Jan. 1. Su.Philipses, 1 1/2 pp. Plutarch, Coriolanus, p. 21, fin. Lamb, S E & L Kenney dine. Harrington, C. XVIII.
2. M.Harrington, C. XIX, XX: R Cary, p. 200, fin.
3. Tu.Harrington, C. XXI. Hayward calls: seek Vale.
4. W.Harrington, C. XXII. Call on Ralph Price: S Tarrant & Walthausen call.
5. Th.Write to Constable. Harrington, C. XXIII. C Mackintosh & M call: dine at S E’s, w. Prowses, miss Saxey, mrs Stewart & M J.
6. F.Write to M, Frome. Auction Marte: Lambert calls. Harrington, C. XXIV.
7. Sa.Philipses, revise. Line, butcher calls: invited C M’s, w. R Sharp & Wishaw.
Jan. 8. Su.Write to Thelwal. Harrington, C. XXV: Sternhold, çala. Call on Hayward, & S En.
9. M.Harrington, C. XXVI. Hayward calls: S E, C Turner & B Aldis dine; adv. Aldis.
10. Tu.Call on Hill, C Mackintoshn, Silver, Bagster & Hayes: meet Hookham: Hume calls n: theatre, Romeo, Keane.
11. W.Write to Macmillan & S Baugh. T Faulder calls: call on Ackerman: tea Mackintosh’s, w. Wishaw, Darling & B Allen.
12. Th.Write to M. Harrington, C. XXVII. Call on Mackintosh; walk w. him to the city.
13. F.Harrington, C. XXVIII, XXIX: Bacon, Essaies, p. 75{.} Write to Burney. Macmillan & Gen. White call.
14. Sa.Harrington, C. XXX: Bacon, p. 162.
Percy Bysshe Shelley married to Mary Wollstonecraft God-win, at St Mildred’s Church, Bread Street, Dec. 30, 1816 -- Haydon, Curate -- Spire, Clerk Present William Godwin Mary Jane Godwin e
Jan. 15. Su.Memorial for H White, 5 pp: notes on Athol. Harrington, c. 31. Call on Aldis.
16. M.Harrington, c. 32. H White calls: call on Goodbehere.
17. Tu.Write to Mackintosh. Harrington, c. 33. Court of Aldermen; adv. Goodbehere, Reeves, Thos Bell & Linee: Walthausen calls: C C fr. Hogan.
18. W.Harrington, c. 34. Call on Rodd, Hume, Knowles & Jo G: C C from Hogan & Place.
19. Th.Harrington, c. 35. C C from Davison, Curtis & Hogan: Priestley junior au soir: Wathausen calls.
20. F.Write to Taylor, Norwich. Harrington, c. 36. Call on Hill, au soir.
21. Sa.Write for Walthausen. Harrington, c. 37, 38.
Jan. 22. Su.Harrington, c. 39: Languet, p. 124. Meet Walthausens, w. M J: dine at Aldis’s, w. do.
23. M.Write to Hume. Harrington, c. 40. Sup at Kenney’s, w. M J & F Pinkerton.
24. Tu.Notes on Athol. Cannon calls: H R au soir. C Mackintosh callsn.
25. W.Harrington, c. 41. Red-Cross Librarye: Call on Poolen.
26. Th.Call on Mackintosh & Matthey.
27. F.Harrington, c. 42: Wilson on Usury, f. 17. T Faulder calls.
28. Sa.Accounts. Write to Constable, & Taylor, Norwich. Hardwicke & Henderson call: call on Waldron & W Wilson.
Jan. 29. Su.Harrington, c. 43. Talk w. C C, of sympathy & R S. Kennies & Aldises dine; adv. Lamb.
30. M.Hardwicke & Hume call: call on La. Phillips. appointment w. Longman adjournede.
31. Tu.Harrington, c. 44. Call on Philips & Longman: W to schoole.
Feb. 1. W.Harrington, c. 45. Call on Whitaker & Lackington: Benbow calls.
2. Th.Harrington, c. 46: Abramulé, pp. 132. Call on O Rees: Museum, Dennise.
3. F.Philipses, revise. Wilson on Usury, f. 42.
4. Sa.Philipses, revise. Usury, f. 55. Call on O Rees; adv. Longman (sign): Benbow, & Graham of Glasgow call.
Feb. 5. Su.Philipses, revise. Ludlow, çala. Call on on Aldis; adv. John: Graham at tea.
6. M.Philipses, revise. Bombie, acts 1 & 2. Call on Lamb; adv. M Burney: Lamb au soir.
7. Tu.Philipses, revise. Bombie, acts 3 & 4. Silver calls: call on Meyer.
8. W.Philipses, 1 page. Antonio & Mellida, acts 1, 2. Seek R Sharp: Red Cross Librarye.
9. Th.Philipses, revise. Antonio, fin. Hamilton calls: call on W Wilson: Meyer callsn.
10. F.Philipses, revise. Write to Burney. Jo G, Hardwick & Hamilton call: Red Cross Librarye: call on O Rees, Meyer, & Poolen.
