on Wordsworthn & Lambn; adv. miss Stodart. meet Philips, Fks, Este, Jennings & Harwood: theatre, 2/5 Much Adoe. Parliament meetse.
22. W. Engd Parvo, p. 10. Martial, Lib. V, Ep. 6. Theatre, w. M J, Travellers; adv. Fillingham, Du Bois, Rees, Heath & Generale: meet mrs Turner. Letter from Wedgwood.
23. Th.Engd Parvo, p. 12. Martial, Ep. 18: Morland, p. 72. Call on Wordsworth & Lamb. miss C Smith calls n. Death of Pitt.
24. F.Engd Parvo, p. 17/2. Morland, p. 160. Call on Wordsworth & Creed: miss Lamb & Jo Fell call.
25. Sa.Engd Parvo, p. 21/2. Martial, Ep. 30. Tobin calls: theatre, 2/5 Pertinaxe.
Jan. 26. Su.Engd Parvo, p. 22. T T sups: L Knapp calls.
27. M. Engd Parvo, p. 24. Martial, Ep. 37: Arcadia, p. 288. Call on Philips: M Jones calls: Wroughton, proxy. adv. Dr Niminis & Adlard.
28. Tu. Engd Parvo, p. 26.S Fell calls: call on Lamb: theatre, 2/5 Alfonso, & We Fly by Night; adv. Reynolds & J Taylore.
29. W. Engd Parvo, p. 29. Write to Wedgwood. S Fell calls.
30. Th. Engd Parvo, p. 35/2. Call on McMillan: N G at tea: sup at Lamb’s , w. Fricker & miss Stodart.
31. F. Engd Parvo, p. 37. Sleeper Awake, pp. 65. Call on Northcote: Dawe calls.
Feb. 1. Sa.Engd Parvo, p. 39. Call on Wordsworth: N G & T Tat tea.
Feb. 2. Su. Engd Parvo, p. 41. Dine at Philip’s[s?], w. Weber, major Reid & Surrs: call on A Green, for M J.
3. M.Engd Parvo, p. 44. Warbeck, çala. Call on H Rowann: T T at tea. Fox Administratione.
4. Tu.Engd Parvo, p. 50. Leonora, p. 93. Call on H Rowan: T T calls.
5. W. Engd Parvo, p. 53. Call on R Taylor, Wordsworth (Johnson) & Nicholson: sup at Carlisle’s; adv. Nicholson & Barry: meet Planta. Write to Molony.
6. Th.Engd Parvo, 1/2 page. Leonora, p. 156: Ireland, çala. T T calls.
7. F.Engd Parvo, p. 57. Leonora, p. 291. Call on R Taylor, H Rowan & Dawen.
8. Sa.Cromwel, çala: Leonora, Vol. II. Explanation w. Fannye: call on Jo G (adv. N G) & Wordsworth & Langhorn: Hewson Clarke calls n.
Feb. 9. Su.W L White calls. Case for Wordsworthe. Leonora, Vol. II, fin.
10. M.Engd Parvo, p. 60. Call on Langhorn & Report Office; adv. Wordsworthe: G M C dines.
11. Tu.Engd Parvo, p.64. Write to Wedgwood. Call on Langhorn: G M C dines. Write to Wroughton.
12. W. Engd Parvo, p. 72. Call on McMillann: N G at tea: sup at Rowan’s, w. M J: Mulready calls n.
13. Th. Engd Parvo, p. 74. Call on McMillan & M Jonesn: theatre, 1/5 Wild Oatse: meet L Knapp.
14. F.Engd Parvo, 6 pages. Theatre, 1/5 Gamestere.; adv. Brackenbury.
15. Sa.Engd Parvo, Preface, &c, 6 pages. Call on R Taylor & Wordsworth:
Feb. 16. Su.Engd Parvo, revise. G M C dines; adv. Dawe: call at Lamb’s; adv. 3 Dawes & Burney.
17. M.Letter to Sheridan. Call on Wordsworthn & Nelson: Dawe sups: call on Joyce, for M J; adv. Raynal.
18. Tu. Call on Wordsworth (warrant of attorney){.} Manning, Stock Exchange, calls.
19. W. Write to Wedgwood & P H G. Call on Johnson (adv. Philips), R Taylor & Lamb: G M C dines. Mrs Carter dies.
20. Th.Write to L Wt & Booth. S Fell calls: call on Johnson.
21. F.Engd Parvo, revise. Pitt in Statee.
22. Sa.Mythology, p. 4. Call on Jo G; adv. N G: theatre, Meropee. Barry dies.
Feb. 23. Su. Rowans call: call on Wroughton: G M C & N G dine.
24. M. Mythology, p. 10. Call on Langslow:horn: Britton calls na & T Tn: sup at Rowan’s, w. M J.
25. Tu.Hesiod, çala. T T calls: call on R Sharpn: Lambs, Manning, Dawe & Mulready ca sup.
26. W. Cochrane Johnson, p. 50. Breakfast w. R Sharp & Davis: call on Britton: N G dines.
27. Th.Mythology, 3 pp. T T calls.
28. F.Mythology, p. 14/2. Call on Jo G; adv. N G: Flathers & T T sup.
Mar. 1. Sa.Mythology, 2 1/2 pp. Fasti, p. 3. Theatre, Merope, w. C Ce.
