William Godwin's Diary

Diary entry for April 1817



Apr. 1. Tu.Mandeville, revise. Mrs Cecil Smith & M dine; adv. Kenney & 2 Mrs Napiers.

2. W.Mandeville, revise. Coach for Marlow, w. naval officer & mother: tea Shelley’s; adv. Peacock.[Not in London]

3. Th.Medmenham Abbey, by water, w. Peacock, P B S, M & J. W G at home.[Not in London]

4. F.Bisham Wood, w. P B S; adv. Peacock; talk of novels, & perfectibility. Curran calls n.[Not in London]

5. Sa.Hurley, by water, w. P B S & Peacock. J B Curran calls n.[Not in London]

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Mar Apr. 6. Su.Maidenhead, by water, w. P B S, &M & Peacock: coach: dine in S S, 6 o’clock.[Not in London]

7. M.M breakfasts: call on Kernot: Rodd’s.

8. Tu.Mandeville, revise. Call on Maud, for M, & on Bartrumn, & Kernot ; adv. Whyte: Buchanan’s, w. do: Kenney at tea: do & Alsager sup; advinvités Lamb & M Burney.

9. W.Mandeville, revise. Write to Mary. //Amadis, p. 96. Call on Bartrumn & Hayward: invité Curran’s, w. Kenney: Graham of Glasgow calls.

10. Th.Mandeville, revise. Call on Bartrum & Poole: S E dines; adv. Kenney; invités H Ht.

11. F.Mandeville, 1/2 page; revise; invent. Hayward, Curran & Banks call: theatre, w. Kenney & W, Iron Chest (Booth); adv. Shiell & Wallacee. Giddinesse.

12. Sa.Gildon, Two Stages, pp. 200. A Boswell calls na: Rodd’s.

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Apr. 13. Su.Mandeville, 1/2 page. Farquhar on Comedy, pp. 27. Jo G calls: dine at S E’s, w. M J & W.

14. M.Mandeville, revise. Amadis, p. 168: Hall, çala. Call on Lawrence: Lubé calls n. W G to schoole.

15. Tu.Mandeville, Vol. III, p. 2. Write to Shelley. Call on Northcote: theatre, Conquest of Tarranto; adv. Ryane.

16. W.Mandeville, proofs. Write to Constable. Hall, characters, çala.

17. Th.Letter to P B S, 4 pages. Fenwick calls: theatre, Elphi Beye.

18. F.Write to P B S. Call on Kernot & Hayward: Mt & Caroline Colnet dine.

19. Sa.Mandeville, p. 3. Call on Boswelln: meet Moore, Perry, J Taylor & Hill: theatre, Gamestere.

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Apr. 20. Su.Mandeville, p. 4. Meet J B Curran: dine at Curran’s, w. Shiel, Wallace, Quin & Finnerty; adv. Ryan & Glyn.

21. M.Write to P B S. Kenney dines; adv. L Eastwick: theatre, D L, w. Kenneye; see Munden, Kean , Oxberry, &c .

22. Tu.Mandeville, p. 6. Write to P B S, 16 lines. Call on Major, Longman, Sherwood & Hunter: Kenney at tea n: theatre, Double Gallante.

23. W.Mandeville, p. 8/2. Sup at Lamb’s.

24. Th.Mandeville, 1/2 page. Beagin calls: call on Kernotn: Kenney dines: meet M Burney.

25. F.Write to P B S.

26. Sa.Seneca, De Ira, c. 4. Call on Kernot (adv. Wall) & S E: tea Wolcot’s, w. J Taylor.

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Apr. 27. Su.Mandeville, 1/2 page. Oracles of Reason, çala. S E calls: call on Hayward.

28. M.Mandeville, 10 lines. Indisposede. Kenney dines: call on Jo G, & Kernot ; adv. Wall. Irritatione.

29. Tu.Proofs. Write to Taylor (Norwich) & Shelley. Call on Hume: Rodd’s.

30. W.Mandeville, p. 9. Write to Shelley, 1 page. Botwright calls n: H Robinson sups.