May 1. Th. Write to E Grey. Necromancers, revise. A Smith & Hardwickn call: call on Bentley (for M W S) & miss Northcote. 68 / 69
2. F. Necromancers, 1/2 page, & revise. Museum; Hornecke. Mrs Hogg calls. 66 / 69
3. Sa.Necromancers, p. 232. White dines: mtWilson calls. 67 ½ / 69
May 4. Su.Constipe. Read Necromancers. Quixote, p. 444. Vauxhall Bridge. Mrs Gaskel & Bakewel au soir n. 66 ½ / 74
5. M. Necromancers, p. 234. Exhibition; adv. S Leighe: call on Hume: N G at tea. Pensions, H of Cs, 390 to 148e. 70 / 72
6. Tu. Necromancers, revise. A Smith calls: La Mary Shepherd’s; La C Bury, La Stepney, Murray, Lardner, C Sheridan, miss Campbell, mrs Pritchard (Babbage) 65 / 73
7. W. Necromancers, revise. Museum; Hutchinsone. Wilsonna & Merciern call, & Gilbert: Theatre, Fairy Slipper; adv. Jas Kenneye. 67 ½ / 71 ½
8. Th.Necromancers, revise. Museum; Mathere.Mercier calls. 66 / 69
9. F.Necromancers, proofs.Museum; Mathere. Gilbert calls: meet Wilson. 70 / 67
10. Sa.Necromancers, p. 236/2, & 1 1/2 page. Museum; Neale. L Badams & Teresa at tea. Vardon calls n. 61 ½ / 67
May 11. Su.Necromancers, p. 238/2. Quixote, p. 500, fin. 64 / 69 ½
12. M. Necromancers, revise.Museum; Neale. Mercier calls:S Gent dines:Gaskel’s; Shepherd, Sd Smith, mrs Jamieson, L Aikin, S Austin, S G Caley, Hunter, (H Martineau), Baines, Holm, mrs Wood, Morgan. 69 / 72
13. Tu.Necromancers, p. 240.Museum; Hutchinsone. 66 / 71
14. W.Necromancers, p. 241. Museum; Dalton, adv. Rutte. M W S dines. 60 / 68
15. Th. Necromancers, p. 242. Museum; Lancashire Witches, 1612e. 65 / 73
16. F. Museum; Lan. Witchese. Meet S G Cayley (Likeness to Dalton): Gaskels & m Bakewel tea:La Stepney’s; La Sophia S, La C Bury, La M S, mrs Poulter, Bulwers, Babbage, Young actor, Edw. Landseer, C Sheridan{,}L Stanhpe,Lardner,Hayward. 65 ½ / 70
17. Sa.Necromancers, 3 pages. Call on Strakern. Review of Pol. Justice designed, May 16.66 / 61 / 72
May 18. Su.Necromancers, revise. A Smith calls: Write to Mason. 64 / 71
19. M. Necromancers, 1 page; Preface, 1/2 page. Letter from Mason. 65 / 68
20. Tu.Necromancers, revise. Call on Mason. La Fayette dies. 62 ½ / 68
21. W.Preface, p . 2.R C Derby calls: call on Mason; Adv. Baylis: dine at Jos. Robinson, w. T Campbel, King, miss Perry & M W S. 65 ½ / 66
22. Th.Preface, p. 3. Exchequer Act passede. 66 / 68
23. F.Preface, p. 5. 64 / 71
24. Sa.Preface, p. 6, fin. 66 / 71
May 25. Su. Necromancers, revise. A Smith calls: call on Babbage; adv. Drinkwater & W--- Jones. 62 / 70 ½
26. M. Necromancers, word. Self-Love, 5 lines. Call on Car. Nortonnit: meet Martin:Salter au soir. Mrs P H Godwin dies. 62 ½ / 68 ½
27. Tu. Sepulchrese.Crossley (Manchester) calls: call on Baylis: N G at tea. 63 ½ / 68 ½
28. W. Dine at Gaskel’s, w. Hawes’s, Bakewel, & col. Williams: A Smith & Wilson sup. 63 / 68 ½
29. Th.Margt Jones, mrs Hudson & mrs Rand call: au soir mrs Hogg & Caunters. 60 ½ / 68 ½
30. F. Call on Car. Nortonnit: meet Hayward: Babbage’s, L Stanhopes, Birkbecks, Somervilles, La Stepney, Hudson R S, & Wilkie. 62 ½ / 68 ½
31. Sa. Pantheon; adv. Mortons & Bartleyse: theatre, Henry IV, Part IIe. 63 ½ / 69
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