Mar. 2. Su. Mythology, 3 1/2 pp. Jo G & Wt junrna call: call, w. M J, on mrs Joyce & G M C.
3. M.Mythology, 2 1/2 pp. Call on Macmillan: G M C dines; adv. Turner & Dawe.
4. Tu.Mythology, çala. Rowan’s, w. mrs P. Smith, Macarthy, Blackwoods, Chamillys, Plunkets, De Frezes, Hawthorns, Bells, Snows, Brackenburys, De Bath, H Scott, Petrie, F Ht, Truman, Hoskins, Montagu, B Mercier, Norrises, Mills & M J.
5. W. Anacharasis, 35 pp. Mulready calls: call on Jo G (adv. N G), &, w. M J, on R Taylor; adv. mrs Potigny.
6. Th.Mythology, 2 pp. Wroughton & Trotter call n: call on Nicholson, for M J.
7. F. Mythology, 4 pp. Call on Jo Gn & Lamb n: G M C dines; adv. T T.
8. Sa. Mythology, 3 pp. T T calls: call on Nunn: theatre, Hint for Husbands; adv. Lawrencee: G M C sups (America).
Mar. 9. Su. Wt Junr & N G call n: chaise w. T T: dine at Wimbledon, w. Bosville, Macdonald, col. Stuart, B Jones, P Courtenay & T T.
10. M.Mythology, 1 1/2 pp. Cicero de Natura Deorum, c. 8. T T calls: call on R Taylor: Mulready sups.
11. Tu. Mythology, 1 1/2 pp. Cicero, Lib. II, c. 6: Barthelemi, çala. Call on Trottern: meet Hawthorn: Dawe sups.
12. W. Write to Sheridan. Call on R Taylor
13. Th. Mythology, 1 1/2 pp. Barthelemi, çala. Call on Creed. Write to Lamb.
14. F.Mythology, 1 1/2 pp. Call on Jo G & Lamb: Lambs sup. Britton calls.
15. Sa.Call on Klugh & Carlislen: sup at Rowan’s, w. M J.
Mar. 16. Su.Engd Parvo, revise. Call on Lbn.
18. Tu.Mythology, 3 1/2 pp. T T dines.
19. W.Cicero, c. 12: Manor House, p. 120. Call on Klugh & Elam: L Knapp & T T call: meet Keir & Harwood.
20. Th.Marmontel, p. 86. Standert & Tobin call.
21. F.Engd Parvo, revise. Call, w. M J, on Rowann & Carlisle; adv. Tweddel: Lambs & T T sup
22. Sa.Marmontel, p. 186. Standert calls: call on Russel, 44, St M’s Lane: theatre, Oronookoe; adv. O’ Brien.
Mar. 23. Su.Engd Parvo, revise. Marmontel, p. 158. Meet Wroughton.
24. M. Engd Parvo, revise. Marmontel, p. 382. Standert & G M C call.
25. Tu.Marmontel, Tom. II, p. 65.
26. W.Marmontel, p. 151. G M C dines. Call on miss Dawe, for M J.
27. Th. Write to Everina. Marmontel, p. 256. M Lamb calls: meet A Harwood, F Ht, Hardy & M Lamb: Mulready sups. Macmillan cs.
28. F. Mythology, 4 pp. Marmontel, p. 318. Call on Johnson & Jo G: G M C & F Rowan dine; adv. Stephenson.
29. Sa. Marmontel, p. 160, Tom. III, p. 160. S Burnel calls: theatre, w. M J, A Green, T T & F; Warwick, & Deserter; adv. Fillinghame.
Mar. 30. Su.Catalogue, H S. Marmontel, p. 193. E Fks dine; adv. Dawe: Mulready calls: sup at Lamb’s, w. Marmaduke Thomson & M J. Duchess of Devonshire dies.
31. M. Marmontel, p. 331. Dawe at tea.
Apr. 1. Tu.Write to Cooper & C Wt. Marmontel, Tom. IV, p. 30. Call on Wilks: Dawe sups. Write to Macmillan.
2. W. Marmontel, p. 230. Call on Wordsworth & Langhorn.
3. Th. Marmontel, p. 284, fin: Manor House, p. 267. Wedd’s (Morland), w. 4 Rowans, M J & Dawe: call on Dawe’s; adv. V Ht: G M C sups.
4. F. Manor House, Vol. II. Jo G calls: G M C dines; adv. Dawe.
5. Sa. Manor-House, Vol. III, p. 50. Call on Northcote & Nicholson: meet Carlisles: T T sups. call on Keir; adv. Hardys.
Apr. 6. Su. Pantheon, 1 page. T T, Standert & Tobin call: Dawe sups.
7. M. Pantheon, // 1 page. Grattan, Langhorn &T T call: call on Boaden, for children.
8. Tu.Pantheon, 1/2 page. Call on Wilks & Wordsworth{;} adv. Jo G: S Burnel dines: theatre, 1/2 Wheel of Fortune, & Forty Thievese. Lambs call.
9. W. Manor-House, p. 250. Call on Lamb & Macmillann: Mulready calls: G M C dines. meet Rowans.
10. Th. Manor-House, p. 339: Vol. IV, p. 133.
11. F. Manor-House, p. 363, fin. Mulready & S Fell call: call on Wilks; adv.S Fell: theatre, White Plumee: Dawe sups.
12. Sa. Patch’s Trial, pp. 76. Call on Joachimn.
Apr. 13. Su. Notes to Fenwick, 4 1/2 pages. Warwick, p. 134. Flather calls: Dawe tea.
