1827, Jan. 1. M.Commonwealth, çala. Suetonius, §. 42. Museum; Exact Relatione. Hodgets au soir. Charlemont, p. 264.
2. Tu.Commonwealth, p. 247. Suetonius, §. 48. Museum; Exact Relatione. Theatre, White Maid; adv. Wallace, J Taylor & Gente: N G calls. Cline dies.
3. W.Commonwealth, p. 249. Suetonius, §. 57. Rowbotham calls: sup at Reynolds’s, w. Poole & miss Harris. Cold, 4 days. 46
4. Th.Commonwealth, p. 253/2. Suetonius, Galba, §. 4. M W S dines; adv. W; invité Poole. Ice in chamber. 39
5. F.Commonwealth, p. 256. Suetonius, §. 7: Charlemont, p. 335. Duke of York dies . 40
6. Sa.Commonwealth, p. 258. Suetonius, §. 11. Charlemont, p. 460, fin. 41 ½
Jan. 7. Su.Commonwealth, p. 261. Suetonius, §. 18. Call on M W S: sup at Hodgets’, senr, w. junrs & Kempson.
8. M.Commonwealth, p. 262/2. Museum; Carey, Baber & Keatese. Truth, p. 105. Seek T Rodd.
9. Tu.Commonwealth, 2 pages. Suetonius, §. 23: Truth, p. 140. Call on Roddn: theatre, Grown children; adv. O’ Hanlone. miss Benger dies.
10. W.Commonwealth, çala. Suetonius, Otho, § 6: Truth, p. 188. Write to Davison. Call on Rodd; adv. Henderson: N G calls.Owen, &c . Dr Jones dies.
11. Th.Commonwealth, çala. Suetonius, §. 10: Truth, p. 218. M W S dines; adv. W, Poole & T Ht; & miss Hippisley. Neal.
12. F.Write to W. Truth, p. 356. Call on Priestley, Howel & Pickering.
13. Sa.Commonwealth, çala (Wood, Hist. Oxon). Suetonius, §. 12; Vitellius, §. 2: Truth, Vol. II, p. 221. 48
Jan. 14. Su.Commonwealth, çala. Suetonius, §. 6: Truth, p. 364. Call on M W S: seek M.
15. M.Commonwealth, 1 page. Suetonius, §. 12. Museum; Woode. M W S calls: theatre, 4/5 Richarde.
16. Tu.Commonwealth, 2 pp. Suetonius, §. 18. Museume. Truth, Vol. III, p. 69. H & A Boinville, & O T call: sup at Aldis’s, w. 3 Uwins, mrs Jones, A Bunnet, Blunt, Haughton, Cares & Deacon.
17. W.Commonwealth, p. 3, 4. Truth, p. 314, fin. Deliq. Imperfme.
18. Th.Commonwealth, p. 5. Suetonius, Vespasian, §. 4. Meet Reynolds: M W S & Wdine: adv. H Boinville, O T & T Ht. Plurae.
19. F.Wilhelm Meister, p. 90. Hudson calls: N G & mrs Hall at tea. Write to Jos. Wilson, & mrs Hippesley. Moriuntur : Vomitioe. Thermomr, 46
20. Sa.Commonwealth, 6 lines. Grayson expected. Wilhelm, p. 324. Meet Fellowes. Frost, 8 days. Snow. 43 ½
Jan. 21. Su.Commonwealth, p. 6. Suetonius, §. 7. Wilhelm, Vol. II, p. 274. Call on M W S. Anthony Robinson dies.42 ½
22. M.Commonwealth, p. 7/2. Write to C C. Suetonius, §. 612. Grayson calls: call on Bowring & Davison: sup at Reynolds’s. 42
23. Tu.Commonwealth, çala (Law). Wilhelm, p. 351. Sup at Hodgets.’ (borrow Rees, 5 Vols.) 39
24. W.Commonwealth (Law), p. 1 & 2/2. Wilhelm, Vol. III, p. 54. Theatre, 1/2 L Log, & Best Friende. Suetonius, §. 20. 40 ½
25. Th.Commonwealth, p. 3. Suetonius, §. 25. Museum; Dugdalee. M W S & W dine; adv. Hudson. 42
26. F.Commonwealth, 2 lines (Prideaux). Suetonius, Titus, §. 6. Call on H Boinvillen & Mnit: N G calls. Wilhelm, p. 165. 38 ½
27. Sa.Commonwealth, p. 4; Quamdiu. Suetonius, §. 8: Wilhelm, p. 235. O Turner calls. 42
Jan. 28. Su.Commonwealth, p. 7. Suetonius, §. 11: Wilhelm, p. 294, fin. Uwins calls: call on M W S.
29. M.Commonwealth, p. 7, iterum. Suetonius, Domitian, §. 4: Tacitus, Historiæ, c. 4.
30. Tu.Commonwealth, p. 8. Museum, fr. Suetonius, §. 7e. Call on Rodd (adv. Henderson, Prowet & H Rd), & H Boinvillen.
31. W.Commonwealth, çala. Museum; 35 Eliz; adv. Rutt & Lambse: theatre, Englishmen in India; adv. Thelwal & R Reynoldse. Suetonius, §. 10.
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