William Godwin's Diary

Diary entry for August 1818



Aug. 1. Sa.Write to Taylor, Norwich. Commonwealth, çala. Rodd’s: Baron sups.

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[fol. 20r]

Aug. 2. Su.Malthus, p. 413. Ludlow, p. 253, fin. W Curran dines.

3. M.Write to Constable. Call on Longdil: meet Booth & R Baxter: M calls. W to Woodforde, Marc to Somers Towne.

4. Tu.Malthus, p. 478. Meet Ogilvie: Booth dines: Rodd’s.

5. W.Haines, pp. 60. Hume calls: W Curran; Lubé, &Baron, & L Kenney dine.

6. Th.Malthus, p. 496. General Lambert, çala.

7. F.Cromwel, çala.

8. Sa.Malthus, Vol. II, p. 79. General Harrison, çala. Call on Ogilvien.

Dep. e.216, fol.  20v
[fol. 20v]

Aug. 9. Su.Malthus, p. 86. General Harrison, çala. Rosser tea & supper.

10. M.Mel drum, p. 27. Rodd’s. Call on J Taylor: N G calls.

11. Tu.Clement Walker, çala.

12. W.C Walker, çala. Call on J Taylor: Margt Colnet dines & sleeps.

13. Th.C Walker, çala. Call on Hayward: L Kenney & Margt Colnet dine.

14. F.Dulwich, w. M J.

15. Sa.Blake, by S J, pp. 26. M, Kenney & Lubé call: theatre, Green Man; adv. J Taylore.

Dep. e.216, fol.  21r
[fol. 21r]

Aug. 16. Su.Suicide, p. 3. Savage, p. 82. Weale & Henderson sup. Bel[t?].

17. M.Hendon, w. M J. Kenney calls n.

18. Tu.Savage, p. 172, fin. M & Botwright call.

19. W.Write to Shelley: Whitaker, A Henderson & W Curran call: Rodd’s.

20. Th.Cromwel, çala. Kennies dine. Two Letters.

21. F.Write to M W S & Robbins. Cromwel, çala.

22. Sa.Lust’s Dominion, acts 1, 2, 3. Warren Hastings dies

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[fol. 21v]

Aug. 23. Su.Lust’s Dominion, fin. Baron at tea.

24. M.Write to Broughton & Constable. Rosser & W Currann call: meet Hardy.

25. Tu.John Woodvil. Macgowan calls: call on Wolcotna. Write to Lucca. Billington dies .

26. W.Thurloe, çala. Meet Hill: Thos Ht dines: B[t?] calls.

27. Th.Thurloe, çala. Kenney, W Curran & E Collins dine; adv. Rosser.

28. F.Healing Question, pp. 24: Thurloe, çala. M & Bt call: call on Broughtonn.

29. Sa.Steamboat for Southend; w. M J, Thi. Rose & Susan (Fore Cabin): tea Lacey’s, sleep. (Hansford).

Dep. e.216, fol.  22r
[fol. 22r]

Aug. 30. Su.Tide, Labyrinth, & Farmse. Sir D Lindsay, çala.

31. M.Steamboat for London; w. Snow, Robley & Fildes, 78 persons: sleep in S S. Cha. Phillips, Sheil & Talfourd call n, & Broughtonn.