May 1. Tu.Commonwealth, revise. Museum; R Ce. Write to Sturges Bourne. Sallust, c. 60: Prairie, p. 324. Theatre, Turkish Lovers; adv. Skeffingtone.
2. W.Commonwealth, revise. Prairie, p. 370; Vol. III, p. 78.
3. Th.Commonwealth, revise. Prairie, p. 162. M W S & W dine; adv. N G.
4. F.Commonwealth, revise. Sallust, c. 70. State Paper Officee. Prairie, p. 239.
5. Sa.Commonwealth, revise. Sallust, c. 80. State Paper Officee. Prairie, p. 306. E Collins sups.
May 6. Su.Commonwealth, 2 pages. Sallust, c. 85. Prairie, p. 368, fin. Call on M W S: Kenney sups.
7. M.Commonwealth, revise. Sallust, c. 95. Museum; Biddlee: Exhibition; adv. Boadene.
8. Tu.Commonwealth, 1 page; revise. Sallust, c. 105. Museum; 20 April; adv. Rutte. 56
9. W.Commonwealth, revise. Sallust; c. 114. State Paper Office; Bradshawe: theater, 1/2 Charles II, & £ 100 notee. 54 ½
10. Th.Commonwealth, revise. State Paper Office; Bradshawe: Museum; Cobbete. M W S dines. Paragraph on Bradshaw, half after nine, P M. 56
11. F.Evacuatione. Commonwealth, revise. M W S calls: W sleeps . Interview, S T S & Percye. 56
May 13. Su.Commonwealth, revise. Sallust, B Cat., C. 13. Call on M W S. Paragraph on Bradshaw, nine, P M.
14. M.Commonwealth, revise, Sallust, c. 23. State Paper Office; Committeese. Sup at Reynolds’s. N G calls: write to N G.
15. Tu.Commonwealth, revise. Sallust, c. 33. Seek Lord Dillon.
16. W.Commonwealth, 2 pp. Sallust, c. 43. Museum; Fornicatione. Sup at Hodgets’.
17. Th.Commonwealth, 2 pp. Sallust, c. 48. Write to R Taylor, on C C. Cohen calls: M W S dines; adv. W.
18. F.Commonwealth, 1 1/2 pp; revise. Sallust, c. 53. Museum; Biddlee.
19. Sa.Commonwealth, revise. Sallust, c. 61, fin. Call on Lemon & Merivalen.
May 20. Su.Commonwealth, revise. Livy, Prefatio. Call on Merivale & M W S.
21. M.Commonwealth, 2 pp (committees). Write to Rowan. Theatre, Ben Nazir; adv. Skeffington, Barham & Talfourde: M sups. Livy, c. 8.
22. Tu.Commonwealth, revise. Livy, c. 16. Dine at M W S’s.
23. W.Commonwealth, 2 1/2 pp. Livy, c. 21. Museum; Sequestrationse. Theatre, Love & Reasone.
24. Th.Commonwealth, revise. Livy, c. 25. Call on Lord Dillon: M at tea; adv. N G.
25. F.Commonwealth, revise. Livy, c. 28. Museum; Cromwele. M W S & W at tea.
26. Sa.Commonwealth, revise. Livy, c. 32. State Paper Office; Barbonee. M at tea. Mark Noble dies .
May 27. Su.Commonwealth, revise. Call on Booth; adv. Cowley Baxter.
28. M.Commonwealth; 2 pages; revise. Livy, c. 37. Museum; Lilburnee. Hudson dines; adv. M W S & W.
29. Tu.Commonwealth, revise; Preface. Livy, c. 44. Museum; Barbone’s Parlte. Jno. Robinson calls, grandson of Geo. Robinson.
30. W.Commonwealth, 1 page; revise. Livy, c. 50. Museum; Barbonee. Sup at Reynolds’s.
31. Th.Commonwealth, revise. Livy, c. 55. Museum; Barbonee. M W S dines; adv. Kenney.
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