June 1. Sa.Wilson, çala: Ethwald
June 2. Su.Mandeville, p. 3. Corsair. Cross Strand Bridge. Mrs, R, A & E Taylor sup.
3. M.Giaour; Bride of Abydos. Seek Curtis: Lambs, Morgan & H White sup; adv. mrs Taylor. Call on Longman & Hazlit.
4. Tu.Edgar Huntley, Vol. I, II, & III, p. 153. Call on M Lamb: Wt calls: call on Springsguth, w. M J.
5. W.Write to Manning. E Huntley, fin. Call on Curtis, & (w. M J & F) S E; adv. Baker & miss Roberts.
6. Th.Wagstaffe, çala. Botwright sups.
7. F.Charles I, çala. Botwright calls: Jerusalem, w. M Je: Rodd’s.
8. Sa.Constantine Palæologus, act 1: Wagstaffe, fin. Wrangham & Dr Symmons call: call on Hazlitn & Lamb.
June 9. Su.Drayton, 1/2 Noah: Princely Pelican, pp. 59.
10. M.Write to Constable. Noah, fin. Hazlit calls: call on Hume & Colburn: E White sups.
11. Tu.Lara: Maid of Honour, act 1. P Hardwick & Owen call: mrs & A Taylor sup.
12. W.Maid of Honour, fin: Renegade, acts 1, 2, 3. Mrs Taylor & Edw. call, ppc: Mrs Napier & Boothn call: S E & Wills dine.
13. Th.Mandeville, p. 3. Ormond, p. 93. Hume calls n: Rodd’s. Bad news from Humee.
14. F.Mandeville, p. 5/2. Ormond, p. 218. Vaughan calls.
15. Sa.Mandeville, p. 5. Ormond, p. 338, fin. M calls.
Write to Mackintosh on By[ ] Jan. 27, 1816. Wishaw, Nov. 28, 1815
June 16. Su.Mandeville, p. 6. Renegade, act 4. Booth & Owen at tea.
17. M.Mandeville, p. 7, & 1 page. Adam Bell, & Waverley, çala. Constable calls n: call on don.
18. Tu.Mandeville, p. 9. Call on Hume & Cooper bb.
19. W.Mandeville, p. 9, 10. Write to Poole: seek Jo G: Creed, L Kenney & M call: Botwright at tea. call on Constablen.
20. Th.Mandeville, p. 11. Constable & Creed call. Fox, Bloomsbury Square. Botwright calls.
21. F.Mandeville, p. 13. Call on S E, w. M J.
22. Sa.Conatuse. Rodd’s: call on Ogle.
June 23. Su.Mandeville, p. 14. Atheist’s Tragedy, act 1, 2, 3: Orphelin de la Chine, acte 1 & 2: Philip Stanley, Vol. I. Constable dines; adv. L Ht.
24. M.Mandeville, p. 15/2. Atheist’s Tragedy, fin: Ennui, çala. Meet Boswel: Gregory calls. Mrs Jordan dies .
25. Tu.Mandeville, p. 17. Rackrent, pp. 180. Boswell, Constable, Ballantine, Owen, Poole & L Kenney dine; invités Northcote, Leslie, Hardwick & Hill. W G at homee.
26. W.Invent. Philip Stanley, Vol. II. Hazlit calls.
27. Th.Mandeville, p. 18. Wonders of Peake, p. 34: Orphelin de la Chine, fin. Letter from P B S. Call on Hume: Booth calls.
28. F.Write to P B S. Jane Talbot, p. 70. Rodd’s: Bth sups.
29. Sa.Hurst Castle, &c. Jane Talbot, p. 263. Ed Wt & Booth call.
June 30. Su.Mandeville, p. 20. Jane Talbot, Vol. II. Booth calls: call on Place.
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