Feb. 12. Su.Philipses, 3 pp. Antonio & Mellida, Pt II, acts 1, 2, 3. Graham at tea.
13. M.Antonio & Mellida, fin. Call on Sutherland (w. Meyer) & Hume: dine at S E’s, w. M J: call on Wolcot.
14. Tu.1/2 Old Fortunatus: Todd, Life of Milton. Call on R Sharp & C Mackintosh, on Lamb.
15. W.Old Fortunatus, fin. M dines: H R au soir.
16. Th.Benbow calls: call on H R.
18. Sa.Philipses, p. 8/2. M & L
Knapp call.
[fol. 4r]
Feb. 19. Su.Philipses, 9/2. Wonder of a Kingdom: Poole, Parnassus, çala.
20. M.Philipses, 2 pp; revise. Museum, Cotgravee: Walthausens at tea.
21. Tu.Hamilton & Benbow call: Westminster Halle; Hodgson, £2: call on Benbow.
22. W.Hume & M call: Museum, Bysshee: S E dines: Lamb calls, & Hamilton. What You Will, acts 1 & 2.
23. Th.Westminster Halle: Lucien B’s Picturese: theatre, Town & Country; adv. Wakee. F & C C absent at nighte.
25. Sa.Philipses, revise. Write to Taylor, Norwich. Hamilton callsn: call on Lambs, w. M J; adv. Jno Lamb & M Burney. call on R & A Taylorn.
Feb. 26. Su.Montaigne, p. 305 to 347.
27. M.Philipses, 2 pp. What You Will, fin. M calls: theatre, Sleep-walkere.
28. Tu.Philipses, 2 pp. Faithful Shepherdess, act 1: Fawn, act 1. Call on Meyer: Lambs & White sup. Mrs & miss Hume call. adv. H R.
Mar. 1. W.Philipses, revise. Fawn, act 2. Landing of Bonapartee.
2. Th.Philipses, 2 pp, T O. Fawn, act 3. M dines: call on Rodd; adv. Dr Burney.
3. F.Philipses, revise. Fawn, fin. Call on S En, w. M J; adv. mrs Stewart: R T calls.
4. Sa.Goldsmith, for M, 4 pp, dictate. Mrs Abington dies .
Mar. 5. Su.Philipses, revise. S Napier dines, Hall’s Chronicle, p. 12. Walthausen calls, ppc.
6. M.Goldsmith, for M, 6 pp, dictate.
7. Tu.Philipses, 1 page; revise. M calls, from Hogan: S E calls.
8. W.Philipses, 1 page; revise. Hall, p. 24: Malcontent, act 1.
9. Th.Philipses, 1 page; revise. Call at Herries’s, for A Curran. Malcontent, act 2, 3, 4.
10. F.Call on Longman (Fortune-tellers), & Lackington, for Taverniern: S E dines. Hall, p. 36.
11. Sa.Philipses, 1 page. Write to Constable. M calls: theatre, Richard IIe.
Mar. 12. Su.Philipses, 2 pp. Hall, p. 52, & çala.
13. M.M calls: dine at S E’s, w. M J; adv. Griffin. Write to Thelwal.
14. Tu.Call on Watts (Sion College), Major & Denley, for Tavernier. Tavernier, çala. Dyer calls.
15. W.Philipses, 3 pp. Museum, Life of Bathurst, & Oldmixon; adv. Haselwood & Lawrencee: sup at Kenney’s, w. M J & F.
16. Th. Philipses, revise. Museum, Speed’s Atlas; adv. Haselwood & Lawrencee: meet Graham.
17. F.Philipses, 2 pp. Museum, Ludolphuse: Graham calls n, & W C Brown.
18. Sa.Call on Lawrence, surgeon, & Yeomans, L I Fds; Framboisiere.
Mar. 19. Su.Philipses, 1 page. Contempt of the Clergy, p. 100. Call on Aldis: 3 Kenneys dine; adv. Lambs.
20. M.Museum; Framboisieree: call on Hume. Contempt, p. 160, fin. M calls. Bonaparte enters Parise.
21. Tu.Write to Hamilton. Call on Vale: Museum; Kennet, Registere: sup at S E’s, w. M J.
22. W.Philipses, 1 page, Framboisiere. Call on Hunter: Museum; Malcolme.
23. Th. Call on Hill, Hume, Reeves & Blacket: C C from Curtis, Barnes, Lambert, Place, Roper, Reeves & P B S. Write to Burney.
24. F.Philipses, 3 1/2 pp. Write to William. Sup at Kenny’s, w. M J.
25. Sa.Philipses, revise. Call on O Rees, & M Lamb; adv. J Lamb.
Mar. 26. Su.Philipses, 3 1/2 pp, Fortune-Tellers.
