Aug. 1. Sa.Write to Taylor, Norwich. Commonwealth, çala. Rodd’s: Baron sups.
Aug. 2. Su.Malthus, p. 413. Ludlow, p. 253, fin. W Curran dines.
3. M.Write to Constable. Call on Longdil: meet Booth & R Baxter: M calls. W to Woodforde, Marc to Somers Towne.
4. Tu.Malthus, p. 478. Meet Ogilvie: Booth dines: Rodd’s.
5. W.Haines, pp. 60. Hume calls: W Curran; Lubé, &Baron, & L Kenney dine.
6. Th.Malthus, p. 496. General Lambert, çala.
8. Sa.Malthus, Vol. II, p. 79. General Harrison, çala. Call on Ogilvien.
Aug. 9. Su.Malthus, p. 86. General Harrison, çala. Rosser tea & supper.
10. M.Mel drum, p. 27. Rodd’s. Call on J Taylor: N G calls.
12. W.C Walker, çala. Call on J Taylor: Margt Colnet dines & sleeps.
13. Th.C Walker, çala. Call on Hayward: L Kenney & Margt Colnet dine.
15. Sa.Blake, by S J, pp. 26. M, Kenney & Lubé call: theatre, Green Man; adv. J Taylore.
Aug. 16. Su.Suicide, p. 3. Savage, p. 82. Weale & Henderson sup. Bel[t?].
17. M.Hendon, w. M J. Kenney calls n.
18. Tu.Savage, p. 172, fin. M & Botwright call.
19. W.Write to Shelley: Whitaker, A Henderson & W Curran call: Rodd’s.
20. Th.Cromwel, çala. Kennies dine. Two Letters.
21. F.Write to M W S & Robbins. Cromwel, çala.
22. Sa.Lust’s Dominion, acts 1, 2, 3. Warren Hastings dies
Aug. 23. Su.Lust’s Dominion, fin. Baron at tea.
24. M.Write to Broughton & Constable. Rosser & W Currann call: meet Hardy.
25. Tu.John Woodvil. Macgowan calls: call on Wolcotna. Write to Lucca. Billington dies .
26. W.Thurloe, çala. Meet Hill: Thos Ht dines: B[t?] calls.
27. Th.Thurloe, çala. Kenney, W Curran & E Collins dine; adv. Rosser.
28. F.Healing Question, pp. 24: Thurloe, çala. M & Bt call: call on Broughtonn.
29. Sa.Steamboat for Southend; w. M J, Thi. Rose & Susan (Fore Cabin): tea Lacey’s, sleep. (Hansford).
Aug. 30. Su.Tide, Labyrinth, & Farmse. Sir D Lindsay, çala.
31. M.Steamboat for London; w. Snow, Robley & Fildes, 78 persons: sleep in S S. Cha. Phillips, Sheil & Talfourd call n, & Broughtonn.
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