Sep. 1. W.Seneca, c. 9: 1/2 Timon. Seek Comrie: call on Place: meet B Montagu.
2. Th.Seneca, c. 10. Write to M J, Withers & Patrickson. Seek Comrie: call on Walkden: sup at Lamb’s, w. 2 Burneys, Hazlit, Kirkpatrick & Rayle & F.
3. F.Seneca, c. 11, 12. Write to Hamond. Call on Comrie & Hume: M calls: Hogan at tea.
4. Sa.Barge to South-End, w. tradesman & three maid-servants: sleep at Child’s, M J & W. Write to Shelley, & Taylor, Norwich.[Not in London]
Au Sep. 5. Su. Letter from Place. Walk to Prittlewel, w. W, & to farm-yards, w. M J.[Not in London]
6. M. Coach, outside, w. Forster & family, &c; dine at Billericay: tea Skinner Street.[Not in London]
7. Tu.Write to Shelley & M J. Northcote’s Reynolds, çala. Place calls: call, w. him, on Hamond: Hogan at tea.
8. W. Write to Constable. Northcote, fin. Hamond, Macmillan & C Tayler call: call on Place; adv. H Richter: Hogan calls.
9. Th.Write to Shepherd (Liverpool), H Shelley, C C & M J. Seneca, Ad Helviam, fin. Hayward, Place & Hamond call.
10. F.Seneca, Ad Marciam, c. 1, 2, 3: Henry VI, pt 2. Call on Hogann & Place: Hogan at tea.
11. Sa.Write to Taylor, Norwich, & M J. Seneca, De Injuria, c. 1-6. Call on Rogers H, & Place; adv. J Richter: Hamond calls.
Sep. 12. Su.Seneca, c. 9: Henry VI, pt 3. Joyce calls: call on Place: sup at L Kenney’s, w. F.
13. M.Write to M J. Seneca, c. 13. Coleridge & Aldis call: M dines; adv. Hogan. Write to Constable, accounts.
14. Tu. Write to Hume. Seneca, c. 17. Call on Place: Place & M call.
15. W. Write to M J & C C. Seneca, c. 19. Call on Place: Miller jr & Hamond call: Hogan at tea: Lambs & M Burney sup.
16. Th.Write to C C & Taverham Mills. Seneca, De Providentia, c. 1, 2. Hogan calls, & at tea. Letter from Hume.
17. F.Seneca, c. 3, 4. Write to Shelley. Hogan calls: call on Hume & Place: visit Mackintosh, w. Mde Stael, Horner, Jos. Wedgwood jr & miss Allens.
18. Sa.Barge for South End; tea, half-way House to Gravesend; sleep on board; reach Gravesend at two in the morninge.[Not in London]
Sep. 19. Su. See Gravesend at six, & South End at ten: South End, dine (walk in the sea): Labyrinth.[Not in London]
20. M. Walk to Prittlewel, &c: call on mrs Trower, watchmaker.[Not in London]
21. Tu. Chaise to BillRayleigh; dine: Gig to Billericay; tea: fish-cart to town, w. landlord from Billericay: Skinner Street, 11 at night.e[Not in London]
22. W.Hamond, Hogan, Newton & Macmillan call: call on Place: sup at S E’s, w. F. Write to M J.
23. Th.Write to Shelley. Call on Pearce, w. Hogan: Hayward & Hamond call: M & S E dine.
24. F. Write to M J & Hamilton. Hamond & Hogan call: theatre, 1/2 Road to Ruine.
25. Sa.Write to C C & M J. Seneca, c. 5, 6. Call on Hookhamn & Mackintosh: Curran au soir.
Sep. 26. Su.Oceana, &c, çala. A Curran calls: Curran dines: W & Sarah from South Ende.
27. M.Write to M J. Seneca, Ep. 1, 2, 3: Philautus & Timothy, pp. 65. Call on Hookham.
28. Tu. Write to Shelley. Seek Chandless: call on Place: M & Hamond call: sup at Lamb’s, w. Hazlit & F. Seek Curtis.
29. W.M J from South End.eCall on Place: Macmillan calls n. Hobbes, çala.
30. Th. Marvel, çala. Curran & Lambert call: call on Place, pro Rickman.
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