William Godwin's Diary

Diary entry for January 1828



1828, Jan. 1. Tu.Commonwealth, p. 17. Livy, c. 30. Call on Lloyd(Agreemt of People) & M. 52 / 54

2. W.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 34. Joshua Wilson & T C call: call, w. him, at Broderip’s: M W S & W dine. 51 ½ / 54

3. Th.Commonwealth, p. 181. Livy, c. 36. Museum; Vennere: call on E Poolen & Baldock: Wallace calls n. 54 / 56 / 52

4. F.Commonwealth, p. 182/2. Livy, c. 39. Museum; Standard Set Upe. Call on M. 50 / 52

5. Sa.Commonwealth, p. 184. Livy, c. 41. Killing no Murder. Snow. 48 / 50

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Jan. 6. Su.Commonwealth, p. 185. Livy, Lib. XXVI, c. 5. H Payne calls: call on Booth & M. 48 / 50

7. M.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 6. Write to L Dudley. Call on Kenney:cWhite calls: call on Colburn: theatre, Apollo Belvie. 47

8. Tu.Commonwealth, p. 186. Livy, 10. Museum; Grangere. 43? / 48

9. W.Commonwealth, p. 188. Livy, c. 14. Museum; H Ellise. Dine at Kenney’s, w. Sheridan Knowles, Planché, Liston, Miller & Powel; adv. Morton. 42 / 45

10. Th.Commonwealth, p. 189/2, & 1/2 page. Livy, c. 16. Museum; Violete. M W S & Dr Richards n call: meet O’Hanlon, Morton & Bannister. 41 ½ / 43 ½

11. F.Commonwealth, p. 190, & 1 page. Livy, c. 18. Museum; Violete. Snow. 41 ½ / 46 ½

12. Sa.Livy, c. 21. Call on A Hamilton (St Martin’s Library), Bain & Fitzstrathern. 45 / 50

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Jan. 13. Su.Commonwealth, çala (Additional P & A). Livy, c. 24. Call on M W S: sup at Hodgets.’50 / 53 ½

14. M.Commonwealth, p. 192. Livy, c. 27. Dine at Hudson’s, Brompton: tea Joseph Jacob’s. 52 / 53

15. Tu.Commonwealth, p. 193. Livy, c. 30. Museum; MSse. Grandison, p. 640, fin. Snow. 50 / 48

16. W.Commonwealth, p. 195/2. Livy, c. 33. M W S & W dine; invité H Payne; adv. M. 47 / 50

17. Th.Commonwealth, p. 197/2. Livy, c. 38. Sup at Hodget’s, w. Bowring & miss Twamley. 48 ½ / 55

18. F.Commonwealth, p. 199. Livy, c. 40. Call on Northcote: Kenney sups. Museum; Investiture; Babere. Wellington Treasurye.54 / 60Letter from Lord Dudley

19. Sa.Commonwealth, p. 201/2. Livy, c. 44. 56 ½ / 61

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Jan. 20. Su.Commonwealth, p. 202. Livy, c. 49. Aldis calls: dine at White’s, w. M J, Uwins, Hofland, West, Robinson & G White. 57 ½ / 59 ½

21. M.Commonwealth, p. 204/2. Livy, c. 51. Museum; Blakee: sup at Kenney’s, w. 4 Mortons, 2 Stevenses, Powel & Cooper. 55 / 58

22. Tu.Commonwealth, p. 205. Livy, Lib. XXVII, c. 5. Museum; Newspaperse. Call on Almosnino: N G calls: Hodgets sups. 56 / 57

23. W. [Greenhill.]Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 7. Call on M. Museum; Jas IIe. Theatre, Serf; adv. Este, Barhams , Cooper , M W S & H Paynee. 56 / 59 ½

24. Th.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 10. Museum; Jas IIe. M calls: M W S & W dine. 55 ½ / 59

25. F.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 14. Call on W Lamb & Rodd: meet S Knowles. Lady Caroline Lamb dies . 57 / 60

26. Sa.Commonwealth, p. 207/2. Livy, c. 17. Call on M W Sn. 56 / 59

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Jan. 27. Su.Commonwealth, p. 208/2. Livy, c. 20. Call on W Lambna & Kenney: M calls twice. 54 / 59 ½

28. M.Livy, c. 23. Call on Birkbeck & Millna: Museum; Newspaperse. Theatre, Black Prince; adv. Barhams & O’ Hanlone. 53 / 52

29. Tu.Commonwealth, p. 209/2. Livy, c. 27. Museum; Fairfaxe. M calls. Parliament meetse.52 / 54 ½

30. W.Commonwealth, p. 212/2. Livy, c. 30. O Turner calls: M W S & W dine. 52 ½ / 55

31. Th.Commonwealth, p. 214/2. Livy, c. 35. M Jones dines: theatre, Critic, & Haunted Inn; adv. T Ce. 52 / 56