14. M.Letter to Sharp. Call on Philips,Johnsonnit, Lamb (adv. mrs Reynolds) & Carlisle: Mulready sups.
15. Tu. Write to Sharp. Sup at Rowan’s.
16. W.Pantheon, çala. G M C dines: Mulready calls: Dawe sups.
17. Th.Pantheon, p. 14/2-17. Write to Sharp. Mulready calls.
18. F.Letter to Holland. Call on Rowan, &, w. do, on Abbé Macarthy: call on Lamb (adv. Ht) & T Tn.
19. Sa. Letter from Philips: write to Burdet & J Taylor. E Fk at tea; adv. T T.
Apr. 20. Su. Pantheon, p. 19/2. Flather junr & N G call: call on G M C, w. M J.
21. M. Pantheon, p. 21. Letter from Burdet; answer. Call on Dawe: meet Nicholson.
22. Tu. Pantheon, p. 24. Call on Wordsworth (Tuffin) n, Grattann & Northcote: meet S Burnel & Webb. adv. Annis.
23. W.Pantheon, p. 28/2. Call on Nicholson: dine at Rowan’s, w. M J: theatre, Henry VIII, w. M J & 4 Rowans.e
24. Th. Pantheon, p. 31. Mulready calls: call on Wilks: sup at Lamb’s, w. Manning: Abbé Macarthy calls n.
25. F.Pantheon, p. 34/2. Call on Jo G: Wordsworth, Northcote & Lambs dine; adv. T T: Mulready & Dawe call.
26. Sa.P Knight, p. 34. Call on Lamb; adv. Wordsworth: T T & S Fell call: T T sups.
Apr. 27. Su.Pantheon, p. 35. Lamb calls: N G, G M C & 4 Boadens dine; adv. F Rowan.
28. M. Pantheon, çala. T T calls: call on Trottrn. Raleigh, çala. J Hazlit calls.
29. Tu.Raleigh, çala. G M C tea: tea Tuffin’s, w. Wordsworth, R Johnson, Rickman, Southey, Parsons. Melville’s Trial: ends May 17: acquitted, June 12e
30. W.Raleigh, çala. Call on Willoughby (Nic) & Hoaren: Bay of Naples: G M C dines: T T sups: Mulready calls.
May 1. Th.Raleigh, çala. H Tooke, Wordsworth, Manning & Trotter dine; adv. Lamb: invités Northcote & Hoare & Tuffin.
2. F.Call on Burdetn: British Institution & Boulogne: T T at tea.
3. Sa.Call on Burdet; adv. Maxwel: meet Jas Moore & Reynolds.
May 4. Su.G M C dines: meet T T: sup at Rowan’s: Write to R Sharp.
5. M.Melville’s Trial, w. M J; adv. Manninge: Exhibition, w. do; adv. Perry, J Taylor, Annis (Wilkie) & Mulreadye: Mulready sups.
6. Tu. Call on Rowan, Jo G & R Taylorn: E Burnel at tea: T T calls: meet Lamb.
7. W. Call on R Johnson, Tuffinn, Wordsworth, & (w. Wordsworth & Duppa) on Edridge & Wilkie: do on Northcote; adv. Hoare: Mulready & T T call, & Rowans.
8. Th.Call on Tuffinn, Nicholson & Carlisle: tea Tuffin’s.
9. F.Marshalsea, w. Nicholson & Springsguth: call on M Lamb: Grattan & T T call: Exhibition, w. M J & 4; adv. Flaxman.e
10. Sa.Caen Wood, w. T T: T T dines: Lamb clls n: call on Nicholson, w. M J.
May 11. Su.E Fk dines; adv. Dawes & G M C, & N G: Jo G calls.
12. M.Mutabilitie, C. I. G M C dines; adv. T T.
13. Tu.Pantheon, p. 38. Call on Lamb: mrs & miss Rowan, mrs Beresford, Perrys, Trotters, Northcote, Jas Moore, Macarthy & Boaden ddine; adv. Rowan: invités, Raine, Kemble, Sharp, Macdonald, Fuseli, Hoare & mrs Eastwick.
14. W. Barth. Fair, act 1, 2/2. Invités Boadens.
15. Th.Pantheon, p. 39. Serjeant’s Inn, w. Few & Springsguth.
16. F.Pantheon, p. 42. Ep. Martial, V, 38 to 48. Call on Wordsworth, Pentonville, w. M J: G M C dines.
17. Sa.Pantheon, p. 46. Martial, Ep. 61. Call on Nelson: T T calls.
May 18. Su.Dine at H Tooke’s, w. Burdet, Maxwel, Clifford, Humphries, Courtenay, Wills, Moody & C C: meet John Robinson.
