William Godwin's Diary

Diary entry for August 1815



Aug. 1. Tu.Write to M J. Meet W Wilson.

2. W.Jer. Taylor, çala. Kenney dines: sup at Kenney’s.

3. Th.Write to M J. M Lamb calls.

4. F.N Bacon & Brown, p. 58. Meet Hazlit. M dines: M Jones calls.

5. Sa.N Bacon & Brown, p. 93, fin. Message fr. Wedgwood: tea Alsager’s, w. Lambs & Phlipoe: mt H Robinson .

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Aug. 6. Su.Jer. Taylor, p. 20: Troilus, acts 1 & 2: F Spira, pp. 130. Curran dines; adv. Luby.

7. M.Anson, p. 210. Call on Herries & Northn: M J, F, W, A & B Matthews, & Mulready at tea.

8. Tu.Anson, p. 256. Call on North: dine at Curran’s, w. Lubey: Owen calls n.

9. W.Write to Hatchell. Anson, p. 300. M dines: Owen at tea; talk of property.

10. Th.Write to A Curran. Call on Herries. M Jones & R Taylor call.

11. F.Life of Betterton, pp. 36. Owen & Curran call: call on Northcote: dine at Curran’s, w. Lubey: theatre, w. Curran, Living in Londone

12. Sa.Curran, Lubey & mrs Matthews at tea.

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Aug. 13. Su.Entertainment at Rutland House: News from Plymouthe: Playhouse to Let, acts 1, 2, 3.

14. M.Playhouse to Let, fin.

15. Tu.Shaftesbury, Letters, pp. 58.

16. W.Shaftesbury, çala.

17. Th.Lord Coke’s Charge: Letter to Dunning, çala.

18. F.Dennis on Pope, pp. 92: Life of Oldfield, çala. M & Curran call: seek Rogers.

19. Sa.Shaftesbury, Moralists, p. 78. Curran calls n: meet Lubey.

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Aug. 20. Su.Montaigne, p. 348 to 424.

21. M.Montaigne, p. 482. Curran & Lubey at tea; adv. Dawe.

22. Tu.Shaftesbury, p. 120: Duchess of Portsmouth, pp. 69.

23. W.Queen Zarah, p. 60. M calls.

24. Th.Call on H Rogers & R Hunter. C C for Enniscorthye. M dines: Hardwick calls n.

25. F.Burnet, Specimens, çala. Curran & Lubey at tea.

26. Sa.Call on Phillips: M calls: Lambs sup. call on Waldron.

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Aug. 27. Su.Burnet, Specimens, çala. Call on Philips; adv. Surrs.

28. M.Write to Longman. Curran, Mackintosh, Northcote, Lubey & Kennies dine; invité Poole.

29. Tu.Write to Taylor, Norwich. Call on Hume: dine at Hume’s, w. Lambs & mrs Williams: call on Knowles.

30. W.Raleigh, Remains, çala.

31. Th.Historia Histrionica, pp. 35. Call on Longman (adv. Orme) & Currann: Curran, Lubey & Kenney tea & supper. meet Kerr.