27. M.Philipses, revise. Thealma, p. 36. Call on Northcote & O Rees.
28. Tu.Philipses, revise. Chevr Lawrence calls: call on Davison & Mackintosh: M dines: sup at Lamb’s. Hume calls n.
29. W.Philipses, revise; Mercure.
30. Th.Mercure, çala. Mrs Adams calls. C C from bill-brokers.
31. F.Philipses, revise. Call on Rickman (bill-broker) & Curtis (G & C): W Wilson calls.
Apr. 1. Sa.Write to Taylor, Norwich. Call on Rickmn, Poole n, Cooper, N G, Jas White, Middleton & Blacket: Blacket & Hume call.
Apr. 2. Su.Philipses, 11 lines. Winstanley & Baron, çala.
3. M.Museum; Tutchin & Prancee. S E calls.
5. W.Museum; Bradshaw; adv. Hardwicke: S E dines: call on W Wilsonn.
6. Th.Museume & Red Cross Library; Hollis, Bennet & Echard; adv. Dyer, Lawrence & Sh. Turnere. call on Waldron.
7. F.Call on Burney & W G, Greenwich: Flather & W Wilson call n.
8. Sa.Call on Rodd; Tutchin: Hardwick at tea.
Apr. 9. Su.Philipses, 3 pp; Tutchin. Lambs sups.
10. M.Message from R Price. Call on Longmans (Fortune-Tellers) & Hayward.
11. Tu.Advertisement. Write to Burney, & L Knapp. M calls.
13. Th.Philipses, p. 150, fin. Montaigne, p. 386. Theatre, w. M J; Richard IIe.
14. F.Philipses, revise. Hume calls.
Apr. 16. Su.EPhilips, revise. S Napiercalls. dines.
17. M.EPhilips, revise. Grattan calls: H Ht dines: meet Hume.
18. Tu.On Bonaparte, 3 pp. Call on Ellisn & Hayward.
19. W.Call on Ellis & Longdil.
20. Th.Philipses, 16 lines. Plato Redivivus, p. 42. Mrs & miss Price at tea.
21. F.Lovewel calls: call on Del Valle: Thorogood calls: F from P B S.
22. Sa.Call on Hayward, twice: Pictures of Bonaparte, by David, & Lefevree: theatre, Ina; adv. Hazlit & Jno. Colliere.
Apr. 23. Su.Philipses, B J, 4 pp. Brende, 2 Curtius, p. 50.
24. M.Sad Shepherd, &c. Hayward calls, 3 times: C C from Place, Aldis, Chamberlaine & Lambert: call on Jo & N G: sup at Lamb’s, w. M J & White; adv. miss Betham & V Ht.
25. Tu.Philipses, B J, p. 8. Call on Hardy: seek Jer. Taylor: M calls: sup at S E’s, w. M J & M.
26. W.Philipses, B J, p. 13. Call on Hayward. Write to H Rogers.
27. Th.Philipses, B J, p. 15, fin. Call on Hayward: T T sups: W Curran calls n (Thurlow).
28. F.Philipses, revise. Call on O Rees, Mackintoshn & Triphook: Lambs & White sup. meet Boaden: Guercinoe.
29. Sa.Dunton, p. 160. Hayward & Burness call: call on Triphookn & Rodd; adv. Sturt: meet Hill & Reynolds: W G at home, 2 days.
Apr. 30. Su.Philipses, Errata. S E dines.
May 1. M.Philipses, 1 1/2 pp. Exhibition; adv. Boaden, Este, Hill, Perry & H Richtere : call on Triphook & Wilbraham: T T sups.
2. Tu.Write to Hamilton: call on Hayward: sup at Lamb’s, w. M Burney.
3. W.Hayward calls: B Museume: theatre, Comuse. Call on Waldron.
4. Th.Write to Hamilton, on Philipses. Meet Botwrt. Kenny dines; adv. L K, & fille.
5. F.Morning at Heber’s: 4 proofs, & revises in the evening: Evans call, from Hamilton: call on Rodd.
6. Sa.Philipses, 2 1/2 pp. Call on Mackintosh: British Gallerye: Lambs sup; adv. H Robinson. call on Haywd.
May 7. Su.Milton, çala. Funeral Sermon for Observator, pp. 28.
8. M.Seek Brookes: call on Longman.
9. Tu.Write to Burney. Seek Silver & Brookes: call on Poole & Hume. Nephew of Milton, pp. 12. S E & Miss Pak at tea.
10. W.Exhibition, w. M J; adv. Fe: dine at Poole’s.
11. Th.Bussy d’Ambois, acts 1, 2, 3. Scargil calls. Philipses publishede.
12. F.Call on Hayward & Longdil: theatre, 3/10 Belviderae: H R au soir.
13. Sa.Bussy, fin. Call on Longdil: meet M Burney, w. M J.
May 14. Su.Lady Venetia Digby, &c. W Curran calls.