19. M.Call on Rogers, St James’s Place & Cornhill: Wordsworth, Wolcot & Penwarne call: German theatre, w. T Te.
20. Tu.Pantheon, çala. Virgil, vs. 270. Call on Lamb: Lamb calls & T Tn: sup at Rowan’s, w. M J.
21. W. Pantheon, p. 48/2. Virgil, vs. 521. Call on Jo Gn: Lambs, V Napier & T T sup.
22. Th.Accounts. Virgil, vs. 760. Call on Dawe & Jo G: call on Spurrier, w. M J: Dawe sups
23. F.Pantheon, p. 50/2. Virgil, II, 267. Call on Spurrier: dine at S Beresford’s, w. Rowans, Snows, Bassanet & M J; adv. Hawthorns & Woodfords.
24. // Sa.Pantheon, p. 53. Meet Mulready: Hazlit calls twice.
May 25. Su.Pantheon, p. 55. Virgil, vs. 558. Call on Macmillan: G M C dines; adv. 3 Joyces: Mulready sups. meet Jas Moore.
26. M. Pantheon, p. 56. Virgil, vs. 804. Abbé Macarthy & Dawes call, & J J G.
27. Tu.Pantheon, p. 57, & 3 pp. Virgil, B. III, vs. 267. Hazlit calls.
28. W. Pantheon, 2 1/2 pp. Virgil, vs. 372. Bathw Fair, acts 1 & 2: St Ives, p. 100.
29. Th. Virgil, vs. 718: St Ives, p. 210: Spartan Dame, acts 1 & 2. Mulready calls.
30. F.Pantheon, 4 pp. Edgworth, Moral Tales, çala. Keir at tea.
31. Sa. Edgworth, çala. Walk w. M J & F to Belle Sauvage: call on Langhorn, Jo G n & Lamb.
June 1. Su.G M C dines; adv. N G.
2. M. Write to M J. A St Ives, Vol. II. T T& Hazlit call: call on Rowann: sup at Carlisle’s. Engd Parvo, 2 1/2 pp. Task, B. I. Engd Parvo published.
3. Tu.Engd Parvo, 2 pp. Call on R Taylor: sup at Lamb’s. Write to L Wt.
4. W. Virgil, B. IV, vs. 295. Call on Langhorn & J Johnson: Grattan calls: Mulreadys, Dawes & T T dine; invité R Taylor.
5. Th.Write to M J. Shelton’s D Quixote, p. 46. Call on Langhorn & Dawe: Hazlit calls.
6. F. Pantheon, revise. Virgil, vs. 583: Shelton, p. 68. Write to C Smith. Dawe sups. G M C dines.
7. Sa.Pantheon, revise. Write to M J. Virgil, vs. 705; B. V, vs. 115: Shelton, p. 105. Call on Wolcot: Wroughton calls n. Sketch of Religion.
June 8. Su.Wroughton calls: N G at tea: Lambs, Hazlit & miss Martin sup.
9. M.Pantheon, revise. Write to M J. Virgil, vs. 285: Shelton, p. 130. Mulready calls: sup at Nicholson’s.
10. Tu. Pantheon, revise. Shelton, p. 151. Call on R Taylor, Lamb & Rowann: Macarthy calls ne. meet K Courtenay. Slave-trade condemnede
11. W.Pantheon, revise. Write to M J. Hazlit calls: call on Lamb: dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli, Bonnycastle, Conrad & mrs Johnson. Virgil, vs. 484.
12. Th. Pantheon, revise. Shelton, p. 164. Dine at Wolcot’s, w. Paddon & Melville acquittede.
13. F.Dine at H Tooke’s, w. M J: tea, do, Perry’s, w. Paterson’s: sleep Wimbledon.[Not in London]
14. Sa.Wimbledon Park: Burdet calls: H Tooke dines at Ward’s: Adams dines & sups.[Not in London]
June 15. Su.Breakfast at Perry’s, w. M J, mrs Anderson & miss Bentley; dinner Gillies; adv. Wilson: sleep.
16. M.Town, w. mrs Perry, mrs Anderson & M J: G M C dines.
17. Tu.Newspapers. Rowans call.
18. W.Call on Lamb (adv. Martins), & G M C, w. M J; adv. L Knapp & M A Marshal: Keir & Mulready call.
19. Th.Virgil, vs. 700. Call on Flint; &, w. M J, on mrs Mulready & Carlisle: meet L K & M A M: sup at Rowans, w. Beresfords & M J.
20. F.Pantheon, çala. Shelton, p. 187. Fox’s Last Appearance in Parliamente.
21. Sa.Pantheon, 3 pp. Write to Everina. Virgil, vs. 871: Shelton, p. 209. Call on Flint & Davison.
June 22. Su.Accounts. Shelton, p. 217. Hazlit calls: N G at tea.
23. M. Shelton, p. 278. Call on Carlisle: G M C sups.
24. Tu.Virgil, vs. 235 of B. VI: Shelton, p. 280. Call on Grattanna, Rogersn & Northcotena.
25. W.Virgil, vs. 475: Shelton, p. 295. Call on M Lamb & Wolcotn.
26. Th.Virgil, vs. 702: Shelton, p. 317. Call on mrs Mulready, w. M J: Keir calls n: meet Walsh.
27. F. Virgil, vs. 901: Shelton, p. 325. Mulready calls: call on Macarthyn & La. Trelawney: miss Marner (w. F G) at tea.
28. Sa. Virgil, çala: Milton, prose, do. Trelawneys call.
June 29. Su.Letter to towns: accounts.
