Aug. 1. M.Commonwealth, p. 466/2. Call on Greenhill & Mansion House: Museum; Lilburnee: dine at M W S’s, w. M J; adv. mrs Williams (& Colburn invisib). Constipe.
2. Tu.Commonwealth, çala. Museum; Lilburnee. Theatre, Who’s at Homee.
3. W. Lilburne retrograde. Museum; dittoe.
4. Th. Commonwealth, 6 lines. Museum; Lilburnee. Bandello, p. 308. Waller, Panegyric. M W S dines.
5. F. Commonwealth, p. 467/2. Museum; Lilburnee. Wordsworth, on Cha. I, p. 88.
6. Sa.Wordsworth, p. 248: Sidney papers, Blencowe, çala. Constipe. Lens dies.
Aug. 7. Su. Commonwealth, p. 469. Wordsworth, p. 312. N G at tea; adv. W.
8. M. Commonwealth, p. 470. Museum; Lilburnee. M calls: theatre, 1/2 J Buzzby; adv. J Taylore. Wordsworth, p. 362.
9. Tu.Commonwealth, çala.Museum; Lilburnee. Wordsworth, p. 413, fin.
10. W.Commonwealth, p. 471/2. W dines. Bandello, p. 374.
11.Th. Commonwealth, çala. Museum; Lilburnee. M W S, M& Wdine. Diarrhoeae. Write to Taylor, Norwich.
12. F.Commonwealth, p. 472/2. Museum; Lilburnee.
13. Sa.Commonwealth, p. 473/2. Bandello, p. 394.
Aug. 14. Su. Commonwealth, p. 476/2. Petrarca, Trionfo I.
15. M.Commonwealth, p. 477. Petrarca, T. 2. Museum; Lilburnee. M W S calls: theatre, Tarare; adv. Skeffington, R Martin, J Taylor & Barhame.
16. Tu.Commonwealth, p. 481/2. Petrarca, T. 3. Museum; Lilburnee. Wife for a Month.
17. W. Commonwealth, çala. Petrarca, T. 4: Observer Observed, on Warton’s Spenser. M W S dines.
18. Th.Commonwealth, çala. Museum; Rainsboroughe. Crusaders, 166. E Prentis at tea.
19. F. Commonwealth, p. 482. Crusaders, p. 326. Theatre, Critice.
20. Sa.Commonwealth, p. 484. Petrarca, T. 5. Call onM W S: M W S at tea (for Tarare)e.
Aug. 21. Su.Commonwealth, p. 485. Petrarca, T. 6. Dine at Hume, w. Hugh O’ Hanlon & W: N G calls n.
22. M.Commonwealth, çala. Museum; Case of the Army; adv. Barnham e: Elkins calls. Petrarca, T. 7.
23. Tu.Commonwealth, p. 488/2. Museum; Agreement of Peoplee. Call on Roddn. Petrarca, T. 6.
24. W. Commonwealth, p. 489/2. Museum; Agreement of Peoplee. Petrarca, T. 7. Theatre, Roses & Thorns; adv. Barham, Skeffington, Talfourd & J Taylore.
25. Th. Commonwealth, p. 490/2. Petrarca, Canzone 1. Museum; Agreemt of Peoplee. White (Islewth calls: meet Black & B Montagu:M W S dines; adv. W & T Ht.
26. F.Commonwealth, p. 491/2. Wit without Money.
27. Sa.Commonwealth, p. 494/2. Bandello, p. 414. Theatre, 1/5 Tararee.
Aug. 28. Su.Commonwealth, p. 495. Dine at M W S’s, w. M J & W.
30. Tu. Commonwealth, p. 501/2. Diarrhoeae.
31. W.Commonwealth, p. 501. Kenney calls: M W S dines; adv. W & H P: tea at Boaden’s.
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