15. M.Aubrey, çala. A Harwood calls.
16. Tu.Write to Wedgwood. Call on Hayward.
17. W.Write to H Rogers & Davison. Baghaw, pp. 32. E C Smith dines: theatre, Comus, & Fortune of War, w. M J, E C S, F & C Ce.
18. Th.Buy E Billse. Paper’s Complaint.
19. F.Headley, çala. Owen calls: L K dines.
20. Sa.Bonaparte, çala. Britains Ida, pp. 19. Call on Northcote: Hayward calls.
May 21. Su.On Bonaparte, p. 1-4. Call on Inchbald; adv. miss Cruickshank: dine at Hume’s, w. Listons, Kenney, Hazlit, Durnset & mrs Hutchinson; adv. Lynch, &c: sup at Kenney’s, w. M J. Nicholson dies .
22. M.On Bonaparte, fin, p. 10. Call on Jo G & Hayward: M dines: theatre, 2/5 Alexandere: Lambs sup.
23. Tu.Write to Perry. Petronius, çala. Call on N G & Philips: M calls. War voted, House of Lordse.
24. W.Spenser, View of Ireland, p. 44. Verax, No. I (M C) published.
25. Th.Kenneys & W Curran dine; adv. invité Poole. Verax, No. I (M C) publishede. War voted, House of Commonse.
26. F.Call on S & J Nicholson. Write to Perry.
27. Sa.Verax, p. 2. Write to W Nicholson. Wordsworth & M call: call on Hayward.
May 28. Su.Helicon & Headley, çala.
29. M.Helicon, çala. M & Owen call: call on Longman.
30. Tu.Helicon, çala: Spenser, p. 82.
31. W.Spenser, p. 116. Taylor of Norwich breakfasts: T T calls.
June 1. Th.Write to Constable. Spenser, p. 136. T T sups: meet Hill. Champ de Maie.
2. F.Montemayor, p. 46. Verax, p. 5/2.
3. Sa.Verax, p. 7. J, R & A Taylor sup.
June 4. Su. WVerax, p. 11. Chisciotte, p. 12. T T calls n.
5. M.Verax, p. 13/2. Chisciotte, p. 18. Dine at Mackintosh’s, w. W Taylor; adv. a ritson, & miss Waddington. R Taylor calls, on Verax. Verax, p. 14/2.
6. Tu.Verax, p. 14, fin. Chisciotte, p. 20. British Institution (Rubens & Rembrandt), w. M J & Fe.
7. W.Verax, 1/2 page; revise. Chisciotte, p. 23. J Nicholson & Taylor (Norwich)n call.
8. Th.Call on Baldwin, bookseller, & mrs Nicholson; adv. capt. Mackintosh: M Burney sups.
9. F.Verax, p. 17, fin. L Knapp & M Lamb call: call on A Taylor; adv. pere.
10. Sa.Call on Mackintosh & Felton: W Taylor calls na: meet Hume.
June 11. Su.Biron, Conspiracy. Dine at Kenney’s, w. Chalmers & Mercier. & M J.
12. M.A Taylor & M call: H Robinson sups.
13. Tu.Verax, 1/2 page. Write to J Taylor & Hume: J Taylor calls.
14. W.Write to Mackintosh, w. 20 Verax. Biron, Tragedie, acts 1-4.
15. Th.Biron, fin. Call on Hayward: Kenney dines.
16. F.Write to Hogan, per C C. Bussy d’Ambois, acts 1, 2, 3. Owen at tea.
17. Sa.Drayton, Nimphidia, & Quest of Cynthia.
June. 18. Su.Bussy d’Ambois, fin: Lamb, &c, cala: Bardouc, Tom. I. Battle of Waterlooe.
19. M.Memorial for Nicholsone. Bardouc, Tom. II. J Nicholson & Jas Smith call: 3/5 Grecian Daughtere.
20. Tu.Owen breakfasts: Perry calls: call on Longman & Hayward. Letter from Owen.
21. W.Honest Whore, acts 1 & 2. Owen & J Taylor call.
22. Th.PAdvertisement to Verax, 1 1/2 pp. Honest Whore, fin. J & R Taylor & H Robinson sup. Owen calls. Abdication of Bonee.Verax published.
23. F.Chabot. Letter from Owen. Meet Aldis.
24. Sa.Write to J Taylor & Constable. Honest Whore, Part II, acts 1, 2, 3. Batty calls.
June 25. Su.Shakespear & Nash, çala. Matthewses at tea.
26. M.Write to Perry. W Curran calls.
27. Tu.Write to E W & J P Curran. Phillips & J Taylor call: meet Alexander.
28. W.Thealma, p. 49: Pity She’s a Whore, acts 1, 2, 3.
29. Th.Write to Hume twice. Thealma, p. 79. Kenney at tea.
30. F.Pity She’s a Whore, fin. Hume calls: call on Blacket: seek Silver & Brookes.
July 1. Sa.Jackson, p. 100. Call on Mackintosh & Silver: meet Mathews & Bannister.