30. M.Pantheon, 2 pp. Shelton, p. 361. W C Brown calls: Rowan calls, w. two sons, ppc.
July 1. Tu.Pantheon, 3 pp. Virgil, çala. W C Brown & Hazlit dine: sup at mrs Rowan’s, w. M J: call on mrs Carlisle, do: Hazlit calls.
2. W. Pantheon, çala. Virgil, B. VII, vs. 211: Shelton, p. 370. Dawe sups.
3. Th. Pantheon, 2 pp. Lambs call: call on Langhornn.
4. F.Pantheon, 5 1/2 pp. Call on Jo Gn & Keir n; adv. Hardy: meet Hazlit & Nicholson.
5. Sa.Pantheon, p. 58, 59, 60. Call on Keir: Highgate: A Green dines; adv. N G: Walsh’s.
July 6. Su.Pantheon, çala. E & E Fk, G M C & M Dawe dine; adv. Dawe.
7. M. Pantheon, p. 65/2. Call on Dawen& Nicholsonn; adv. M J: meet Hazlit.
8. Tu.Pantheon, p. 69. Virgil, vs. 405. G M C sups.
9. W. Accounts. Call on Jo G & Lamb: dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli & mrs Hunter: meet Este & Perry: Dawe, Mulready & Turner call n: Laurie, D S, & Tomson, surveyor, call.
10. Th.Pantheon, 3 pp. L Knapp calls: miss Marner dines: T T at tea: call, w. do & M J, at Walsh’s & Dawe’s.
11. F.Pantheon, 3 pp. Mulready calls. Shelton, p. 384. M Dawe calls: meet S Burnel.
12. Sa. Pantheon, 1/2 page. Shelton, p. 402. Hazlit calls: meet Riley: C & M Dawe at tea: call on Wolcot & Nicholson.
July 13. Su.Pantheon, p. 70. Shelton, p. 409. Dine at Nicholson’s, w. Clennel, Selby, Buchan, mrs Jones & M J; adv. col. Stuart & Cbe.
14. M. Shelton, p. 442. Rain.
15. Tu. Purser’s Cross: call on Johnson, St Paul’s, & Jo G: Clennel n & Hazlit call: G M C sups.
16. W.Call on R Taylor; adv. pere, mere, & A, & Barbaulds: theatre, Five Miles Offe.
17. Th.Pantheon, p. 73. Shelton, p. 470. Clennel calls: miss C Smith dines.
18. F.Pantheon, p. 75/2. Shelton, p. 495. L K at tea: Mulready calls.
19. Sa. Pantheon, p. 80/2. J, R & mrs Taylor at tea.
July 20. Su.Dine at Johnson’s, Purser’s Crs, w. Houghton, Miles & Newnum: call on Jacob, Brompton: E Fk & M Dawe dine; adv. N G n.
21. M. Pantheon, p. 81/2. Send to Purser’s Cross: G M C at tea; adv. T T.
22. Tu. Pantheon, p. 84/2. Write to Everina. T T calls: sup at E Fk’s, w. M J.
23. W.Pantheon, p. 85, & 2 pp. Dine at Johnson’s, w. Stevenson & Fuseli. Prorogatione.
24. Th.Pantheon, 5 1/2 pp. G M C sups .
25. F. Pantheon, // 5 1/2 pp. Call on Langhorn & Vizard: G M C dines .
26. Sa. Pantheon, p. 90/2, & 1 p. Call on Lamb & Creed.
July 27. Su.Pantheon, p. 91. Lambs & L Martin sup.
28. M. Pantheon, p. 96. Call on Lamb; adv. E Reynolds & Hazlit: T T sups; adv. Watts, eng.
29. Tu.Pantheon, p. 101/2. Call on Vizard.
30. W. Pantheon, p. 105. Call on Walsh, w. M J.
31. Th. Pantheon, p. 111. G M C sups.
Aug. 1. F.Pantheon, p. 115/2. Call on Johnson: meet Philips, Chapter: M Dawe sups.
2. Sa. Pantheon, p. 126. Shelton, p. 507. Sup at Lamb’s, w. M J & miss Stodart.
Aug. 3. Su. Pantheon, fin. Dermody, Vol. I. Hazlit calls: M Jones dines; adv. G M C & N G: J J G calls na.
4. M. Pantheon, revise. Dermody, Vol. II. Mulready calls.
5. Tu. Pantheon, 1 page; revise. G M C sups.
6. W. Pantheon, revise. G M C sups.T T & M Dawe sup.
7. Th. Pantheon, revise. Buncle, Vol. I. Brian & Mulready call.
8. F. Pantheon, revise. Call on Jo G n: T T at tea: Wilkie & Mulready sup.
9. Sa.Buncle, Vol. II/2. W C Brown dines: M Dawe sups.
Aug. 10. Su. Buncle, Vol. II, fin: Cibber’s Lives, çala.
11. M. Pantheon, revise. Buncle, Vol. III/2. T T & Hazlit call.
12. Tu. Pantheon, revise. Buncle, Vol. III/2, IV/2. G M C calls: M Dawe sups.
13. W.Pantheon, 1 1/2 pp; revise. Call on Jo G n: dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli.
14. Th. Pantheon, 3 pp; revise. Buncle, fin. S Fell calls, twice: call on R Taylor & Johnson; adv. mrs Fuseli.
15. F.Pantheon, 2 1/2 pp; revise. Shelton, p. 546, fin. Call on Lamb & Langhorn n: W C Brown dines: call on Joyce.
16. Sa.Pantheon, Preface, 3 pp & 2. Langhorn calls: G M C, M Dawe & T T sup: Hazlit calls.
Aug. 17. Su.Pantheon, revise. Miller & T T & Lamb call.