July 2. Su.Jackson, fin. Three Matthewses at tea na.
3. M.Write to Rickman. Convention for the Surrender of Parise.
4. Tu.Write to Mackintosh, twice. Call on S E, w. M J: Hume calls: William at homee. Mulready calls.
5. W.Cibber, çala. Call on Hume. C C from Botwright.
6. Th.Cibber, &c. Botwright calls. Whitbread dies.
7. F.Botwright, Owen & Hardwickna call: A Matthews dines: Lambs sup.
8. Sa.M J, F, W, & A Matthews for South-Ende. Write to Hamilton.
July 9. Su.Thracian Wonder, acts 1, 2, 3. Dine at Alexander’s, w. 3 Jeremys, Denton & son, & mrs Mason.
10. M.Write to M J. Thracian Wonder, fin. Northcoten & M call: meet Botwright.
11. Tu.Write to M J & Macmillan. C C from Curtis. Rochester, çala. Lais.
12. W.Call on Herries & Tegart: Lovewell calls n. Parliament proroguede.
13. Th.Etherege & Wycherley, çala. Call on Mn & S E.
14. F.Write to Canterbury. Lovewel & M Jones call: M dines: call on Wallis, Newgate Street.
15. Sa.Packet for South End (Lapwing), w. 3 Seacoles, 2 miss Bullocks, & capt. Nash (or Knight): dine at South End: Evening, Prittlewel Fair; Ginget’s. Surrender of Bonapartee[Not in London]
July 16. Su.Boat for Leigh, w. M J, &c: walk back, talk of Lovewell: Moonlight.
17. M.Write to C C: Boat for Sheerness; camp & Miletown: return to dinner.[Not in London]
18. Tu.Write to C C. Timon, & Italian, çala. Librarye: walk to South Church.[Not in London]
19. W.Titus Andronicus. Stormy.[Not in London]
20. Th.Packet, w. five Hamps, Christopher & uncle, &c: land at Blackwall: stage to Leadenhall Str. sleep at home.[Not in London]
21. F.Lovewell calls: call on Dutton & Street: meet Wallis (N S) & Jas White: M dines: W Curran calls n. 1/2, Titchfield Streete
22. Sa.Write to M J, Burney & Wrangham. Atalantis, Vol. II, p. 108. F Ht calls.
July 23. Su.Malone, çala. Call on Aldis: T T walks & sups: New Bedlam.
24. M.Write to M J. Sha. Sonnets, 21. Lovewell calls: call on Lambn. accepted.
25. Tu.S Sonnets, 40: Atalantis, Vol. I, p. 56. Dine at Aldis’s, w. Woodifield & mrs Coates.
26. W.Write to M J. M Jones calls: theatre, My Wife, What L Wife?e
27. Th.S Sonnets, 60: Atalantis, p. 82. Lovewell from Phillips. M calls.
28. F.Hammond’s Letters, pp. 113. Lovewell from Phillips. Chamberlaine calls.
29. Sa.Packet for South End (Friendship, Constable), w. French militaire, &c: arrive 7 in ye evening, 12 hours.[Not in London]
July 30. Su. Morning, Prittlewell: evening, Cottagers in the Brick-fields.[Not in London]
31. M.Packet, w. noseless Irlandois, &c: Coach from Greenwich.[Not in London]
Aug. 1. Tu.Write to M J. Meet W Wilson.
2. W.Jer. Taylor, çala. Kenney dines: sup at Kenney’s.
3. Th.Write to M J. M Lamb calls.
4. F.N Bacon & Brown, p. 58. Meet Hazlit. M dines: M Jones calls.
5. Sa.N Bacon & Brown, p. 93, fin. Message fr. Wedgwood: tea Alsager’s, w. Lambs & Phlipoe: mt H Robinson .
Aug. 6. Su.Jer. Taylor, p. 20: Troilus, acts 1 & 2: F Spira, pp. 130. Curran dines; adv. Luby.
7. M.Anson, p. 210. Call on Herries & Northn: M J, F, W, A & B Matthews, & Mulready at tea.
8. Tu.Anson, p. 256. Call on North: dine at Curran’s, w. Lubey: Owen calls n.
9. W.Write to Hatchell. Anson, p. 300. M dines: Owen at tea; talk of property.
10. Th.Write to A Curran. Call on Herries. M Jones & R Taylor call.
11. F.Life of Betterton, pp. 36. Owen & Curran call: call on Northcote: dine at Curran’s, w. Lubey: theatre, w. Curran, Living in Londone
12. Sa.Curran, Lubey & mrs Matthews at tea.
Aug. 13. Su.Entertainment at Rutland House: News from Plymouthe: Playhouse to Let, acts 1, 2, 3.