18. M. Pantheon, 2 pp; revise. Psyche. T T calls.
19. Tu.Pantheon, 5 pp. Call on Nicholson.
20. W. Pantheon, 3 pp. Miller of Perth & T T dine; adv. M Dawe: meet Northmore.
21. Th.Pantheon, 4 pp. Call on Keir: T T sups.
23. F. Pantheon, revise. Hazlit calls: call on Johnson: G M C sups.
23. Sa.Pantheon, 3 pp; revise.
Aug. 24. Su.Pantheon, 3 1/2 pp. Flather junr calls: Lambs & Coleridge tea & supper.
25. M. Pantheon, revise. Call on Macmillan, Wordsworth & Langhorn: V Napier dines; adv. M Dawe.
26. Tu. Pantheon, revise. Sup at Lamb’s.
27. W. Pantheon, 2 pp; revise.
28. Th. Pantheon, 1/2 p; revise. Call on Philips; adv. Wolcot, Paddon & Saxon: meet Jo G: T T at tea.
29. F.Paradise Lost, B. I: Wortley M, Vol. I. T T & M Dawe sup. Hazlit calls.
30. Sa.Wortley M, Vol. III. Four Boadens dine; adv. E Joyce, C Colnet, Essex & Sheffields.
Aug. 31. Su.Dine at Philips’s, Hampsted, w. T Moore, Wolcot, Busby, Raymonds, Saxon, Magnys, Cooper, Hardy & Surrs; adv. Thorntons, Browns, & Batty & Keys.
Sep. 1. M.Coleridge & T T call: dine at Mitre-Court Caffé, w. Coleridge, Lamb & Dirkheim: T T sups.
2. Tu. Wortley M, Vol. IV/2. Call on Langhorn & Hazlit: meet W C Brown: Hazlit calls.
3. W. Paradise Lost, B. II. Seek Davison & Taylor: Write to Taylor.
4. Th.Wortley M, Vol. IV, fin. Call on Northcote: W C Brown at tea.
6. Sa.Call on Davisonn: T T calls: W C Brown dines: abbé Macarthy calls na.
Sep. 7. Su.Wortley M, Vol. V. H G, N G, Mulready & M Dawe call.
8. M.Paradise Lost, B. III. Call, w. M J, on Perryn & M Jonesn: Binham calls: meet Batty.
9. Tu.Paradise Lost, B. IV/2. Write to R Taylor.
10.W. Paradise Lost, B. IV, fin. Call on Davison & M Lamb: Hazlit calls.
11. Th.Paradise Lost, B. V/2. Call on Keir, & M J on L Knapp: W C Brown dines: Dawes calls na.
12. F.Paradise Lost, B. V, fin. Thurlow dies .
13. Sa. Boat to Richmond, w. W C Brown, T Turner, E Fks, M J, E Colnet, F, C & J: Hazlit & Dawe call n. Death of Fox.
Sep. 14. Su.Paradise Lost, B. VI/2. W C Brown & T T call.
15. M.Paradise Lost, B. VI, fin. Write to Keir. Call on Jo G, J J G & M Lamb: T T at tea.
16. Tu.Curran & Hetherington call: call on Lamb; &, Ww. M J, on Hazlit & Jo G: Curran dines. call on Johnson: S Fell calls: invités Coleridge & Lambs.
17. W. Meet Curran, Carpenter’s & Waring’s call, w. him, on Northcote: call on Philips & Lamb: Mulready calls n.
18. Th.Mulready calls: call, w. him, on Fuseli: meet & Heron.
19. F. T T calls: call on M Lamb: E Fks & T T sup: invités Dawes.
20. Sa. Call on Curran twice n, Johnson (Purser’s Cross; adv. Fuseli & miss Beresford).
Sep. 21. Su. Curran calls: dine at H Tooke’s, w. Curran, Rogers, Panther, mrs Dicker & M J: sup at Curran’s, w. M J.
22. M. Nicholson calls: call on Wolcotn & Jas Mooren & Curran n: mrs Topping & Smith at tea: Marner dines.
23. Tu. First Impressions, 2 pp. Paradise Lost, B. VII/2.
24. W. Impressions, p. 7/2. Call on Wolcot: seek Macdonald & R Johnson.
25. Th.Impressions, p. 9. Call on Trotter (Stable Yard): meet Curran & Paul. Paradise Lost, B. VII, fin.
26. F. Impressions, p. 13/2. Call on Curran: meet, w. him, Reynolds (Daly & Headfort): meet Wroughton: theatre, 2/5 Laugh When You Cane.
27. Sa.Impressions, p. 16/2. Curran, H Tooke, Wolcot, Northcote, Boaden, Nicholson, Carlisle & Jas Moore dine: invités Raine, Rogers, Sharp, Batty & Reynolds: Curran sleeps{.}adv. T T.
Sep. 28. Su.Walk w. Curran: call, w. him, on Kemblen & mrs Reynolds: meet Batty: Mulready sups.