15. Tu.Shaftesbury, Letters, pp. 58.
17. Th.Lord Coke’s Charge: Letter to Dunning, çala.
18. F.Dennis on Pope, pp. 92: Life of Oldfield, çala. M & Curran call: seek Rogers.
19. Sa.Shaftesbury, Moralists, p. 78. Curran calls n: meet Lubey.
Aug. 20. Su.Montaigne, p. 348 to 424.
21. M.Montaigne, p. 482. Curran & Lubey at tea; adv. Dawe.
22. Tu.Shaftesbury, p. 120: Duchess of Portsmouth, pp. 69.
23. W.Queen Zarah, p. 60. M calls.
24. Th.Call on H Rogers & R Hunter. C C for Enniscorthye. M dines: Hardwick calls n.
25. F.Burnet, Specimens, çala. Curran & Lubey at tea.
26. Sa.Call on Phillips: M calls: Lambs sup. call on Waldron.
Aug. 27. Su.Burnet, Specimens, çala. Call on Philips; adv. Surrs.
28. M.Write to Longman. Curran, Mackintosh, Northcote, Lubey & Kennies dine; invité Poole.
29. Tu.Write to Taylor, Norwich. Call on Hume: dine at Hume’s, w. Lambs & mrs Williams: call on Knowles.
31. Th.Historia Histrionica, pp. 35. Call on Longman (adv. Orme) & Currann: Curran, Lubey & Kenney tea & supper. meet Kerr.
Sep. 1. F.Machiavel, Prince, p. 60, & Defence. Call on Curran, talk of my affairs.
2. Sa.Write to Taylor (Norwich) & Dibdin. Machiavel, p. 80, Defence, p. 35, fin. Theatre, w. M J; 1/2 Duenna, & Magpie; adv. Placee: Kennies call n.
[fol. 18r] Au Sep. 3. Su.Write to Curran. Curran, Lubey
& Kennies sup.
4. M.Child of Nature, p. 171. Perry calls n. Answer fr. Dibdine.
5. Tu.W//rite to Taylor, Norwich. Child of N, p. 242. Curran at tea.
6. W.Call on Curtis: Curran dines.
7. Th.Call on Mackintosh: Perry calls n.
8. F.Call on Curran: meet Tegart: S E & Bishop dine.
9. Sa.Call on Perryn & Jo G: theatre, D L & Haymt , Town & Country, acts 2, 3, 4e.
Sep. 10. Su.1/2 Man of Mode. Call on Perry: Curran dines.
11. M.Man of Mode, fin: Love in a Tub, acts 1, 2. Macmillan calls.
12. Tu.Love in a Tub, fin. Perry calls n.
13. W.1/2 Courtly Nice. Call on Perry & Fred. Smithn: Lovewell dines: F Smith calls.
14. Th.Life of Fenelon, çala. Write to Wedgwood. Call on Poole: seek Blacket & Lambert: dine at Poole’s, w. Terry.
15. F.Call on Blacket, Miller, Catlin & Richards: seek Thomson, Brookes, Davison, Silver & Faulder: call on Northcote & Lamb: sup at L Kenny’s, w. Lamb, M J & F.
16. Sa.Write to Constable. Life of Fenelon, çala. Call on Wishart: seek Lambert, Brookes, Silver & Faulder.
Sep. 17. Su.Courtly Nice, fin: Fenelon, çala. Call on Currann; adv. Lidwill.
18. M.Write to Hamilton. Seek Faulder: call on Thompson, W M: Curran dines: theatre, C G, Magpie, w. Currane.
19. Tu.Sidney, A, Letters, pp. 176. Talk w. Lovewell. on M J.
20. W.Call on Phillips, & Currann: seek Mackintosh: Northcote sups: Poole calls.
21. Th.Lovewell from Harper. Write to Phillips. Call on R Sharpn. Bruisee. Call on Lamb, w. M J; adv. Hume. Fenwick calls.
22. F.Waverley, p. 200. M calls: Lamb sups.
23. Sa.Lovewell from Harper. Waverley, p. 264: Newcastle, p. 50. Curran calls.
Sep. 24. Su.Waverley, p. 358; Vol. II, p. 248.
25. M.Waverley, p. 370; Vol. III, p. 50. Call on Davison: M calls: Lamb sups.
26. Tu.Write to Davison. Waverley, p. 370, fin. Call on R Sharp.
27. W.Write to Macmillan. Call on W Wilson.
29. F.Walton, Life of Wotton. Call on Davison: seek Lamb, Jo G & Hamilton: Curran calls.
30. Sa.Sha. Sonnets, 103. Write to Hamilton. Call on Lamb, Jo G, Hilln, Davison, Rodd & W Wilson.
Oct. 1. Su.Sha. Sonnets, 126: Donne, Letters, çala.
2. M.Write to Hamilton. Sha Sonnets, 136: Donne, çala. Call on Davison: Lamb sups. Theatre, 1/2 Lovers’ Vowse.
f10-28 3. Th.Write to Hamilton. Donne, çala. Call on Davison: Curran calls, & Mackay.