29. M.Vicar of Wakefield, p. 114.
30. Tu.Revise Preface to Pantheon, abridge. Call on Lamb & Coleridge: Curran, Coleridge & Lamb invited to supper.
Oct. 1. W. Breakfast at Wolcot’s, w. mrs Knight & M J: call on Jo G.
2. Th.Tea Tcrotter’s, w. M J (coffin of Fox)e: S Fell calls: sup at Nicholson’s, w. M J.
3. F.Browne’s Pastorals, p. 22. Call on Johnson (adv. Bonnycastle) & Lamb. Write to Philips. Horsley dies.
4. Sa.Impressions, p. 20/2. Call on R Taylor: Curran dines: theatre, 2/5 Jealous Wifee: meet Jo G.
Oct. 5. Su. Call on Curran (adv. Bosville); &, w. Curran, on Trotter; adv. Rollason.
6. M. Impressions, p. 22. Call on Curran; adv. Egan, Jennings, Paul & Bosville: mes Topping & Smith at tea.
7. Tu.Macmillan calls: T T sups. Diarrhæae. Appointed to dine w. Curran.
8. W. Call on Curran (talk of H S), &, w. him, on Pauln: meet, w. him, O’Hara & mrs Cooke: Mulready sups; adv. T T; invité Dawe. Call on Dawe.
9. Th. Letter to Burdet. Call on Lamb, &, w. M J, on Margt Jones.
10. F.Fox’s Funeral e, w. Lofft, Rogers, W Spences, sir J Throckmorton, sir W Middleton, Perry, Dealtry, Plowden, capt. Burney, Richards, J Gregory, Boddington, Wilbraham, Hardy, Thelwal, Miller, Philips, Mawman, R Taylor, H Scott{.}Wilkie & Mulready sup.
11. Sa. Call on Curran n: meet Paul: Lofft dines. call on Mulready.
Oct. 12. Su.Dine at H Tooke’s, w. Curran, Paul, Sempil, Bosville, major James, Squi[re?], Baxter & Bray: sup at Egan’s, w. Curran.
13. M. Vicar of Wakefield, p. 223, fin. T T at tea. Appointed to call on Curran. Diarrhæae{.} M J calls on Jo G.
14. Tu.Write to Burdet. T T sups. Battle of Jena, or Averstadte.
15. W.Hazlit calls: tea Topping’s, w. miss Fearon, M J & children.
16. Th. Curran, Wolcot, Perry & Paul dine; adv. T T; invité Raine.
17. F. Write to Keir, Johnson & Davison by T T. Dine at Paul’s, w. Curran & Egan.
18. Sa. Write to Burdet. Call on Curran & mrs Mulready: Dawes & T T sup. S Fell calls na.
Oct. 19. Su. Call on Wroughton: C C de furto, & mendacio.
20. M. Call on Curran (adv. Warings); seek, w. him, Burdet. Write to Wroughton.
21. Tu.Character of Fox, 6 pp. Dawe calls na: T T sups.
22. W.Dine at Perry’s, Merton, w. Hornihold & Frend.
23. Th. Call on Currann & Johnson: seek Burdet & Davison, w. T T: T T dines: mrs Topping at tea.
24. F.Write to Burdet, by T T. Dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli & Bonnycastle. Mes Beresford & Snow call n: Toppings at tea: T T sups. meet Perry. Dissolution
25. Sa.Write to Burdet, by T T. Call on Davison, Johnson & M Lamb: Mulready calls: T T dines (Bt, acts 1 & 2).
Oct. 26. Su.Call on Currann & Jacob: dine at Johnson’s, P C, w. Fuselis T T sups.
27. M. Write to Wedgwood. T T at tea (Bt, fin).
28. Tu. Write to Rowan. Call on Carlisle; adv. mrs Wilson. Mrs C Smith dies.
29. W. Circular Letter. Dutens, Vol. I.
30. Th.Dutens, Vol. II. Dawe calls twice.
31. F.Letters from Wedgwood & Johnson. T T tea & supper. Letter from W J Burdet.
Nov. 1. Sa.Call on Johnson, R Taylor, Lamb, E Fk, Dawe & Carlisle: T T sups.
Nov. 2. Su.Call on Wroughton.
3. M. Last Minstrel, C. I, II, III. Theatre, w. T T, Coriolanus; adv. Tegart, J Taylor (& Skeffington)e.
4. Tu.Last Minstrel, fin: Dutens, Vol. III.
5. W.Write to Cotton, Newbury. T T sups. Camilla, revise.
6. Th.Camilla, revise. Meet Wakes: T T sups.
7. F. Camilla, revise. T T sups: E Fk dines.
8. Sa. Camilla, revise. T T sups.
Nov. 9. Su.Camilla, revise. Dutens, Vol. IV.
10. M.Camilla, revise. Paradise Lost, B. VIII.
11. Tu. Camilla, revise. Letter from Rowan. Call, w. T T, on Lamb & Jo G: dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli, Bonnycastle & Hollis.
12. W.Letter to Lauderdale, 2 1/2 pp. Call on Lamb (adv. mrs Reynolds \ £35) & R Taylor: T T & mrs Topping au soir.
13. Th. Letter to Lauderdale, 1 1/2 pp. Call on M Lamb: meet Northcote: T T calls.
14. F. Westminster-Hall, w. Nicholson, Hayward, Wilkinson & Fletcher; adv. Erskine: meet Reynolds & Munden: sup at Lamb’s, w. T T.
15. Sa.Write to Lauderdale. Call on Nicholson & Jo Gn: meet Northcote: theatre, Adrian & Orrila; adv. Reynoldse.
Nov. 16. Su.Letter from Lauderdale. Lambs & Hazlit call: N G at tea: Mulready sups.
17. M.Write to Rogers. Ethwald, acts 1, 2, 3. Call on Northcote (£30) & Macmillan: meet James, Hoare & Jer. Taylor.
18. Tu.Paradise Lost, B. IX/2: Ethwald, acts 4, 5. Mrs Topping calls (£13).
19. W.Paradise Lost, B. IX, fin. Letter from Rogers. Call on Johnson, H Rogers & Goodbehere.
20. Th. Call on Bosville, Davison, M Lamb, Johnson & Goodbehere: meet R & S Taylor: seek Moody at Barnes: dine Blue Posts: theatre, w. M J, M, mrs Topping & T T; Vindictive Mane. Tobin & Jo G call n.
21. F.Call on Moodyn; adv. mrs M; write: meet Mercier, & Jas Moore & wife: Wilkie, Mulready, Dawe, & mes Topping & Smith sup. Write to Wroughton. M Jones calls n.
22. Sa.Camilla, revise. Paradise Lost, B. X/2. Call on Carlislen: Carlisles call n: meet Northmore: Hazlit calls & Mulready Character of Fox published.
Nov. 23. Su. Camilla, revise. Ethwald, acts 1, 2, 3. Call on Wroughton: Hazlit sups.
24. M.Write to Moody & Everina. Call on Lb: theatre, w. T T; 1/2 School for Friends, & Tekeli.e
27. Th.Westminster Hall, w. Nicholson & Hayward: Abbey: call on E Fk; adv. H Robinson: Tuthil & M call: theatre, Venice Presd, acts 2 & 3e.
28. F.Call on Hazlit: sup at Lamb’s, w. T T. Gros calls na.
Nov. 30. Su.Camilla, çala. Call on Graham, w. Wroughton: C Smith calls.
Dec. 1. M. Shakespear Tales, fin. M calls from Philips: Lamb & T T sup.
2. Tu.English Literature, 3 pp.W Stewart & Carlisle call: theatre, Adrian & Orilla, & We Fly by Night, w. M J & 5; adv. Reynoldse.
3. W. Camilla, revise. Call on R Taylor: sup at Topping’s, w. M J. Paradise Lost, B. X, fin. Dawe calls.
4. Th. Camilla, 1 1/2 pp. M calls.
5. F. Camilla, revise. Write to Philips. T T calls; démêlé sur M Je.
6. Sa. Camilla, revise. Call on Macmillan & E Fenwick.
Dec. 7. Su.T T calls, explanation: Lamb calls: dine at Moody’s, Turnham Green.
8. M.B Museum, Ath. Ox., &c: meet T T: theatre, Tempeste.
9. Tu.T T & Binham call: call on Lamb: dine at Johnson’s, w. Bonnycastle, Fuseli, Millses & capt. Henry.
10. W.M calls from Philips: call on R Taylor, H Rogers & Johnson: theatre, w. M J, F & Hawthorn; adv. Batty, Philips & Surr; Travellers & Mr H--e.
11. Th. Call on Philips (adv. Gillet & Burnet) & Lamb; adv. Dawe & Hazlit: theatre, 1/2 Shylock, & Arbitration; adv. Philips’s & Surrse. Binham calls.
12. F. Write to Philips. Mulready & Binham call: E Topping, Smith & Ford sup; adv. T T.
13. Sa.Newspapers. Binham & T T call.
Dec. 14. Su.Flathers call: Binham dines; adv. Mulready & T T.
15. M.Call on Thos Stephenson: Hazlit calls: sup, w. M J, at G M C’s. C C de latebrise. Pantheon published.
16. Tu.Richardson on Milton, çala. Call on Raine n.
17. W. Call on Raine & M Lamb. Paradise Lost, B. XI.
18. Th. Call on Rogers (adv. W Spencer), Dawen & E Fenwick.
19. F. Call on Till: Binham calls: theatre, 1/5 Duennae: Hazlit sups. Parliament opense
20. Sa.C C to White Lion Streete. Theatre, the Will, act 5e.
Dec. 21. // Su.Call on Wroughton: E Fks dine; adv. N G.
22. M. Write to Wroughton. Call on Jo Gn.
23. Tu. Perkin Warbeck. Letter from Wroughton.
24. W.Richard IV: Call on Lamb, & Topping; adv. Young. Write to Philips.
25. Th. Richard IV. King calls.
26. F. Richard IV, p. 1. Call on Till & C C; adv. G Robinson junr: G M C dines; adv. S Topping.
27. Sa.More’s Richd. Call on R Taylor.
Dec. 28. Su.Richard, p. 2. Meet T T: Binham at tea.
29. M.Henry VI, pt. 3, acts 1 & 2.
30. Tu.Henry VI, act 3. Call on Lamb: dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli & Miles’s. Write to Philips. Mongomery’s Poems. Meet Hazlit.
31. W. Richard IV, 1 page. Call on R Taylor & Nicholson, consult: Binham & T T call.