4. W.Sha Sonnets, 154, fin: Sterline, Darius, act 1.
5. Th.Darius, acts 2, 3. Theatre, Farce-Writere. Call on Hayward.
6. F.Funeral Sermons, çala. M dines: meet Manning.
7. Sa.Burnet, on Rochester, pp. 13. Call on Jo G.
Oct. 8. Su.Call on M: meet S E: Curran & mrs Napier dine.
9. M.Write to Taylor, Norwich. M calls: meet Hamilton: call on Souter & Hayward.
10. Tu.Darius, fin. M calls from Davison & Hamilton: Museum; M Robertse. H Robinson sups.
11. W.Syme calls: call on Barber, Davison (w. M) & Hume.
12. Th.Croesus, act 1 & 2: Oldfield, çala. Call on Hayward: Lamb sups: S E & mrs Stuart at tea.
13. F.Marriage Alamode, act 1 & 2. Hayward calls: meet Macmillan.
Oct. 15. Su.Notes on Rochester. Ariosto, st. 20. Call on Whiten, &, w. M J & F, on Kenney.
16. M.Ariosto, st. 40. Call on Davison, Currann & Zottin: meet Hardy & Poole: Fairly dines: theatre, Richard 3e.
17. Tu.Call on White: Fairly calls: M dines; adv. Mrs Matthews. from Hogan.
18. W.Ariosto, st. 48. White calls: theatre, Mrs Alsop; adv. Perrye: Lamb sups.
19. Th.Call on Russell, binder, & Keyes: seek Thomson: call on Haywardn: R & A Taylor sup.
20. F.Valentinian. Call on Thomson. W at home, 3 nightse.
21. Sa.Write to Taylor, Northwich. Curran calls: S Napier at tea: sup at Alsager’s, w. 3 Burneys, Lamb, Sleg, Ayrton, Griffin, &c: call on J Lambn, w. C Lamb.
Oct. 22. Su.Emma Longlands, pp. 12. Rochester, çala.
23. M.Write to Botwright. Hart, &c.D Arnot calls: call on Hayward.
234. Tu.Write to Hamilton & R Sharp. Call on Cooper, Barber, Knapton, Rickman, Martelli, Gill, & Fairly: Curran, Kennies, Fairly & Botwright dine. S E calls, & M.
245. W.Hart, &c. Call on Hill: Manning & Fairly call.
26. Th.Hart, &c. Call on Hayward: theatre, 1/2 Hamlet; adv. Hardwicke.
27. F.Hart, &c. Call on Hayward & Hume.
28. Sa.Write to Fairly. Hart, &c. Theatre; 7/10 Strangere.
Oct. 29. Su.Hart, &c. Call on Alsager: Fairly dines
30. M.Hart, &c. Seek Davison: call on White: Fairly dines & sups. Hume, Chas Hume, & 4 sisters call.
31. Tu.Call on White & Curtisn: meet Poole: call on Whitaker: Lamb, Alsager, M Burney & Poole sup: Fairly calls.
Nov. 1. W.Hart, &c. Call on Curtis & Hayward: Fairly sups. M calls.
2. Th.Hart, &c. Fenwick, Kingsbury & Constable call: Fairly sups: theatre, 3/10 Revenge; adv. J Taylore.
3. F.Hart, &c. Call on Whitaker & Hayward: M, Jo G, & Jo Fauldern call: call on White; adv. Faulder. D Arnot calls.
4. Sa.Hart, &c. M, White & mrs Scattergoodn call
Nov. 5. Su.Hart, &c. M & Fairly call: Fairly sups. meet Hayward.
6. M.Hart, &c. Write to Hamilton. D Arnot commencese. Mrs Cecil Smith & Toone calls: Fairly at tea: Theatre, Tamerlane; adv. O Briene.
7. Tu.Hart, &c. Jo G & Hayward call: Fairly at tea.
8. W.Hart, &c. Fairly calls: Kenney dines: theatre, w. Kenney & M J; Country Girle.
9. Th.Hart, &c. Fairly calls n: dine at S E’s, w. M J; adv. Griffin & Paynes.
10. F.Call on Burney, Greenwich: Fairly calls twice.
11. Sa.Letter to P B S. Call on Knowles: H White & Hayward call: dine at Knowles’s, w. Fuseli, Otley, Palmer, & Edward Knowles.
Nov. 12. Su.Davenport, &c. Call on Currann: meet Lamb & Poole: Henry Ht, w. excusese.
13. M.M calls: call on Currann: Fairly dines: Arnot sups.
14. Tu.Call on Black, accountant, & on Curran: Lovewell dines. Love’s Cruelty, act 1, 2, 3.
15. W.Write to Holland. Call on R Sharp. Theatre, Who’s Who? adv. Reynoldse.
16. Th.Call on Rogers, & Currann: Mn & Curran call: call on Lamb; adv. M Lamb. meet Hollis & sir H White.
17. F.Write to Mackintosh & P B S. Love’s Cruelty, act 4 & 5. Call on Whitaker; adv. Hunter & Geo. Wilkie: Fairly dines: H Robinson sups.
18. Sa.Write to Taylor, Norwich. Call on Cobb, cheese-monger: H White, Fairly & Lamb call.
Nov. 19. Su.Send to M. Fairly calls: T T toujoure.
20. M.M from Sharp; breakfasts: theatre, 1/2 Cymone: M au soir. Seek Poole. Letter from J P C.
21. Tu.Letter to P B S. M seeks Curran; from J Hollise: Arnot & Fairly au soir: M dines: call on Jo G: meet T T & Flather.
22. W.Write to P B S. Call on Miles & Dutton: M calls: meet him at D L T.
23. Th.Miles calls: theatre, Where to find a Friend; wadv. Surrs & E Pe: Fairly sups.
24. F.Call on West (Leather-seller) & Poole: Miles & Whitaker call: M dines.
25. Sa.Write to P B S. Hamey & M, from Curran, call.
Nov. 26. Su.Letter to Curran. Call on Rogersnit; Murray, Hamey & Jer. Taylor: Fairly calls: Lambs sup.
27. M.Call on Miles, Dutton, & (three times) Caveat n: Lamb & A Taylor call, & Arnot.
28. Tu.Letter to Ward. Write to Miles & Simpkin. Call on Whishawn: Hamey, Caveatn, Fairly & Arnot call.
29. W.Simpkin calls, & Street: call on Whishaw & Dutton: Arnot au soir.
Dec. 1. F.M & Simpkin & Russell call: call on Hume, Hayward, H Robinsonn & Prince.
2. Sa.Write to Rogers, & Taylor, Norwich. Call on Gardner, booksellern: theatre, Orphane. Hume calls, twice. Spry.
Dec. 3. Su.Write to Holland & Mackintosh.
4. M.Write to Curran. Miles calls: seek Lambert: sup at Lamb’s, w. H Robinson & Telford.
5. Tu.Carnot, Exposé. Call on Lambert & Kenney: meet Sharp, engraver.
6. W.Write to Taylor, Norwich. Gardner, bookseller, calls. Gamester, Shirley .
7. Th.Sidney on Govt, p. 35. Hume calls: seek C C.
8. F.Advertisemt to C W & St L. Sidney, p. 60. Call on Hume, Knowles, Alsager & Blacket. Write to Taylor, Norwich, & P B S.
9. Sa.Call on Hayward (Borough) & Hardwick: tea Alsager, w. Lambs, Hazlit, Burrel, H Robinson, Ayrton, Slegg & Coulson.
Dec. 10. Su.Write to Hardwick.
11. M.Write to P B S & C C. Call on Simpkin, & Tho//mpson: meet Hazlit.
12. Tu.Call on Simpkin: R Crosby calls: theatre, 3/10 Smiles & Tearse. meet W Wilson.
13. W.Write to Constable. S Fell dines: call on Constable (adv. Patrick), & F Walsh.
14. Th.Curran & M call: tea Constable’s; adv. Cochrane: Pilcher calls.
15. F.Write to Grattan. Call on Simpkin: dine at Curran’s, Brompton.
16. Sa.Write to Whitaker. Deliquiume.
Dec. 17. Su.Dryden, çala. Call on Constable.
18. M.Write to Constable. Call on Simpkin & Davisonn: M & Caveat call. Tooth-drawere.
19. Tu.Letter to C C. Caveat calls: W G at homee.
20. W.Silent Woman, acts 1 & 2. Call on Simpkin; adv. R Crosby. La Valettee
21. Th.Davenant, Macbeth, 1674. Call on Simpkin & Davisonn: A P Matthews calls: dine at Curran’s, w. mrs Dixon: meet T T.
22. F.Hoffman, act 1 & 2. Whitaker & Caveat call: call on Simpkin: Kenneys at tea.
23. Sa.Write to P B S. Hoffman, fin.
Dec. 24. Su.Kenney, Comedy: Alphonsus, acts 1, 2, 3. Dine at Curran’s: L Kenney at tea n: S Fell, junr, sleeps, 11 nights.
25. M.Alphonsus, fin: E Fenning, p. 120.
26. Tu.E Fenning, fin. Call on Simpkin & Herries: Lovewell calls, dernier fois: Kenny dines.
27. W.Write to Hume & P B S. Dine at Curran’s.
28. Th.Direct Circulars. Call on Knowles.
29. F.Write to Constable. Seven Champions, act 1 & 2. Call on Keating: Kenney calls n.
30. Sa.Seven Champions, fin. Dine at Curran’s.
Dec. 31. Su.Write to C C. Letter to A Curran. Call on Aldis: Lambs sup.